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Daily. Mon., May 25, 2020


FVNews Daily. 
No 31. Monday, May 25, 2020

From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action TeamFVNews Daily is also available at www.FVNews.com.au
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Vale Maxwell Rose
• Wor. Bro. Maxwell Rowe has passed to the Grand Lodge Above. He was a valued member of Duke of Sussex Lodge No. 48. A service funeral is scheduled to be held on Wednesday (May 27) at St Catherine’s Church, Caulfield. (Thanks to Barry Minster and Hank Chan for this notice.)

Remembering Ernie Bell
• Julia Edwards, Grand Lodge Executive Assistant, tells us of the impressive Memorial Service given for Ernie Bell, PDGM. Amongst those to attend the service were Bob Jones, Rob Layton and Murray Luxford, plus a number of other Victorian Freemasons. The audio-visual presentation included photos of his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Condolences are extended to wife Lois.

Future Recovery Team
• The Freemasons Future Recovery Team met on Friday (May 22) under the chairmanship of Anthony Bucca. The team will examine all aspects relating to the re-opening of Lodges across Victoria. Some useful material from Freemasons New Zealand has been obtained, as well as from other jurisdictions. One important factor is that the typical age group of manyLodges is men aged 60+, many with immuno-compromised status.

Taught to be cautious
• RWor. Bro. Bucca spoke on social media about re-openings: “Many things to consider. Our age profile in the craft is a huge concern and there are many matters to consider. Our centres are closed until June30 . There is a very experienced committee looking at our recovery from COVID-19 and I expect some detailed announcements over the coming few weeks.  I can assure you however that we will not endanger the health of our members by rushing into things, no matter how much we all want to get back to lodge.” The next meeting of the Freemasons Future Recovery Team will be held this Thursday (May 28).

Doctors and Nurses
• FVNews Daily put out a call on Friday afternoon (May 22) to see if there were any health professionals available to guide the Freemasons Future Recovery Team with important health issues relating to re-opening Masonic centres across Victoria. Some of the advice that flowed in came from (or on behalf of) brethren including:
• Felix Pidato, whoreminded us of the clinicians at the Royal Freemasons Homes and Epworth Freemasons.
• Dr Mohan Kalamanathan (Lodge of Honour), Emergency Physician at Frankston Hospital Emergency Department. He has recently been counselling older Freemasons on Zoom about keeping safe.
• Rhys Webb, Registered Nurse. Also on the COVID-19 Emergency Council for the Wimmera representing St John Ambulance Horsham Division.
• Vana Tran (Blackburn United Lodge), GP, working at Wells Road Medical Centre in Chelsea Heights.
• Brett Drummond, operational manager with Ambulance Victoria in the Emergency Management Unit, and part of the management group for the team doing the primary planning forAV’s response.
• Jason Dawson (Sandringham District Lodge), works for the Department of Health and Human Services in the Emergency Management branch. His branch is the lead controlling agency during the COVID pandemic. 
• Mark Reynolds, primary healthcare nurse with expertise relevant to the public health implications of COVID-19.
• Other names have also been ‘volunteered’ by Brethren across the state.

Paul Brennand’s video


• Paul Brennand, Grand Superintendent, has launched a VIDEO (01:52) which introduces the work of his Membership Volunteer Action Team. One of the four sub-groups is named as the ‘Come Back’ team. WATCH HERE

Mentoring the mentors

• Peter White writes: “I am leading the Mentor Team in the Membership VAT. We have created a training program for lodge mentors and were about to commence training when theCoronavirus struck. We are now about to produce an online version which will include contact sessions via Zoom. Our trainers are regionally based and are qualified to facilitate the program. Our key trainers are:

• Edy Wilfling and Ian Brown – Eastern Suburban

• John Glover and Graham Kirkwood – Northern Country

• Peter King and Ange Kenos – Western Country

• Ian Brown – Gippsland

• “They are assisted by Doug Ashley, Claudio Marino and Chris O’Hara In preparation for the roll out of the training I have produced a YouTube video. I plan to produce another three over the next few weeks discussing mentoring for Freemasons.The first video will be available on YouTube on Tuesday (May 26). LINK

Website difficulties
• Grand Secretary Garry Runge’s email late last week encouraged members to log on to the Salesforce sections of the Freemasons Victoria website to update their contact confirmation ahead of electronic voting testing. Unfortunately, the website had its own problems, and a number of members were unable to complete their actions. Outside IT contractors, who manage the website workings, continue their efforts to restore the website and email system to full strength.

