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Daily. Mon., Apr. 27, 2020


FVNews Daily. 
No 11. Monday, April 27, 2020

From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action TeamFVNews Daily is also available at www.FVNews.com.au
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Vale Patrick Swinchatt
• Wor. Bro. Patrick Swinchatt PJGD passed to the Grand Lodge Above at 2am on Saturday. He was a member of Hearts of Oak LodgeNo 68,Whitehorse Chapter, Ringwood Rose Croix, Burnett Craft Lodge No 6789Park St Bristol UK, Ringwood Preceptory No 12, Southern Cross Grand Consistory No 3, St. Andrew Sovereign Council No 29, Ringwood Sovereign Chapter Rose Croix No 55Pat is survived by his wife Joan. Thanks to Graeme Wallace and Mike Burrell for this information.

From the Wimmera to Williamstown
• Our leaders Richard Elkington and Anthony Bucca have been active on visiting Lodges across the state, online. Take ANZAC Day (Sat., Apr. 25) as an example.
• Fraternal 603 Whine Club with approx. 50 brethren and friends. Hillel Benedykt played The Last Post on the accordion. • Williamstown for Ceremony of the Vacant Chair attended by another 50 brethren. John Glover delivered a moving address about his experiences in the Air Force and his connection with Bro. Sir Edward Weary Dunlop and Nurse Vivian Bullwinkle.• Wimmera Lodge in Horsham with John McTaggart JGW-designate,for another Ceremony of the Vacant Chair

• Mount Scopus and Collegians Lodge’s Sunday morning Coffee and Kvetch (whinge) session was visited by Keith Murray, reports Harry Adlerstein.

Ceremony of the Vacant Chair
• Fifty Freemasons gathered online on Saturday night for Williamstown Lodge’s Ceremony of the Vacant Chair. John Glover was guest speaker.

Responses to Richard
• Richard Elkington published What ANZAC Day Means to Me in Friday’s FVNews. Read it HERE
• Barry Minster commented: “Thank you Richard. I certainly appreciate your sincere respect of veterans and as a veteran I understand it is important to never ever forget what veterans have done for our nation and in turn for our society.”
• Gary Aarons said: “My great-uncle served in WWII. He had never spoken to anyone about his service and duties until one of our younger Lodge members persuaded him to sit down, tell him about it and then present it as a talk at lodge. What a story he told, some 50 years afterwards. I’m sure it was a relief for him to eventually tell someone.”

Lively discussions
• Victorian Lodge of Research held a well-attended session, online, on Friday night. Richard Shelly gave the address.
• The Blue Lounge Social Club is holding an online discussion on Monday, May 11 about the role and relevance of ritual and ceremonial practices today. The panel – of Jim Karabatsos, Brendan Kyne and Richard Shelly – will be moderated by Jack Aquilina.
• Melton Lodge enjoyed a social meeting with Port Huron Lodge 58, Grand Lodge of Michigan, on Sunday morning (their Saturday Night).

Date claimer


• On the first Thursday of the month when restrictions are lifted, Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge will be holding a ‘Reunion’ meeting of District lodges at Ivalda. Of course, other Lodge members will also be welcome.

An historic photo will be taken for the record books, hopefully of the biggest gathering of Masons seen for a long time at Ivalda. There will be an open and close quickly upstairs, then a South where people can talk and talk and talk … enjoy a sandwich and a drink … and, hopefully, shake hands.

Personal Pars
• TV man Roy Hampson celebrated his 89th birthday. He has been a member of KT. He appears regularly with Wor. Bro. Ray Lawrence onRadio Eastern 98.1 FM, 2pm, Wednesdays. You can listen online HERE

Letters to the Editor

• Rob Body, Lodge of Australia Felix, writes: “Following on from comments about Masonic connections to Gallipoli, my wife and I visited there in October 2005. Apart from all the usual aspects  of the battle field one thing that struck me were the many masonic objects displayed at the museum.”
• Jim Basham, Mitchell River Lodge, emailed: “Thanks for sharing Jim Long’s War Years in the FVNews. Thoroughly enjoyed it … and the other snippets of news. I was particularly intrigued with the story because J.L’s personal diary enabled an understanding of this soldier’s personal anguish, and patience, together with some entertaining tales of events not to be found in official records. For me, this story added to the depth ofANZAC Day this year.”

• Thanks to Kent Henderson for sharing a treasury of Masonic Wisdom.

What’s On: online meetings
• Monday, April 27. 7.30pm. Lodge of Australia Felix will re-do its Ceremony of the Vacant Chair. (Facebook post says 7.30am, but Zoom says 7.30pm.) LINK
• Monday, April 27. 7.25pm. Yarraville Lodge is conducting a Memorial Service and a talk “New Lions Stand at Menin Gate Memorial”. Followed by the Ceremony of the Vacant Chair. Dress: Summer dress type collar and tie (plus jacket if required). Phone Secretary Ian Sterritt for log in details: 9509 1816.

• Tuesday, April 28. 7pm. Richmond Lodge. Weekly online meeting. LINK
• Tuesday, April 28. 7.30pm. Eric Williams. Webinar. ‘The Benefits of Being A Freemason’. LINK
• Tuesday, April 28. 7.30pm. Lodge of the Golden Fleece. April Online Business Meeting. LINK
• Thursday, April 30. 7pm. Endeavour Virtual Lodge. 8th Regular Meeting. EMAIL for Summons
• Thursday, April 30. 7pm. Masonic Education Network (NSW). EAF Zoom Q&A. Details to be confirmed.

With thanks to www.masonsconnect.com
Please advise us of online meetings, so we can publicise in FVNews.

Masonic Trivia
• Wheelock Commandery No. 5 in Texas had all 55 of its members killed serving in the Confederate Army. The Commandery ceased to exist.• Missouri’s first Confederate Capitol was the Masonic Building in Neosho. From here the legislature passed the Act of Secession.
• USA General Thomas Benton, also Grand Master of Iowa, ordered Federal troops to protect Albert Pike’s home and prevent the library from being burned, when his troops took Little Rock, Arizona.
• July 2, 1751, Ferdinand VI of Spain issued an edict against Freemasonry. Father Jose Torrubia secured a special dispensation from the Pope, joined a lodge, secured the names of its members, and proceeded to have them arrested. Hundreds were arrested, persecuted, and imprisoned.

Masonic Wisdom
• “Masonic ideas are the precious jewels of Speculative Masons; the should be kept bright and sparkling for all the brethren to see and to admire. As such, they should be the special care of Masonic leaders particularly those who teach and interpret the philosophy of Freemasonry.” – Conrad Hahn

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au 
Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
FVNews is an opt-in email. If, for any reason, you would prefer not to receive our emails, simply reply to editor@FVNews.com.au or fill out the Unsubscribe form at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/  – type OPT OUT in the subject line, and please include your email address. Or use the unsubscribe option at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/

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