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Daily. Thu., Apr. 23, 2020


FVNews Daily. 
No 8. Thursday, April 23, 2020

From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team


Your daily digest on Freemasonry
• FVNews is published daily during the week, with an additional weekend edition issued early Saturday morning. Have a free copy emailed to you. Opt-in (or opt-out) HERE

VAT leaders meet
• Paul Brennand (Membership), Ian Buckingham (Masonic Knowledge), Matteo Donato (Works) and Ash Long (Communications and Marketing) held a history-making online meeting of Volunteer Action Team leaders yesterday (Wed.). They will continue these meetings on a regular basis. The four teams intend to work closely in the 2020-21 for the best possible outcomes for all Freemasons in Victoria.

Nominations go to Board
• Nominations for the new Committee of the Communications and Marketing VAT have been lodged for consideration by the Board of General Purposes, hopefully at their May meeting.

Online meetings
• Damian Byrne, Worshipful Master of the Admiral Collingwood Lodge, an IT specialist, suggests that Lodges holding online gatherings might consider the  Jitsi platform, an alternative to Zoom.• Richard Shelly is due to address the Victorian Lodge of Research on the subject on ‘Females and Co-Masonry’ at 7.30pm on Friday (April 24).

Benefits of being a Freemason
• Eric Williams will deliver a webinar – ‘The Benefits of being a Freemason – at 7.30pm on Tuesday (Apr. 28).

Lodge of the Golden Fleece
• Adam O’Donnell, Fellow Craft, will speak at the Lodge of the Golden Fleece, after an ANZAC remembrance, in an online meeting at 7.30pm on Tuesday (April 28). 

Letter to the Editor
• Archie Alvarez writes: “Thanks for our ‘Masonic Newspaper’. I compared it to a newspaper because i usually read it in the morning with Hot Chocolate.  Anyways, I thought of dropping you a quick note to ask if there is any Brother (if none, FVNews is a good tool) who knows the schedule of Virtual Meetings in Victoria or in District Level, where Brethren can see all Virtual Meetings available to visit. I’m always searching for one. Stay Safe.  Thanks and More power.”
• Editor: Thanks Archie. We find www.masonsconnect.com to be quite useful.

Masonic Trivia
• Thanks for the response to the Masonic Trivia section in yesterday’s FVNews. Here are a few more:
• In Robinson v. Yates City Lodge, 86 Illinois, 598 (1877), a court ruled that an expelled Mason was not entitled to the return of his degree fees. The court held that the plaintiff voluntarily paid the fees and the expulsion under the provisions of the rules of the organisation does not constitute the rescission of a contract under which the fees were paid.• Frederick A Bartholdi, a Freemason, designed the Statue of Liberty which stands in New YorkHarbour. The Grand Lodge of New York laid the corner stone on August 5, 1885.• Bernard Pierre Mangam, Marshall of France and Senator was appointed Grand Master of the Grand Orient of France and served from 1862 to 1865. This is unusual because he was not a Mason. He was appointed by Emperor Napoleon III.
• The letters of the English word GOD are the first three letters of Hebrew words for beauty, strength, and wisdom. G in Gomez, O in Oz, D in Dabar.

Masonic Wisdom
• “Freemasonry is a science of symbols, in which, by their proper study, a search is instituted after truth, that truth consisting in the knowledge of the divine and human nature of God and the human Soul.” – A.G. MacKey

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au 
Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
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