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Daily. Tue., May 12, 2020


FVNews Daily. 
No 22. Tuesday, May 12, 2020

From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action TeamFVNews Daily is also available at www.FVNews.com.au
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Open Invitation: from EAs to GMs
• FVNews Daily is your newsletter. It belongs to all Victorian Freemasons. Every day we bring a variety of positive news about people, lodges and events. As this is a strictly opt-in service, it is not appropriate for us to send unsolicited emails to people to subscribe or contribute. But, whether you are an Entered Apprentice or a Grand Master, Mason or non-Freemason, you are welcome to submit items that reflect in a good way on our great fraternity. EMAIL

Lodge Amicus ladies meet


• Lodge Amicus ladies held their first Zoom social get-together on Monday night (May 11). Sixteen of the girls joined the session hosted by Mya G Grayly. Anthony Bucca said: “The girls had a few drinks and a few laughs and caught up with all the goss. I’m told that in no particular order, they discussed cooking, Netflix, exercising, Netflix, eating, drinking, Netflix, sleeping, working, Netflix, drinking, missing kids and grandkids, home schoolers, not missing the kids, drinking, Netflix and partners/husbands and how they hoped we will all get back to lodge soon. 90 minutes of fun enjoyed by all.”

Visit to Gippsland Lakes
• Grand Master-ElectRichard Elkington and Deputy Anthony Bucca dropped into the Gippsland Lakes Lodge meeting by Zoom last night (Mon.), for   discussion about COVID-19 recovery and connection with brethren. The meeting resolved that some members are to contact other Lodges and assist, where required, to set up Zoom conferencing. 

Baden Powell Lodge visit
• Richard Elkington was at a well-attended (31) Zoom businessmeeting of Baden Powell Lodge last night (Mon.). The online meeting enabled some who rarely attend to participate. Richard spoke about COVID-19 recovery planning, finances and grand installation. There was reflection on the “new normal” and the opportunity to “connect”, afforded by the crisis.

Friday night drinks in North-East
• Neville Wiggins passes on the news of the North-East District 108 gathering at 7pm this Friday (May 18) “sitting around the campfire, having a few drinks and a chat”. It is a Zoom gathering to get together for a chat and a drink. “No business, just a yarn or two.” LINK

Photo Flashback


• Charles Chan, Viv Mortimer, Charles Sligo and Ted Blythe. Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge 500th meeting. From February 1992.

What next?

• This week’s announcement that COVID-19 restrictions may start to ease has led Lodges to ask when they might resume their meetings. The Board of General Purposes closed all Masonic buildings back in March. The Board will be meeting later this week as a first step towards considering the timing of re-opening centres across Victoria. There are many issues to plan: social distancing, allowable numbers, placement of hand sanitiser and other requirements at each Masonic Centre, and whether deep cleans will be required, and how they are done, and who will pay. There are also matters such as insurance, and the coverage that it offers, especially in regard to our more senior and vulnerable members. This will take some time to complete thoroughly. There are many health and safety requirements that will need to meet strict audit requirements.

What’s On: online meetings

• Tuesday, May 12. 7pm. Richmond Lodge. Weekly meeting. EMAIL to receive an invitation.
• Wednesday, May 13. 7pm. Blue Lounge Social Club (Tasmania). ‘Future Proofing The Fraternity’. Zoom meeting 865 9409 1123
• Wednesday, May 13. 7.30pm. Williamstown Lodge. Guest Speaker: ‘The work of the 2020-21 Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team’.LINK 
• Saturday, May 16. 3pm. Old Scotch Collegians Lodge. Innovation Day. First presentation is by Bro. David Donnoli. He is now moving between 500 and 1000 units of hand sanitiser each week. He will talk about creating a successful online business.

• The second presentation is by qualified Sommelier Jackson who works in the wholesale wine industry and has been exploring online sales during the restaurant closures. Attire: Casual. LINK

With thanks to www.masonsconnect.com
Please advise us of online meetings, so we can publicise in FVNews.

The Numbers Game

• There have been 37,428 hits to the FVNews.com.au website since mid-April.
• Welcome to 14 new FVNews Daily subscribers yesterday (Mon.).
• There have been 1282 views of Richard Elkington’s two latest videos.
• There are 568 members at the new Freemasons Victoria Chat group page on Facebook.
• Thanks to all who have engaged with these new, fresh communications channels.

World News
• Rochdale District Freemasons (UK) are going the extra mile to help those in need at this difficult time.Members were encouraged to donate either food or financial support for the local Foodbank. Each item was measured. There is an overall target of reaching one mile – Miles More Food from The FreemasonsRoyds Lodge donated £780;  410 Easter eggs came from Hopwood Hall College. So far, they have reached one-third of a mile. To put this into perspective you would need 14,627 tins of beans stood on top of each other to reach a mile.

Masonic Mailbag
• Alan Bolitho, a Past Master of Caulfield Grammarians Lodge, passes on a video of Auld Lang Syne performed by the Grand Lodge of Russia. It might bring a tear to your eye. WATCH AND HEAR
Masonic Trivia
• In 1951, while President, Harry Truman served as Master of his lodge.• Sacramento Chapter No. 3, Royal Arch Masons has supplied four governors of California. (J. Neeley Johnson, Lantham, Pacheo, Hiram Johnson)
• William Hesketh ,Lever Lodge No. 2916, England. was the only lodge named for a non-mason, the First Viscount of Leverhulme (the soap manufacturer). who was first initiated there and later formed Leverhulme Lodge No. 4438.
• Paul Revere was a Mason, as was his cohort, Robert Newman, who hung the lantern in the Old North Church.

Masonic Wisdom
• “Masonry is Friendship, Love, and Integrity — friendship which rises superior to the fictitious distinctions of society, the prejudices of religion, and the pecuniary conditions of life; love which knows no limit, nor inequality, nor decay; integrity which binds man to the eternal law of duty.” – A.C.L. Arnold

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
FVNews is an opt-in email. If, for any reason, you would prefer not to receive our emails, simply reply to editor@FVNews.com.au or fill out the Unsubscribe form at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/  – type OPT OUT in the subject line, and please include your email address. Or use the unsubscribe option at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/

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