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Daily. Wed., Apr. 29, 2020


FVNews Daily. 
No 13. Wednesday, April 29, 2020

From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action TeamFVNews Daily is also available at www.FVNews.com.au
Subscribe/Unsubscribe HERE

Positive thinking
• The Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters have a positive outlook towards the end of COVID-19 restrictions. They have booked theMaroondah Masonic Centre, Ringwood, for their Council of Anointed Kings (2pm) and Grand Installation (4pm) for Saturday, October 24.John Travers, Grand Recorder, tells us that the Annual Dinner will be held at the Sage Hotel, Cnr Maroondah Hwy and Warrandyte Rd,Ringwood at 7.30pm.

Social gathering at Yering
• John Travers also advises that the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Victoria will be holding a lunch at the Terrace Cafe, Yering Meadows Golf Club, 178-180 Victoria Rd, Yering, commencing at 12 Noon on Sunday, October 25. Subject to the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions, of course. 

Tribute to Colin Gronn
• Don Paterson sends further tribute to RWor. Bro. Colin Gronn, reported in FVNews last weekend (Apr. 25-26): “Colin died at the age of 84 years and he had been a Freemason for over 70 years. He joined Lodge Devotion about 15 years ago when it was at a very low ebb and made a great contribution to its survival and success. He was a very talented ritualist. He and his wife owned and operated a Warmblood horse stud atOlinda, Ashlea Stud. We had not seen much of Colin in recent years as his health declined and he had difficulty travelling to lodge.”

Personal Pars
• Ange Kenos’s ANZAC Day observances won coverage in Neos Kosmos newspaper (Greek language paper), which can be read HERE
• Robert Pullin advises that FVNews Editor Ash Long will be guest speaker at the Rosebank Lodge online meeting at 7.30pm on Monday (May 4). Ash will speak for about 10 minutes on his own media career, and his hopes as Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team. Bob can be EMAILED for links.

How to attend Endeavour Virtual Lodge
• Steve Austin (happy birthday for yesterday, Steve) advises of the procedure to attend tonight’s Endeavour Virtual Lodge meeting at 7pm: “If a brother would like to to attend the only real stipulation is that who ever invites them they must of sat in a bricks and mortar lodge with that brother and there for vouches him. Other than that, a current dues card or email from the Secretary or their Lodge suffices. I will assist anyone I can with this in attending as well. They are best to email either secretary for the direct zoom link which is usually sent out the day or so before.” Steve’semail is HERE

Letters to the Editor

• We were wrong. FVNews reported on Albert Luke’s library being in Little Rock, Arizona. The correct state is Arkinsas. Thanks to Sean Thomson for helping us find our way.
• Allan Paul writes: “Congratulations for producing such an informative and interesting FVNews. I look forward to many issues to come.”
• Dr Brian Austen emails: “Thank you Ash, I do enjoy your progressive action in times of diffidence. More please.”
• Stephen Carpenter writes: “Thank you for the insightful comments on Mussolini and Franco. It is a timely reminder that political ideologies and adherence to blind dogma of the extreme Left and Right always target Free Thinking and Independent people. It brings to mind a comment I recently made re: a particular world leader who an international friend has described as a “Colossal Idiot”, and I reminded him that at first the Italian people also thought Mussolini was a colossal idiot, masquerading behind Nationalist dogma.” 

What’s On: online meetings

• Thursday, April 30. 7pm. Endeavour Virtual Lodge. 8th Regular Meeting. EMAIL for Summons
• Thursday, April 30. 7pm. Masonic Education Network (NSW). EAF Zoom Q&A. Details to be confirmed.
• Thursday, April 30. 7.30pm. Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge. Committee of General Purposes. LINK

With thanks to www.masonsconnect.com
Please advise us of online meetings, so we can publicise in FVNews.

Masonic Trivia
• Winnedumah Lodge No. 287 of Bishop, California, holds its meetings at 270 feet below sea level, the lowest lodge in North America.• In 1954 Martin’s Station Lodge No. 188 of Virginia, USA, was opened 952 feet below the surface of Cumberland Mountain in Cudjo’s Cave, which lies between Cumberland Gap, Tennessee. and Middleburo, Kentucky. Some 345 Masons were present and a MM degree was conferred.
• Chicago, Illinois, has three American Legion Posts whose memberships are entirely Masonic.
• All four Presidents of the Republic of Texas, David Burnett, Sam Houston, Mirabeau Lamar, and Anson Jones, were Masons.
• Between 1737 and 1779 two sailing ships of interest operated off the U.S. eastern seaboard, Freemason and Master Mason. The Freemasoncaught fire and sank in Marblehead Harbor, Mass. in 1779.

Masonic Wisdom
• “Masonry aims at the promotion of morality and higher living by the cultivation of the social side of man, the rousing in him of the instincts of charity and love of his kind. It rests surely on the foundation of the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God.” – William Howard Taft

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au
 Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
FVNews is an opt-in email. If, for any reason, you would prefer not to receive our emails, simply reply to editor@FVNews.com.au or fill out the Unsubscribe form at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/  – type OPT OUT in the subject line, and please include your email address. Or use the unsubscribe option at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/

One Response “Daily. Wed., Apr. 29, 2020”

  1. Ange Kenos
    Wednesday, April 29, 2020 at 3:17 pm

    I had planned to visit RWB Cronn, but for teh Pandemic I would have done so. Back in 1980 he organised the first of several Multicultural nights for Freemasonry via the Garibaldi Lodge and I hoped to seek his advice as I wish to reinstitute such annual events. But, alas, he has gone to that Great Lodge where we all hope to meet again.

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