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Monday, September 16, 2024

DAILY. Mon.-Tue., Sep. 7-8, 2020


FVNews Daily.  No 101. COMBINED EDITION. Monday-Tuesday, September 7-8, 2020
• From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team• Email: editor@FVNews.com.au or Ash@Long.com.au
• Subscribe/Unsubscribe HERE
• FVNews Daily is also available at the website: www.FVNews.com.au
• All Back Copies are available at: https://fvnews.com.au/wp/back-copies/

Please notify us about your event. Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
• Monday, September 7. 7.30pm. City of Footscray Wyndham Lodge/St John’s. Talk: Anthony Bucca, Deputy Grand Master. ‘How Do We Create A Better Lodge Experience?’ Meeting ID: 232 252 0127. Passcode: CFW239
• Monday, September 7. 7.30pm. Lodge Garibaldi. Speaker: Dominic De Candia,Grand Secretary General (33°) of The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Australia. ‘Mosaic Pavement’. All welcome. LINK • Monday, September 7. 7.30pm. Oakleigh Lodge of Mark Master Masons. Speaker: Craig Spendlove, ‘The Craftsman Mark’. Attire: Smart Casual. All welcome. LINK
Monday, September 7. 7.30pm. Rosebank Lodge. Speaker: Anthony Quantrell. ‘Mount Up Riders, You’re Burning Daylight’ – The story of HarleyDavidson Motor Cycles. All welcome. Dress: Neat casual, shirt must have a collar. LOG IN: 830513758. Password is not required.
• Tuesday, September 8. 10.30am. Kyneton Gentlemen’s Association. All Welcome. Zoom. ID: 6070901923. Password: 9JNjZx • Tuesday, September 8. 7pm. Admiral Collingwood Lodge. Watch Party on documentary. 7pm. pre-meeting chat. 7.30pm. Viewing. Dress: Casual. LINK• Tuesday, September 8. 7pm. Richmond Lodge. DETAILS
• Tuesday, September 8. 7.10pm: Members. 7.45pm: Visitors. Colac Lodge. Speaker: Anthony Bucca. ‘Freemasonry and the American Civil War’. LINKTuesday, September 8. 7.30pm. The Brighton District Lodge. Virtual Business Meeting. Presentations. Masonic Solids, by members of the Lodge. Introduction to HRA Chapter – WBro. Crew. Infobyte, by Bro. Dask, Melbourne’s Tunnels – Bro. Griffiths LINK Wednesday, September 9. 7.30pm. Cosmopolitan Lodge. Visitors from 8pm. Grand Master Richard Elkington will be Guest Speaker. LINK Wednesday, September 9. 7.30pm. Williamstown Lodge. Speaker: Greg Goding, ‘Order In The House’. LINK • Thursday, September 10. 6.30pm for 7.15pm Auckland NZ time (two hours ahead of Melbourne)Research Lodge of Wellington. Talk: George Allan, ‘Freemasonry in the Navy – both Military and Merchant’; and discussion about Freemasonry in Papua New Guinea. LINK
Thursday, September 10. 7pm. Union Lodge of North Gippsland. Speaker: Bill Kee. All welcome, including non-Masons. LINKThursday, September 10. 7.30pm. Central Highlands. Lecture: Nathaniel Buchanan. ‘Templarism and Freemasonry’. LINK • Thursday, September 10. 7.30pm. Southern Cross Lodge. Talk: David Beagley, ‘North-East Charge’, followed by an open ‘question and answer session. LINK
Friday, September 11. 7pm-9pm. Lodge of the Golden Fleece. Performer: Wor. Bro. Kram, classical music and anecdotes. All welcome including wives, partners, friends and guests. LINK
• Saturday, September 12. 10am-12 Noon. Preparation for Master course. Limited positions. Contact: Geoff Newby. EMAIL • Monday, September 14. 7pm for 7.30pm. Yarraville Lodge. Presentation of a 70-year service award to Roy Richardson. Dress: collar and tie. All welcome. Meeting ID: 882 8152 5348 Password: 715 737• Tuesday, September 15. 7pm. Richmond Lodge. DETAILS • Tuesday, September 15. 7.30pm. St Andrews in the South Lodge. Talk: Paul Brennand, the activities of the Membership VAT. Dress: Dinner suit (top half only). LINK• Wednesday, September 16. 7.30pm. Quarterly Communication, postponed until December. A Business Meeting will be shown on Wednesday, September 30.