Our Grand Lodge finances
• Craig Head, our Grand Lodge Treasurer, and his ‘Fincom’ colleagues are working on the 2020-21 financial figures for the Freemasons Victoria entities. Not knowing when operations will resume in the 2020-21 year means various uncertainties. The organisation has $400,000 less in the kitty because half-a-year of capitation fees have been credited to Lodges acrossVictoria. Investment property incomes have reduced because of the COVID-19 situation. Some Eastbourne apartment sales have yet to settle. There are additional income shortfalls. VATleaders are due to submit their budgets later this week.
• The Finance team includes Larry Jackson (President), Garry James, John Blyth and Rhys Watson, plus Frank Warner and Jenny Galea in the office. They have committed to provide regular updates through FVNews Daily so that members are fully informed. 

The North-East Corner
• Mick Kearsley will lecture on ‘The North East Corner – Masonic Fact or Fiction’ at the Victorian Lodge of Research at 7.30pm on Friday, June 26. Venue: “Your Place”. Brendan Kyne advises that John Molnar’s address – ‘What Is Freemasonry For?’ will be able to be read in the 2020 annual Transactions publication.

What’s On: online meetings

• Monday, May 25. 7.30pm. Duke of Sussex Lodge. Online meeting.

• Tuesday, May 26. 7pm. Endeavour Virtual Lodge. Guest Speaker: Dr Mike Kearsley, The Morgan Affair. EMAIL for Summons
• Tuesday, May 26. 7pm. Richmond Lodge. online weekly meeting. LINK
• Tuesday, May 26. 7.30pm. Eric Williams. ‘The Way Our Lodge Works. LINK
• Wednesday, May 27. 7pm. Mordialloc Lodge of Charity. 
Virtual Table Lodge. LINK
• Wednesday, May 27. 7pm. Masonic Education Network (NSW). 
The Sir Walter Scott Lodge Lectures. LINK
• Thursday, May 28. 7pm. Blue Lounge Social Club. 
Educational Forum. LINK

With thanks to www.masonsconnect.com
Please advise us of online meetings, so we can publicise in FVNews.

World News
• The Rotary and Freemasons of Twin Cities provided 600 grocery kits worth Rs six lakh to Secunderabad Cantonment Board India) for onward distribution to the needy here in the city today. The Relief activity was taken up in loving memory of AVM Lala, a well known Freemason who departed recently. It was a joint initiative of Rotary Club of Ameerpet, Cantonment Secunderabad, Hyderabad Deccan, Freemasons of Secunderabad which include Lodge Eagle, Lodge Naoshir Chenoy:  and Lodge St John.  The beneficiaries of the relief were those who couldn’t avail Government ration. LINK

Masonic Mailbag
• A Masonic critic (which is an interesting concept in itself) wrote overnight to admonish your Editor for freezing a Facebook argument that had overstepped allowable boundaries. The critic labelled the Editor as “childish, patronising and for someone with your experience, inappropriate censorship”.”If you are trying to help with engagement, this action is having the opposite effect, driving brethren away from such forums,” the critic continued.
• The Editor replied: “Thanks for your comments. I have legal responsibilities and I understand them. There were several potential defamations in Sunday’s thread. If you commit to financially indemnify me for all and any defamation costs, I may be able to adopt the editing stance that you suggest. If you are not prepared to so underwrite, as far as this single Facebook page is concerned, you will have to put up with an Administrator of only 51 years’ experience at the pointy end of social communications.”You are free, of course, to host your own comment page without rules, and cop any legal action that it will surely attract. Good wishes.”

A Good Word For …
• Des Connor, Secretary of the Keysborough St Andrews Daylight Lodge, publishes a newsletter for his members. Des was in touch with the Grand Secretariat last week to gather material for the sought-after publication.

Masonic Trivia
• In 1920, Gate City Lodge No. 522 in Kansas City, Missouri, met every day of the week except Sunday to confer a record 1107 degrees, averaging 21 degrees a week.  

Masonic Wisdom
• “The question. ‘Who ought to be boss?’, is like asking, ‘Who ought to be the tenor in the quartet?’ Obviously, the man who can sing tenor.” – Henry Ford

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
FVNews is an opt-in email. If, for any reason, you would prefer not to receive our emails, simply reply to editor@FVNews.com.au or fill out the Unsubscribe form at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/  – type OPT OUT in the subject line, and please include your email address. Or use the unsubscribe option at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/

One Response “Daily. Mon., May 25, 2020”

  1. Joel Solomon
    Monday, May 25, 2020 at 12:00 pm

    Good stuff, enjoyed your work

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