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Daily. Fri., Apr. 24, 2020


FVNews Daily. 
No 9. Friday, April 24, 2020

From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team

Police tragedy: Grand Secretary’s personal message
• Garry Runge, Grand Secretary, has sent a personal message following the tragic loss of four lives of four Police members on the Eastern Freeway, Kew. You can read his full message HERE.
• Myles King, Foundation Chairman, suggests you can show your support on Facebook or Twitter by showing a virtual ribbon, available free HERE.You can donate to the affected families HERE

‘What ANZAC Day means to me’
• Richard Elkington shares thoughts of what ANZAC Day means to him. HERE

Vacant Chair Ceremony
• Jim Puohotaua advises that the Lodge of Australia Felix is presenting the ceremony of the vacant chair and a tribute to the Australian Unknown Soldier at a Zoom meeting at 7.30pm on Saturday (Apr. 25). The Worshipful Master and Brethren of Old Scotch Collegians Lodge will join Felix for this event. You can email Jim HERE

Online meeting success
• Andrew Burman tells us: “The Old Melburnians had around 20 brethren come and go from our Zoom meeting last Tuesday (Apr. 21). There were also seven apologies for unavoidable absence. It was great to have a couple of members join us who we haven’t seen for a while as well as two visitors from the Captain Cook Lodge in the UK. We will all be together again on Tuesday, May 5, our usual Lodge night for a business meeting with a little Masonic discussion over a tipple and a nibble in the South afterwards. Here’s to our next merry meeting.”

Bro. Doug on TV today
• Laurie Jacobs, Secretary of the Lodge of Commerce, writes about Wor. Bro. Doug Stirling appearing on TV at 4pm on Friday (April 24) in a story about the building of the Great Ocean Road. More details HERE

Welcome to the Works team
• Matteo Donato chairs the Works Volunteer Action Team. He is a Project Manager in Civil and Commercial Construction. The team comprises:

• Steve Simpson, Deputy GSuptWks designate. Valuations and leasing agent)

• Alex Thompson, Property manager FV employee

• Frank Warner, Finance FMV employee

• Chris Dzanovski, Real estate agent

• Kevin Holden, Fitout and finished project manager

• Andrew Baird, Development and property consultant

• Henk Van Ravenstien, Asset manager – built environment

Personal Pars
• Lindsay and Beryl Patullo are celebrating their 59th wedding anniversary.

Masonic giving
• FVNews normally keeps its focus to Victoria, but sometimes there is a story interstate or overseas that takes our fancy. Barry Minster has passed on an electronic clipping from the Coast Community News which gives positive publicity to Freemasons donating a new $13,800 Inflatable Rescue Boat to the Terrigal Surf Lifesaving Club. Read about it HERE

Letters to the Editor
• Graham Pitcher, The Diamond Valley Lodge, writes: “Congratulations on your excellent presentation of the FVNews. An extremely welcome source of information to myself and my fellow Brethren. I will be sure to communicate to you any worthwhile news items that come to my attention.”
• Thanks to Robert Woolley for an email of encouragement.
• Roger Manderson, Lodge Killara, writes: “For the Mark Masons, and aspiring Mark brethren, we may consider our present worldly circumstances and ask why the “work is at a standstill”; literally the huge amount of unemployment in the world due to the closure of so many places of business. We teach that the reason this standstill of work was for “For the want of a ‘keystone'”. In our present case, the keystone must be both the eradication of the virus and, ultimately, the vaccine to protect our next generation from it. Freemasonry has many metaphors in its ritual and often people don’t see the connection with real life. Here is one that can be explained by the rituals and workings of the stone masons. Stomp away and hope for solutions!”

Masonic Trivia
• In 1860 in Limerick, Ireland, there was found a stone in a small chapel, dated 1517, with the following inscription: “I will serve to live with love and care, upon the level, and by the square.”
• Francis Stephens, the Duke of Lorraine, received the first two Masonic degrees in 1731 in a special lodge convened at The Hague, Holland, becoming the first known royal Freemason. Later he received the third degree in England. In 1735 renounced his title.
• Dr Joseph Ignace Guillotine was a member of Concorde Fraternelle Lodge of Paris and a member of the French Assembly. He invented the device that bears his name and was later executed with one.
• The Rev. William Dodd, first Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of England, was hanged for forgery on June 2nd, 1777.

Masonic Wisdom
• “Freemasonry is an institution founded on eternal reason and truth; whose deep basis is the civilization of mankind, and whose everlasting glory it is to have the immovable support of those two mighty pillars, science and morality.” – Dr John Dove

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au 
Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
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