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Daily: Wed., Apr. 15, 2020

FNews Daily. No 1. Wednesday, April 15, 2020
From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team

Welcome to FNews 
Welcome to the first edition of FNews Daily. Every day, the 2020-21 Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team will send an email with the latest news of what’s happening at Freemasons Victoria.

We’ll cherry-pick the best news from local lodges, social media and from members across the state. Our emphasis is on positive news about Freemasonry. We have taken the liberty of including you in this email dispatch; to opt out, please send a reply with ‘OPT OUT’ and your address. This is a free opt-in/opt-out service. You can also access us at www.FNews.com.au

Vale Merv Dyer 
Blaze Aid has posted a wonderful tribute to our late Brother, Merv Dyer. He is described as a “giant of a man” and “a wonderful loveable encourager”. Read the tribute HERE.

VAT leaders commence
Paul Brennand (Membership), Ian Buckingham (Education)and Matteo Donato (Works)have commenced their 2020-21 roles as Grand Superintendents. Ash Long will be Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team. Although a Grand Installation has not been held, the appointees have been advised that they now officially occupy their roles for 2020-21.

COVID-19 victims
Bro. David Buckley, an English Freemason who has been a regular visitor to Victorian lodges, has been discharged from hospital after suffering from the COVID-19 virus. Sadly, three of his UK Masonic brethren have died. His email can be read HERE.

$79,500 for Bushfire relief
The Supreme Council 33° of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, USA, has donated US$50,000 (A$79,500) to the five mainland Grand Lodges of Australia. Each receives $15,900 towards their Bushfire appeals. The Supreme Council 33° of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for Australia has thanked the Scottish Rite Masons in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction for their kind and generous donation.
What do you think about MAPs?
Deputy Grand Master-Elect Anthony Bucca this week asked for opinions about the Masonic Advancement Program. A friendly exchange of more than 100 different ideas has followed on the Freemasons Victoria Facebook page.

Masonic Knowledge
A Masonic centenary is fast approaching. In a 3000-word feature, we trace the history of the Ivalda Masonic Temple at Darebin. Click HERE.

What’s On

A daily feature of FNews will be a What’s On guide of meetings, social events and other fixtures. A number of Lodges are holding get-togethers via internet platforms such as Zoom. There is a 7-minute video explaining Zoom, HERE. FNews would love to include details of all Lodge events.Send us your news
Please email your latest news, so we can share it across Victoria. Email to: editor@FNews.com.au

FNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 

Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FNews.com.au
Email: editor@FNews.com.au
FNews is an opt-in email. If, for any reason, you would prefer not to receive our emails, simply reply to editor@FNews.com.au  – type OPT OUT in the subject line, and please include your email address

5 Responses “Daily: Wed., Apr. 15, 2020”

  1. Peter Atkin
    Wednesday, April 15, 2020 at 7:11 am

    Excellent initiative. The ‘sound of silence’ from GL has been deafening

  2. Ange Kenos
    Wednesday, April 15, 2020 at 4:07 pm

    EVERY Brother who has access to the internet, and at the minimum through your children, grandchildren or the local library, every brother does have access, this is a must read. Then, the more interesting and relevant items that are sent in as news items, the better informed we will all be both during this Pandemic and afterwards. And if you have a Zoom meeting where others can attend, a podcast to share, etc, please advise the entire Masonic community through this wonderful new resource.

  3. Graeme Nicholson
    Wednesday, April 15, 2020 at 10:21 pm

    I believe that this forum could be used for Masonic Bereavements, the costs charged by the Herald-Sun are prohibitive, also, nobody seems to die in the Age.

  4. Kevin Redfern
    Wednesday, April 15, 2020 at 10:24 pm

    Let’s give it a try, enjoyed reading the Ivalda history.

  5. Geoff Newby
    Thursday, April 16, 2020 at 4:32 am

    Thanks Brother Ash and the VAT. From my experience in life, “Communication” is the key to success and of course failure. I love hearing and seeing the great success stories within Freemasonry that often are otherwise not communicated. It is very easy to be the centre of our own universe and get stuck within the comfortable bounds of our compasses. Information (communication) such as this allows us to widen those compasses and get a broader view and understanding if what is happening in our fraternity and what is possible. This in turn often stimulates us to even greater heights. Please keep up the great work brother.

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