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Daily. Tue., Apr. 21, 2020


FVNews Daily.
No 6. Tuesday, April 21, 2020

From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team

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Vale Keith Rainbow
Barry Minster’s Almoner’s Bulletin Board advises of the passing of Wor. Bro., Keith Mathieson Rainbow. Formerly of Cheltenham,Keith passed away at Moyola Aged Care, Tatura. He was son of Ercil and George (both dec). Keith was brother and brother-in-law of Alan (dec) and Mavis, Gordon (dec) and Beryl and Rupert and Evelyn (both dec). He was 94. Private Burial. Memorial Service to be held at a later date. 

‘Matter resolved’
• Peter Clark (Acting President,  Board of General Purposes) and Ian Upjohn (Grand Registrar), “on behalf of all members of the Board of General Purposes”, have emailed an important message to all Victorian Freemasons. Please check your in-box.

Want to be a Membership volunteer?
• Paul Brennand, Grand Superintendent of Membership, would like to hear from Freemasons who would like to be on the Membership Volunteer Action Team. Check the details HERE

History, as seen by Ange Kenos
Ange Kenos, Grand Librarian, has penned many pieces, including The Real Story of the Modern Olympics. You can read it HERE. Thanks to Brendan Kyne for alerting us to this great piece of history.

Book being updated
• Kent Henderson is updating his 1988 book, The Masonic Grand Masters of Australia, bringing it up to 2020, says Tony Bucca in a Facebook post.  The book lists all 31 Victorian GMs from Sir William Clarke up to John Connell, including their occupations. Six were Governors, eight were judges or solicitors, six were businessmen, plus as few clergymen, bankers, etc. Since John Connell there have been three more lawyers taking the total to 11 … a few more businessmen, a policeman and two estate agents. 

Letters to the Editor
Wayne Smith emails: “Keep up the good work of keeping our Brethren connected. This is a terrific initiative.”
Charlie Freedman said: “I especially liked the tour of Freemasons Hall in London and your CV. I always like to learn something new every day, and I learnt a lot from both of these today.”
Merv Hallam asked us to publish a CV of the Editor, which we did yesterday HERE. Merv replies: “That’s more than I thought but then now knowing more about who you are, I can understand. Well done and thank you for submitting this and thankyou for your involvement with the Communication VAT.” 

Masonic Wisdom
Andrew Jackson said: “Freemasonry is an institution calculated to benefit mankind.”

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au 
Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
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One Response “Daily. Tue., Apr. 21, 2020”

  1. Joel Solomon
    Monday, April 20, 2020 at 10:31 pm

    Freemasonary is good let’s talk about it

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