• Thursday, September 17. 7pm. Prospect Hill Mark Lodge. Meeting. Opening and closing.  Interview: Grand Master Elect, RWor. Bro Bill Jones will be interviewed by the Lodge Master, VWor. Bro Lionel May. Dress: Officers jacket and tie, all others smart casual. LINK • Thursday, September 17. 7.30pm. Unity and Prudence Lodge. Talk: Anthony Bucca, Deputy Grand Master. ”Freemasons Future Recovery Team and getting our Lodges back to work.”. Dress: Smart Casual. LINK
• Friday, September 18. 7pm. 
Bairnsdale Daylight Lodge. Meeting. Talk: Claudio Marino, District Engagement Officer. All welcome. LINK• Saturday, September 19. 10am-12 Noon. Preparation for Master course. Limited positions. Contact: Geoff Newby. EMAIL • Saturday, September 19. 7.30pm-9.30pm. Blue Lounge Social Club and The Lodge of Evolution. Founding Fathers, Secret Symbols and the Hidden Mysteries. LINK • Monday, September 21. 7.15pm. Gippsland Forest Lodge. 8pm. Open To Visitors. 8.10pm. Lecture: District Commander Very Illustrious Brother Michael Hyland 33°, Sovereign Grand Inspector General, Victoria Eastern, with the Supreme Council of the 33° of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for Australia, Grand Secretary General HE Most Illustrious Brother Dominic De Candia 33° and Eminent Brother P.J. Milne to conduct a “Lecture on the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Australia”. LINK
• Monday, September 21. 7.30pm. Gippsland Lakes Lodge. Speaker: John Glover ‘The quest for missing children’, A talk on facial reconstruction. .All welcome, including ladies and non-Freemasons. LINK
Monday, September 21. 7.30pm. Lodge of Good Companions. Includes casual 10 minutes on Fishing Hotspots and Tactics. All welcome. LINK
• Tuesday, September 22. 7pm. Peace and Loyalty Lodge. Speaker: Myles King: President Board of General Purposes. LINK to come.
• Tuesday, September 21. 7pm. Richmond Lodge. DETAILS • Tuesday, September 22. 7.15pm for 7.30pm. Mount Scopus and Collegians Lodge. Talk by Dr Philip A. Quadrio from Lodge Galileo who is the Director, College of Masonic Studies and Grand Lodge Membership Officer, NSW and ACT. ‘The North East or Charity Charge. The History and Inclusion of the Charge in Modern Freemasonry’. LINK: Meeting ID: 899 3672 5896. Passcode: 140108• Wednesday, September 23. 7.30pm. Western District. Open Online Forum. Guest: Greg Goding, Past Assistant Grand Master (Qld). PRE-REGISTER
• Tuesday, September 28. 7pm. Richmond Lodge. DETAILS • Wednesday, September 30. 7.30pm. Freemasons Victoria Business Meeting (Quarterly Communication has been postponed until December). LINK to come. 
• Thursday, October 1. 7.30pm. Killara Lodge. Talk: Anthony Bucca, Deputy Grand Master. ‘Post COVID Freemasonry’. Richard Elkington, Grand Master, will be in attendance. Zaidee night: wear a rainbow bow-tie, in remembrance of the girl, 7, who died of a blood haemorrhage in her brain.
Sunday, October 4. 2am. Daylight saving time will begin in Victoria. 
• Monday, October 5. Time TBA. Williamstown Lodge official visit to Rosebank Lodge. LINK to come. • Wednesday, October 21. 7pm. Grand Lodge Library, Museum Talks. ‘A Discussion on Masonic Etiquette’. LINK • Saturday, October 24. 2pm. Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Victoria. Video Event in place of Annual Assembly which cannot be held due to COVID-19 lockdown. LINK to register, link TBA.
• Grand Master’s Video. (03:00) WATCH
• Timeless Widsom. (01:51). WATCH
• FLASHBACK: Preparing For COVID. 
Filmed on February 26, 2020. (07:13) WATCH

