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Daily. Thu., May 21, 2020


FVNews Daily. 
No 29. Thursday, May 21, 2020

From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action TeamFVNews Daily is also available at www.FVNews.com.au
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Vale Jack Muir
• Wor. Bro. Jack Muir of Kyabram Lodge No. 225 passed away early Wednesday (May 20), aged 93. Bob Pullin said: “Jack was an active member of the Lodge until recently when his health began to fail. In August 2019, Jack received his 65-year jewel. He lived respected and died regretted.” 

Service for Ernie Bell
• Rob Layton (via Barry Minster) email: “I advise that Ernie Bell’s service will be held at the Eaglehawk Crematorium at 11am on Friday (May 22). Due to Government regulations attendance is restricted and is by invitation only. Live streaming is available HERE or alternatively HERE

Prohibition extended
• The Board of General Purposes of Freemasons Victoria  members resolved on Tuesday night that the current prohibition on the conduct of Masonic meetings and use of Masonic buildings be extended to June 30, unless express approval has been given by the Grand Master or President of the Board of General Purposes.” COMPLETE LETTER

Bus for Colac Special School


• Pictured: Colac Special School principal Cameron Peverett, left, and Colac Freemasons member Jim Prigg.

• “Thanks to the Anthony Costa Foundation and Freemasons Victoria Foundation, the Colac Special School will soon have a new 12-seater bus, fully equipped with disability aids, a custom built trailer to transport wheelchairs plus a new bus shelter to provide a safe environment for students when arriving or departing from school.Wor. Bro. Jim Prigg of Colac Lodge has been the driving force behind the project assisted by brethren from Colac and Rosebank Lodges. (Thanks to Bob Pullin for the words, and to the Colac Herald for the photo.)

Comms VAT announced
• The Freemasons Victoria Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team has been announced. The Committee members are:• Wor. Bro. Damian Byrne, WM, Admiral Collingwood Lodge. IT specialist, management leadership.• Wor. Bro. Graeme Hawke, PGStdB. Experience in marketing, particularly Avis and National Rent-A-Car.• Bro. Ash Long (Chair), PGTyler. Superintendent of Communication. Newspaper/online publisher.• Wor. Bro. Xavier Murtagh, WM, Old Scotch Collegians Lodge. Search Engine Optimisation specialist.• Bro. Luke Potter, MM, Traralgon Lodge. Writer, publisher of the Boolarra Link magazine.• RWor. Bro. Robert Pullin, PJGW, WM, Great Ocean Road Daylight Lodge. Country-based radio.

Richard Elkington speaks
• Rob Henri, Secretary of Argyle Lodge, advises: “Argyle Lodge No. 105 held a Zoom social catch-up on Monday evening (May 17). There was great success with some 15 members involved, including the Grand Master-Elect.  Richard Elkington. After all it is his patch!• “We pretty much talked about how we were each of us coping with the lock down, the teaching ability of our younger members and of course fears were expressed for our lodges when we are able to meet again. We invited Richard to talk about “where we are and whereto”, and listened with great interest to his words of wisdom. We also realised that home is not a bad place but most of us are planning a get out of jail trip when this becomes possible.Next Zoom meet in about two weeks.” (Thanks to Rob Henri, also to Liam Cole.) 

Millions of pounds raised
• “Online and text donations have been pouring into the Freemasons’ Covid-19 Community Fund from Freemasons nationwide,” says the Gainsborough Standard (UK). “This fundraising is in addition to the £2.5 million the Freemasons’ charity, MCF, has already allocated to fund more than 50 local projects around the country, and a major grant of £250,000 to Age UK’s coronavirus emergency appeal. Projects that Freemasons have chosen to support include the provision of much-needed PPE, to health workers in hospitals and care homes, thousands of metres of fabric being cut and sewn into hundreds of sets of scrubs in the province and cooking meals for the vulnerable.”

What’s On: online meetings

• Friday, May 22. 7.30pm. Victorian Lodge of Research. Guest Speaker: John Molnar. ‘What Is Freemasonry For?’ LINK

With thanks to www.masonsconnect.com
Please advise us of online meetings, so we can publicise in FVNews.

World News
• Masonic lodges from throughout the East Lothiancounty have donated provisions worth £1,400 to Tranent-based East Lothian Foodbank, says The Courier. “Individual lodge members from throughout the Province of East Lothian, which encompasses St John Kilwinning No 57, Haddington; The Lodge of Dunbar Castle No 75, Dunbar; St Baldred, No 313, North Berwick; Nisbet No 1112 and Kajaki No 1848, both of Tranent, collected £400. A further £1000 was donated to the initiative by the lodges’ governing body, the Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lothian.”

Masonic Mailbag
• Ron Goodburn, Braedale 936, says: “I am enjoying the daily updates especially given the current conditions. Keep up the amazing job you are doing in informing us of what’s happening.”

Masonic Trivia
• There is a Masonic flag at both the North and South Poles, as well as a fez at the North. These were planted by Brothers Richard Byrd and Bernt Balchen. They were dropped from their airplane when they flew overhead. When they returned to the North pole, Bro. Blachen dropped his fez from the aeroplane.

Daily Wisdom
• ““Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever. That surrender, even the smallest act of giving up, stays with me. So when I feel like quitting, I ask myself, which would I rather live with?”  – Lance ArmstrongIt’s Not about the Bike: My Journey Back to Life

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
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