Daily. Mon., May 4, 2020
Monday, May 4, 2020
FVNews Daily.
No 16. Monday, May 4, 2020
(May The Fourth Be With You)
From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action TeamFVNews Daily is also available at www.FVNews.com.au
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Vale Henry Nott
• Chamar advises of the passing of RWor. Bro. Henry Alan Nott, PJGW, Grand Organist, Grand Mark, to the Grand Lodge Above in his sleep on Friday (May 1).
‘Patto’ back on his feet
• John Patterson – known as ‘Patto’ to all – had his right knee replaced by robotic procedure at St Vincent’s Private Hospital, Melbourne, on Thursday (Apr. 30). He had been in pain for a few years, now the pain has gone. Bob Pullin of Rosebank Lodge chides: “By Friday afternoon he was walking unaided and was discharged on Sunday morning. What remarkable steps medical science has made. Patto is back home in Lismoreannoying Sally and of course uttering profanities to all who might ring him.” Patto will attend tonight’s Rosebank meeting: Zoom.us meeting ID: 8241 528 207
289 sign to new Facebook page
• Freemasons Victoria is moving ahead positively with its communications. A new Freemasons Victoria Chat page was launched on Saturday (May 2). Some 289 members joined in the first 24 hours. There is a verification process to join. The aim is to provide a private area where Freemasons can respectfully chat about issues affecting our fraternity in Victoria. There were 305 posts and reactions on the first day. We are migrating commenting away from the Freemasons Victoria group page, so that it can be relaunched as a ‘shop window’ for the Craft to the public.
Wide variety of comments
• Some of the commenting at the new Freemasons Victoria Chat page included:
• Richard Shelly asked about the purpose of the page
• James Lacey spoke of the Masonic Temple at Sovereign Hill
• Tony Dn expressed concern about those whose lives have changed significantly during COVID-19.
• Eric Williams advertised his ZOOM meeting at 7.30pm on Tues., May 26.
• Peter Baziotis wondered when the AFL footy will start.
• Matt Cameron had a VIDEO recommendation.
How to know a Freemason
• Joel Solomon will address the subject of ‘How To Know A Freemason’ when he speaks at Richmond Lodge. Details HERE
Jacques DeMolay Vic Chapter meets
• Archie Alvarez, Chairman, of Jacques DeMolay Vic Chapter, advises thata Virtual meeting was held last Saturday night (May 2). The Chapter’s Dedication and Installation was postponed in March due to COVID-19. “The Chapter’s establishment in Victoria has been approved by UGLV and a Charter/Warrant has been granted as well by the Supreme Grand Council of DeMolay Australia“.
What’s On: online meetings
• Monday, May 4. 7pm. Blue Lounge Social Club. Educational Forum: The relevance of religion in Freemasonry. Convenors: Phil McMaster andJack Aquilina. LINK
• Monday, May 4. 7.30pm. Rosebank Lodge. Guest Speaker: Ash Long. LINK: Meeting ID 8241 528 207
• Monday, May 4. 9.30pm. Masonic Education Network (NSW). ‘North At Night’. LINK
• Tuesday, May 5. 7pm. Richmond lodge. Weekly online meeting. EMAIL to receive an invitation
• Wednesday, May 6. 4am. Lodge, Hope of Kurrachee (Scotland). LINK
• Wednesday, May 6. 7.25pm for 7.30pm. Lodge of the Golden Rule. Open Meeting. Bro Bastian Simrajh will be talking about Parliament House, Canberra, where he works as an assistant to a Senator. EMAIL for invitation
• Wednesday, May 6. 7.30pm. Dimboola Lodge. May meeting. LINK
• Thursday, May 7. 7.30pm. Freemasons Victoria Central Highlands District. Lecture: ‘Illustrated by symbols. Why study symbols?” LINK to be advised.
• Thursday, May 7. 7.30pm. Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge. Monthly meeting. Business and social. LINK
• Saturday, May 9. 7pm. Blue Lounge Social Club. Education Forum: The Eleusinan Mysteries.
With thanks to www.masonsconnect.com
Please advise us of online meetings, so we can publicise in FVNews.
Your Say
• Peter Reade says Lodge Liberation will have fortnightly social meetings by Zoom until further notice.
• Bruce Paroissien says that Lodge of Evolution members had a ‘Virtual Pre-Dinner Drinks’ online gathering last Saturday (May 2). There was an average of 19 to 20 people online at any one time. “What was unexpected (at least by me) was the number of children wanting to catch up with other member’s children. It gives the basis of a strong lodge when friendship extends beyond members to their family.”
• Thanksfor encouraging words from Barry Reaper, Bruce Stockdale, John Patterson, Hillel and Sue Benedykt, Mark Vincent, Ross Broad, John Glover, Geoff Newby, Matteo Donato, Geoffrey Thompson, Sean Thomson and Vuko Karov.
Thoughts on Dallas Brooks
• Brian Austen enjoyed our report on the 12-year Grand Mastership of Dallas Brooks: “Sir Dallas had a ‘nominal role’ before my time and sixSenior members were appointed to act in the physical sense over that 12 years to do all the work at Installations as Sir Dallas did not do ritual. One was Sir Lance Townsend, Dean of Medicine. I remember because I once had to chauffeur him as I was a Junior Grand Deacon and we had the job as drivers. Good to look back. These members were appointed as Pro Grand Masters and they acted on his behalf. Try to look them up for me as a couple were Judges. I would like to remember their names.” Can anyone assist Brian with the names?
Masonic Mailbag: £1 mil. donation
• Peter Reade, Lodge Liberation, passes on news about UK Freemasons donating £1 million to help the National Health Service through theCOVID-19 pandemic.The money has bought 3000 protective masks, 760 Samsung Galaxy tablets so intensive care patients can keep in touch with families, food deliveries to carers. “Ordinary people are doing extraordinary things.”
Masonic Trivia
• When the great Obelisk of Alexandria (Cleopatra’s Needle) was moved to New York in 1880, there were discovered certain emblems on the original foundation and pedestal. One is clearly a square, causing some to conclude that Masonry existed in ancient Egypt. This issue is still open to debate.• The two structures in the US that have elevators which move sideways, in addition to up and down are the Arch in St Louis and the George Washington Masonic Memorial in Alexandria.
• The Grand Master of Massachusetts commanded rebels at Bunker Hill while the Grand Master of England commanded English forces. The GM of Massachusetts was killed.
• On August 23, 1879, Lodge No 239 of France held a meeting in a balloon flying over Paris, at which time a candidate was initiated.
Masonic Wisdom
• “Masonry is one of the most sublime and perfect institutions that ever was formed for the advancement of happiness, and the general good of mankind, creating, in all its varieties, universal benevolence and brotherly love.” – Duke of Sussex
FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria.
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
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