Vale John Grey
• We regret to advise the passing to the Grand Lodge Above of RWor. Bro. John Grey, at the age of 91. Wor. Bro. J. Dawson of theSandringham District Lodge, has extended condolences to Ellen and family.

Vale Ian Roscrow
• We regret to advise the passing to the Grand Lodge Above of Bro. Ian Roscrow, a Freemason for 72 years. He was a member ofSandringham District Lodge and the Sandringham Mark Lodge.

Ethics Review
• “An independent review of the governance, policies and behaviours of Freemasons Victoria was recently announced in a video by the Grand Master, MWor. Bro. Richard Elkington, and in a written statement that he issued with RWor. Bro. Myles King, President of the Board of General Purposes. Additionally, Terms of Reference were announced last week via EDM in Freemasons News, in FVNews Daily and on the website.
• “We are delighted to announce that the independent provider is going to be The Ethics Centrehttps://ethics.org.au/ Dr Simon Longstaff AO, Executive Director of The Ethics Centre, will lead the review team. The final report and recommendations from the review process will be ready by the December.”Quarterly Communication.

Grand Master’s Video
• Richard Elkington, Grand Master,has launched his latest video, covering a wide range of topics. It is of 3 minutes duration. WATCH

DGM at Footscray
• Anthony Bucca, Deputy Grand Master, will speak tonight (Mon.) at Footscray Wyndham St John’s. His topic is ‘How Do We Create A Better Lodge Experience?’ ZOOM Meeting ID: 232 252 0127. Passcode: CFW239 

7 is the perfect number
• We have set ourselves a target to add 7 extra members per issue over the next 12 months. Will you help us reach our goal by telling others?Today, FVNews Daily welcomes Terence Reed, Alex Pickett, Carl Stewart, Gavan Want, Dennis Jackson, David (Henry) Livingstone, Roger Thompson, John Goodman, Bruce Levin, Fred McAnda and Mark Riley. Are members of your Lodge receiving FVNews Daily?Please let them know they can subscribe, free, HERE

Masonic Mailbag
• John Blyth: “Well done on your consistent performance in communication, and congratulations on reaching the 100th Issue milestone.”
• John Rodrigo: “Great work Ash, I enjoy reading it every morning.”
• Bob Jones: “Fantastic achievement Ash, you and your helpers are paving a path forward, keep up the great work my friend, it is appreciated.”

More Mailbag
• Gary Edwards writes: “Hearty congratulations to you and your Communications and Marketing VAT on the 100th issue of the FVNews. It’s certainly a wonderful and informative communication tool for us all. One every member of our Craft should be requesting to receive. I really look forward to receiving it each day. Many thanks AshFVNews is the needed glue linking our Brethren together during this difficult time. Great work.”

