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Daily. Wed., Jun. 3, 2020


FVNews Daily. 
No 37. Wednesday, June 3, 2020

From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action TeamFVNews Daily is also available at www.FVNews.com.au
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Vale Eric Rowley
• Grand Master-Elect Richard Elkington is organising a fitting and proper written tribute to Bro. Eric Rowley who has died at the age of 105. The tribute will be published soon. David Aubrey, Secretary of Morwell Lodge No. 202, said: “I regret to advise that I have just been informed that Bro. Eric Rowley passed to the Grand Lodge Above on June 1. He would have been 106 in August. At 105 years of age and with more than 70 years membership of theMorwell Lodge he was our oldest and longest serving  member.”
• Meanwhile, Craig Spendlove, Administrative Officer, Joint Secretariat of Grand Chapter and Grand Mark of Victoria, says Eric moved into a seniors care facility in 2018. “He was most likely the eldest member of the fraternity in the jurisdiction of Victoria. I believe he had a 75-year membership jewel inCraft and a 70-year jewel in Mark (Gippsland Mark Lodge No. 52).”

Vale Jim Murray
• Bro. Jim Murray of Stewart Lodge passed to Grand Lodge Above on Saturday (May 30). So mote it be.

50+ at Ceremonial Team meeting
• There was enthusiasm and humour abounding at the 2020-21 Grand Ceremonial Team meeting held by Zoom on Tuesday night (Jun. 2), organised byAlan Tyndall, Grand Pursuivant Designate. Grand Master-Elect Richard Elkington and Deputy Anthony Bucca spoke about arrangements leading up to the Grand Installation on Saturday, June 27.

Grand Lodge Library talks
• Grand Lodge Librarian Ange Kenos writes: “As of next week, I will be instituting a regular monthly Zoom educational meeting, related to the Grand Library and Museum. Sometimes the presenter will be a Brother who has volunteered a particular subject. Other times it may be myself, discussing what we do in there or how to conduct research or a talk about some of  our precious artefacts. Second Wednesday every month, 7 30 pm. I intend to keep this as a permanent activity, if there is sufficient interest. Details will follow soon.”

Help for support service
• Ron Boulton of The Lodge of the Golden Rule talks of valuable support to the Monash-Oakleigh Community Support Service and Information Service. LINK• “MOCSIS is a very low budget ‘get in there and help’ organization which provides assistance to some of the poorest in the Oakleigh community. At this time, where many more than normal are in dire straits I would hope that we can make a donation of supermarket gift cards to MOCSIS. To this end we will be having a mystery raffle at our meeting on Wednesday night (Jun. 3). Price will be $10 for 10 tickets, $20 for 30 tickets.  Payment – if you can pay before Wednesday’s meeting it will be good but your word will get you tickets on the night. ( BSB 063159, Account No.10072907). Now this means that even if you can’t be at the meeting you can still contribute to this worthy cause and be part of the raffle.” EMAIL

Guest speaker at Golden Rule
• Ash Long, Superintendent of Communication, will be guest speaker at the Lodge of the Golden Rule meeting starting at 7.30pm tonight (Wed.). LINK He will speak about his 51-year career in the media, and the work of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team.

Mentor Team advances plans
• Peter White, Team Leader, Mentoring, of the Membership Volunteer Action Team, says the team met again this week and have advanced their plans for a self-paced training program to support Lodge mentors. “The program will be made up of five modules, each with a supporting booklet, a training video and followed up with a Zoom meeting with the Regional Trainer. The team is seeking applications from potential presenters to present the information in the videos. Check out the LINK to meet the Regional Trainers and see how you could apply for the presenter position.”

Steps towards Electronic Voting
• “At the September 2019 Quarterly Communication, 96 per cent of those who voted, said ‘Yes’ in favour of electronic voting and after many months, we are ready to implement this critical change and achieve a first in Victorian Freemasonry at the June 2020 Quarterly Communication,” says a Grand Lodge email. PRESENTATION PDF

• “In order for members to exercise their expanded rights under the electronic voting reforms, they must have a registered personal email address with Grand Lodge. Most members have already done so, however if you would like to double check, click the link below. Remember, these updates or addition of email addresses must be done at least seven days before a vote, to ensure your details are correct and loaded into the systems for voting. If you would like to vote at the upcoming Quarterly Communication on June 27, please update or add your email by 4pm on Friday, June 19.” LINK

What’s On: online meetings

Go to www.masonsconnect.com

Please advise us of online meetings, so we can publicise in FVNews.

World News
• Past Grand Master Austin Asche, now 94, has featured in an ABC interview. LISTEN

Masonic Mailbag
• Ross Broad writes: “I have to applaud MAPs being taken online. MAPs being compulsory for advancement, we need a uniform, informative, clear, professional and modern approach to explain not only what a Degree is about but why it’s important to understand our Ritual. Our new members then have the chance to do so when it’s convenient to them and at their own pace allowing for more comprehension and revision. Fantastic initiative may it continue.”

Masonic Trivia
• “The Illustrious Henry Ford was raised on November 28, 1894, in Palestine Lodge No. 357 in Detroit, Michigan. The Masons that composed the degree team were dressed in overalls and worked with Ford at the Edison Company. He was a faithful member of this lodge for over 50 years. On March 7, 1935, he was honoured by his lodge with a life membership and presented with a plaque commemorating his 75th birthday. Ford often visited lodges near his summer home at Traverse City and his winter residence in Georgia. He made several visits to Zion Lodge No. 1, which was Michigan’s oldest lodge, and in 1928, he was made an honorary member. His brother-in-law, William R. Bryant, served as master of Zion Lodge in 1932. He was honoured with 33° in the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Northern Jurisdiction in September 1940. On that occasion, he said, “Masonry is the best balance wheel the United States has, for Masons know what to teach their children.” A few years after Brother Ford’s death, two of his grandsons followed in his footsteps. Bensonand William were raised in Corinthian Lodge No. 241 in Detroit, Michigan, on May 1, 1950. Both grandsons were 32° Scottish Rite Masons, and Williamwas a Knights Templar.”

Masonic Wisdom
• “Chop your own wood and it will warm you twice.” – Bro. Henry Ford

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
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