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Daily. Thu., May 28, 2020


FVNews Daily. 
No 34. Thursday, May 28, 2020

From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action TeamFVNews Daily is also available at www.FVNews.com.au
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Condolences to Don, Mya
• Mya G. Grayly notifies: “It is with heavy hearts we advise that Don’s mother, Jean Reynolds, passed away in the early hours (Tuesday) morning. She was 94 years of age and enjoyed a long and happy life.  A private family service will take place in Drysdale on Friday (May 29).” FVNews joins with Victoria’sMasonic family in extending condolences to Don, Mya and the Reynolds family.

Arise John Blyth, LLB
• Congratulations to John Blyth on news received late Tuesday that he had formally completed seven years of study to officially become a Barrister and Solicitor in Victoria.

Was it a world first?
• Bruce Stockdale writes: “Mordialloc Lodge of Charity held what we think is a world first – a Virtual Table Lodge. Celebrating the ceremony of theSeven Toasts. Over thirty members and visitors enjoyed a night of friendship and in passing raised in excess of $700 for Police Legacy in honour of the police service who selflessly serve our community. Those who missed out should keep an eye out for when we run a non-virtual Table Lodge.”Another Recovery Team meeting• Anthony Bucca will chair the next Freemasons Future Recovery Team meeting at 10am today (Thurs.). Discussion will include ‘models’ of re-opening from lodges in New Zealand and Tasmania. The Committee’s Terms of Reference have been overseen by the Board of General Purposes.

Press coverage for Gippsland Lakes


• Paul Brennand, Grand Superintendent of Membership, has forwarded a number of local press clippings organised by Gippsland Lakes Lodge in the newspaper group that includes the Bairnsdale Advertiser, Lakes Post and East Gippsland News.

Talk on the Carbonari
• Matteo Donato says talk on the Carbonari will be given at the Zoom meeting for Garibaldi Lodge to be held at 7.30pm on Monday (June 1). LINK

King Solomon’s Temple
• Bro Rabbi Meir Kluwgant provided a talk at a Zoom meeting of Lodge Fraternal last night (Wed., May 27). He spoke about the history and timeline, construction and architecture (masonry) of King Solomon’s Temple. The talk also included a brief tour and overview of the Temple’s layout and main features. The talk was based primarily on the ‘Tanakh’ (Old testament),” advises Simon Benedykt.

Editor will be guest speaker
• Ron Boulton, Secretary of Lodge of the Golden Rule, advises of a guest speaker at their Zoom meeting at 7.30pm on Wednesday (June 3): “Bro. Ash Long is the face of The Local Paper in the outer northern region and is based in Yea. He has been around newspapers all of his working life so I am sure that he will have a tale to tell. Ash also has been appointed as Superintendent of Communication for Freemasons Victoria and edits that FV Newsappears on Facebook.” LINK

Masons donate £1000 to charity
• A North Wales masonic lodge has donated £1000 to a Wrexham charity that suffered a break in. The Leader reported earlier this month that DynamicWrexham was left “heartbroken” after its buildings were broken into. Over the course of a few nights, thieves stole a number of items including mobility aids, internal and outdoor specialist disability play equipment, garden equipment including a strimmer and a lawnmower, a barbecue, a garden table and chairs. Following the news, members of Valle Crucis Lodge in Llangollen have donated £1000 to support the charity – which provides out-of-school activities and a holiday program for children and young people with disabilities.” LINK
What’s On: online meetings

• Thursday, May 28. 7pm. Blue Lounge Social Club. Educational Forum. LINK

With thanks to www.masonsconnect.com
Please advise us of online meetings, so we can publicise in FVNews.

Encouraging words

• John Tobin, Worshipful Master of Lodge Devotion, writes: “I thought that I would drop you a quick line to let you know how much I enjoy FVNews. Your initiative in providing the items contained therein helps us all keep interested in the wider Masonic community. In these times of social isolation and deprivation of physical contact it is easy to fall into a general malaise and let ourselves withdraw from our brethren. Thank you for providing current information and useful, informative links which help to bind us with our Craft. Keep up the good work.”

World News
• “A charity providing professional counselling for people in the community has received a £2000 donation to help sustain its services. The money from theFreemasons’ charity is being used to support Bourne-based charity Don’t Lose Hope in its deliveries of food and medication to people who can’t get into town because of lockdown restrictions as well as those who cannot access online services. Volunteers – accompanied by charity mascot, Eddie the Bear – have been making more than 100 deliveries each week to people in and around Bourne,” says the Rutland and Stamford Mercury.

Masonic Mailbag
• Donald Paterson furthers his comments about strategy: “It has always looked more like a list of aspirations and tasks to me, published in a gloss public relations or a marketing document than anything else. However the fact is, as reports and statistics show it has not and is not working, so what is going to be changed – can that be published too, please? I have noticed that there is a tendency to put a word “strategic” on an otherwise other worthy planning document in an apparent attempt to give it some respectability, as they put “leadership” in a management course when they are really talking about the control and coordination aspects of management. All part of smoke and mirrors but I am sure an old newspaper man like you has seen all this before and want to print news and not be drawn into being a publicist unless you put such words as “Paid advertisement” on the copy, even in FVNews.  It would cheapen your News to do otherwise.”

Masonic Trivia
• Actor Jack Carson was the first of five candidates to receive the Entered Apprentice degree at Cecile Daylight Lodge No 305 in Independence, Missouri,  in 1936.  He was taught the proficiency while the other four candidates were being initiated.  By his request, he then returned his Entered Apprentice proficiency that same evening, even examining himself. He gave a perfect proficiency.

Masonic Wisdom
• “The real Freemason is distinguished from the rest of Mankind by the uniform unrestrained rectitude of his conduct. Other men are honest in fear of punishment which the law might inflect; they are religious in expectation of being rewarded, or in dread of the devil, in the next world. A Freemason would be just if there were no laws, human or divine except those written in his heart by the finger of his Creator. In every climate, under every system of religion, he is the same. He kneels before the Universal Throne of God in gratitude for the blessings he has received and humble solicitation for his future protection. He venerates the good men of all religions. He disturbs not the religion of others. He restrains his passions, because they cannot be indulged without injuring his neighbor or himself. He gives no offence, because he does not choose to be offended. He contracts no debts which he is certain he cannot discharge, because he is honest upon principle.”– ‘The Character of a Freemason’. From the Farmer’s Almanac, 1823. Andover, Massachusetts

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
FVNews is an opt-in email. If, for any reason, you would prefer not to receive our emails, simply reply to editor@FVNews.com.au or fill out the Unsubscribe form at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/  – type OPT OUT in the subject line, and please include your email address. Or use the unsubscribe option at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/

One Response “Daily. Thu., May 28, 2020”

  1. Jim King
    Friday, May 29, 2020 at 9:16 am

    What a great initiative – informative/current/timely. A lot better effort from Volunteers than past efforts of paid staff. In the 25/05 issue mention was made under G/L Finances about settlements outstanding for Eastbourne – has anyone asked why – hope its not some FMV high flyers. Also FMV has two apartments in Eastbourne – are they being used/for what purpose/is rental income being received ? As a former FMV member but still a Freemason at heart many questions still remain about current/past administration of FMV but this publication is trying to keep the broader membership in the loop. Congratulations Ash and your VAT Team.

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