Clarifications and Amplifications


• Bro. Walt Disney, member of the original chapter of the Order of DeMolay, Kansas City, Missouri
• Kent Henderson emails: “I need to take issue will (sic) your Masonic Wisdom quote. Albert Einstein was NOT a Freemason – there is NOevidence he was. Often claimed, but also NOT Freemasons are: Louis Armstrong, Harpo Marx, Thomas Edison, Francis Bacon, George Bush, Captain Cook,Dante, Walt Disney, Friederich Engel, Billy Graham, L. Ron Hubbard, Abraham Lincoln, Karl Marx, Lord Mountbatten, Joseph Stalin, BramStoker, Tito (Josip Broz), Richard Wagner, John Wesley, and H.G. Wells – just to mention but a few. I have done considerable research inthis area both for my published book 300 Famous Australian Freemasons, and my forthcoming coming book 100 Freemasons who changedthe world – which will be published next year.”

• Editor replies: Thanks Kent. We publish items, including your letter, in good faith. Before publishing our item on Harpo Marx, our fact check included noting the reported eulogistic comments and reference in Masonry Today to Harpo’s Masonic pin. In the case of Albert Einstein, we relied on the author of the Winchester F. & A.M. Lodgeweb page headed ‘Famous Freemasons‘. Edison’s membership was cited on theFreemasons Victoria Facebook page of February 11, 2019. Louis Armstrong’s membership is advertised by the Michigan Masons at thisVIDEO LINK.

FVNews Daily is yet to write about Walt Disney, but his membership of the Order of DeMolay is well documented. 
• Certification of Walt Disney’s membership of the Order of DeMolay

Communications Success Stories
• Peter Sandy, Past Master of Star of the East, and Incident Controller with the Country Fire Authority was pictured and quoted on Page 24 of the Saturday edition of The Age.

World News
• The Tulsa World looks back: “In the 1820s, an anti-Masonic conspiracy theory dominated politics in the Northeast US). It even birthed a political party, the Anti-Masonic Party, which ended up holding its own presidential convention and nominating the United States’ first third-party candidate.” READ MORE

What’s On: How You Can Help
• Lodges can assist by sending emails about every lodge meeting and event to editor@FVNews.com.au 
Please include us on your Lodge Summons mailing list.

A Good Word For …
• Congratulations to the Lodge of Australia Felix No 1 on their latest newsletter, to keep brethren in touch during COVID-19. Edited by Jim Puohotau, the newsletter is 23 pages. Can any other Victorian lodge top that number of pages?

Famous Freemasons
•”Casanova de Seingalt, Giacomo Girolamo (1725-1798) – Giacomo Casanova, the legendary Venetian-born adventurer, womanizer and gambler was, in 1750, recorded as being a member of the Lodge of the Duke of Clermont in Paris. In 1794 Casanova published his autobiography, Histoire de ma vie, which is regarded as one of the most authentic sources of the customs and norms of European social life during the 18th century. He has become so famous for his often complicated and elaborate affairs with women that his name is now synonymous with “womanizer”. He associated with European royalty, popes and cardinals, along with luminaries such as Voltaire, Goethe and Mozart. He spent his last years in Bohemia as a librarian in Count Waldstein’s household, where he also wrote the story of his life.”
– Timothy Horton

Masonic Knowledge


• Mickey Mouse was an honorary member of the Order of DeMolay, which is an international fraternal organization for young men ages 12 to 21. It was founded in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1919, and named for Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar. DeMolay is part of the “family” of Masons and associated organizations. DeMolay is the young Masons of America.
• POSTSCRIPT:Walt Disney created Club 33 at his Disneyland Resorts. The club lounge includes checkerboard black-and-white tiles, similar to a Lodge room.

Masonic Wisdom
• “What a fine thing it is to have an intellect, and room enough in the seat of your breeches to hold it.” – Bro, Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
FVNews is an opt-in email. If, for any reason, you would prefer not to receive our emails, simply reply to editor@FVNews.com.au or fill out the Unsubscribe form at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/  – type OPT OUT in the subject line, and please include your email address. Or use the unsubscribe option at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/

One Response “DAILY. Mon.-Tue., Sep. 7-8, 2020”

  1. Joel Solomon
    Monday, September 7, 2020 at 10:12 am

    this quote from Baha’u’llah “So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole Earth.”

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