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Sunday, January 19, 2025

Daily. Fri., Jun. 5, 2020


FVNews Daily. 
No 39. Friday, June 5, 2020

From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action TeamFVNews Daily is also available at www.FVNews.com.au
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Guest Editorial by Stephen Carpenter
• Stephen Carpenter, Past Master, has contributed a guest editorial. Hios advice in a nutshell: “Engage with your community as a well thinking Freemason focused on how you can assist other people deal with these difficult times.” Read Stephen’s opinion in full: LINK

Happy to meet: Bro. Maxwell Kent


Pictured: Bro. Maxwell Kent and son Rowan
• This beautiful collection of jewels and other memorabilia from Craft, Mark and Chapter dating back to 1945 belonging to Bro. Maxwell Kent’s fatherVWor. Bro Kingsley B. Kent was presented to Freemasons Victoria at his home in Belmont, Geelong this week. 
• Bro. Maxwell Kent was initiated into Cosmopolitan Lodge on January 9, 1952, and his father VWor. Bro Kingsley B. Kent was a member of City of Geelong Lodge, and St Andrew’s in the South Royal Arch Chapter.  Maxwell’s son Rowan (pictured) contacted the Grand Secretary’s office throughBen Quick, and this week Graham Berry visited Bro. Maxwell at his home in Belmont to hear some wonderful stories of his time and his father’s time inFreemasonry around the Geelong region and to receive this beautiful collection. 
• The framed collection will be put on display at the Geelong Masonic Centre in the near future when a return is allowed back to buildings. As a side note,Bro. Maxwell’s son Rowan was married in the church that is now the Geelong Masonic Centre.

Myles King to be guest speaker
• V.Wor .Bro. Myles King OAM, Chair, Freemasons Foundation Victoria, will speak on ‘Operations of Freemasons Foundation and Disaster Relief‘ atWilliamstown Lodge by Zoom at 7.30pm on Wednesday (June 10). LINK (Thanks to Lodge Secretary Adam Woledge for this information.)

American stamps wanted
• Wor. Bro. Stan Beaumont writes: “Looking for collectors of stamps in America. Have many many Australian ones to trade for American used ones. Thank you, regards Stan Beaumont, four times Past Master in Victoria.” LINK

John Patterson spoke
• John Patterson was guest speaker yesterday (Thu.) for the Australian Mental Health Forum on the subject of ‘Strong, stoic and silent – does suicide prevention work for rural blokes?’. The Forum promoted Patto’s connection with Freemasons Victoria in advertising the event.

Getting to know what’s happening• “My name is Ben Jones of Golden and Corinthian Lodge No. 7 in Bendigo. Just wanted to pass on my thanks to your efforts in FVNews. I am very new to Freemasonry, only being initiated in February and it has been an interesting start to my Masonic journey with the COVID-19 going on. FVNews has been a great tool for me to use to get to know what is happening. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.”

From Dr Brian Austen• “Sad days still ahead and this home is still in lockdown, but the consolation is that we are avoiding the impact of many visitors into the home including the very necessary measures taken to escape the COVID-19 Coronavirus. Some members of our residents are permitted to come by appointment. Otherwise it will be business returning to normal soon in  time. We are still safe.• “It will be some time before permission is given to visit away from this residential home in 
Gisborne. The weather is unsuitable to be outside for long spells and most are content to remain inside the home grounds. Plenty of activity inside and fine entertainment as well but for those with computers ,TV, radios too. The days go very quickly. We have online shopping, church services and ‘Zoom’ meetings and general lounge areas with the large TVs, physio sessions, massages, hairdressing plus the nursing staff for minor medical treatment. Of course we have our own medical officers on call.”

Masonic centre on the market
• “A prominent Bathurst building that was originally built as a Masonic Lodge and served as a social hub for the town for much of the 20th century has hit the market with price expectations in the mid-$1 million range. The property at 99 Keppel St was completed in 1890. Lord Carrington, who was then theNSW Governor and Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge, the main governing body for Freemasonry in the state, laid the keystone of the building’s arch in 1889.” LINK

What’s On: online meetings

Go to www.masonsconnect.com

Please advise us of online meetings, so we can publicise in FVNews.

World News
• Five Lockyer Valley (Qld) rural fire brigades have been thanked for their efforts during last year’s fire season. Fire brigades in Mulgowie, Blenheim, Hatton Vale, Gatton and Grandchester are collectively $10,000 better off thanks to a donation from the Freemasons, reports the Gatton Star.

Masonic Mailbag
• Brendan Kyne writes with positive feedback about the MAP2 held online on Wednesday night (June 3). He regards the session as a “resounding success” and thinks we may have found the right format for the times.  • “I think this is a perfect case for voiceless Freemasons (EAs and FCs) to, actually, be allowed to talk. MAPs are for us, who just started Freemason’s journey, and we should be able to take part in decision making.”
• “Excellent presentation on the 2nd degree, I thoroughly enjoyed that and helped shed more light on the symbolic meaning behind the ritual, thanks again!”
• “Thank you for an excellent session last night, learnt a great deal, format was fantastic.”
• “They are marvellous. I’ve been to only a handful of ‘real’ MAPs but they just don’t compare. I see this as a superior delivery method.” 
• “Thank you very much for the MAP2 yesterday. It was awesome! I did my MAP1 in ‘old’ style and for my opinion – running Zoom based MAPs is a great idea and it works very well.”
 • “It was a very enjoyable evening. Thank you!”• “I must compliment you, together with Jack Aquilina, and the boys of the Blue Lounge. Good presentation, and a great panel session at the end. The input from some of the FCs left me very pleasantly surprised.”
• “Each time I attend a MAP, I learn something new, or am reminded of some Masonic teaching from the past. This time I was shown the future of MAPs.”

Encouraging words
• Thanks to a number of brethren for some encouraging words yesterday (Thu.): Garry Runge, Bruck Stockdale, Tony McDonall, Wayne Smith.
• Denis Henry of the Mordialloc Lodge of Charity wrote to FVNews Daily“Thank you and congratulations on what you are doing to keep our Brethren informed on a daily basis. It is much appreciated.”

Masonic Trivia
• Bro. ‘Buzz’ Aldrin, a member of Clear Lake Lodge No. 1417 in Texas, when he stepped onto the surface of the Moon, carried a special deputation from his Grand Master to claim the Moon as being in the territorial jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Texas. And so it is.

Masonic Wisdom
• “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” – attributed to Bro. Thomas Edison.

Next issue on Monday

• The next issue of FVNews Daily will be on Monday (June 8) which is the Queen’s Birthday Holiday. We have three very special headline reports.

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
FVNews is an opt-in email. If, for any reason, you would prefer not to receive our emails, simply reply to editor@FVNews.com.au or fill out the Unsubscribe form at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/  – type OPT OUT in the subject line, and please include your email address. Or use the unsubscribe option at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/

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