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DAILY. Thu., Jun. 11, 2020


FVNews Daily. 
No 43. Thursday, June 11, 2020

From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action TeamFVNews Daily is also available at www.FVNews.com.au
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1. Towards Re-Opening
• Freemasons Victoria is actively working towards re-opening its Masonic Centres across Victoria. The Freemasons Future Recovery Teammet yesterday (Wed., June 10), and finalised its recommendations to be put this week to the Board of General Purposes. Over coming weeks, the Board is expected to announce detailed plans.The Team appointed specialist teams:
• Risk and Finance: Craig Head, Robert Brennand, Matt Donato and Frank Warner.
• Membership: Paul Brennand, Peter Atkin, Lionel May and Wayne Smith. 
• Lodge Meetings: Neville Wiggins, Ash Long, Peter Barrand.
 Ritual and Ceremonial: Ian Cross (or Deputy Jim Karabatsos), Geoff Newby and Ian Buckingham.

2. Towards Re-Opening: Healthcare Matters
• A panel of co-opted Freemasons involved in healthcare has provided medical expertise. Given the older demographic of Freemasons across Victoria, the wellbeing of members is the highest priority in this decision-making. This panel – comprising Felix Pintado, Dr Mohan Kalamanathan, Rhys Webb, Vana Tran, Brett Drummond, Jason Dawson and Mark Reynolds – is available to provide ongoing advice to our fraternity. One of the first recovery steps will be to conduct a Quarterly Communication and Grand Installation at East Melbourne on Saturday, June 27, 2020. With strict adherence to Government regulations, the attendance will be limited to approximately 20 people. The event will be live streamed, so it may be viewed by the membership.

3. Towards Re-Opening: Essentials
• All Masonic Centres across Victoria remain closed. Only essential maintenance is permitted, and only then with the written consent of the Grand Superintendent of Works, obtained via the Grand Secretary’s office. The Board’s announcement of re-opening dates will be accompanied in due course by strict guidelines relating to sanitising, record keeping, social distancing, infection control, ritual and ceremonial, and arrangements for the South. It is essential that Freemasons Victoria set a leadership example to the community, by strict observance of the Governmentguidelines. Our members, their families, and the public deserve nothing less.

Quarterly Communication


• Bro. Paul Revere advertised a Quarterly Communication in this Columbian Centinel newspaper on Saturday, June 6, 1795.
• Thanks to Rob Richardson for sharing this historical piece.

Electronic voting
• The first electronic vote for Freemasons Victoria will take place at the next Quarterly Communication on Saturday, June 27. It is important that every member is afforded the capability to vote on matters that impact our organisation. In order for members to exercise their expanded rights under the electronic voting reforms, members must have a registered personal email address with Grand Lodge. Most members have already done so, however, if you would like to check or update your email address click the link below and follow the three easy steps. Remember, the update or addition of email addresses must be done at least seven days before a vote, to ensure your details are correct and loaded into the systems for voting. If you would like to vote at the upcoming Quarterly Communication, please update or add your email by 4pm, Friday, June 19.

50 litres of hand sanitiser
• Essex Search and Rescue volunteers have received 50 litres of hand sanitiser as a donation from Freemasons, reports the Saffron Walden Reporter (UK). The rescue volunteers work alongside Essex Police and are called out in the event that a high risk or vulnerable person such as a child or someone with dementia goes missing. The charity receives no public funding.

Kiwi brothers donate $200,000
• Freemasons NZ has donated $200,000 in scholarship funding to 28 Kiwi university students studying subjects ranging from environmental sciences and biomedical science to philosophy and primary school teaching. The annual donation from the Freemasons Charity marks the 42rd year the scholarships have been presented. The Freemasons have donated nearly $6 million in scholarships to nearly 1200 New Zealanders in that time, including Prime Minister Jacinda ArdernLINK

Chain reaction
• Buckinghamshire Freemasons have rallied to support a local doctor after his only form of transport to and from work was stolen. After a long night shift at MK Hospital, Dr Suhel Chagani was eager to get home and see his wife as they are imminently awaiting the arrival of their first child. Unbeknownst to Dr Suhel his bicycle had been stolen from the hospital grounds. Having heard about the unfortunate criminal act, the close friendship between the Buckinghamshire Freemasons as a charitable organisation and the community hospital triggered a ‘chain’ reaction to the situation. The Freemasons got on their bike to donate a replacement for the stolen bicycle. LINK

Encouraging Words
• Gary Edwards, Chairman, Freemasons Victoria Taskforce, writes: “Thank you for your great voluntary effort in producing the FVNews publication each weekday. It’s an excellent informative read each morning over breakfast for all Brethren in Victoria, and a wonderful link between us during this difficult time of required isolation. I particularly enjoy the Masonic Trivia and Wisdom snippets each day. Many thanks again for your outstanding voluntary work that benefits us all Ash. A great job well done.”

What’s On: online meetings

• Thursday, June 11. Blue Lounge Social Club. Educational Forum. LINK
Go to www.masonsconnect.com

Please advise us of online meetings, so we can publicise in FVNews.

World News: Hospital Handpass
• A charity radio station which has seen its presenters broadcasting from improvised studios in their homes has been given a £1000 boost byHarrogate Freemasons. When the Coronavirus barred access to the wards of Harrogate District Hospital to all but patients and essential staff, its volunteer-led radio station moved its operation offsite. Thanks to technology, a total of three makeshift studios were created in the homes ofHarrogate Hospital Radio members – ensuring shows will go on, 24 hours a day. And now with a £1000 donation, the society has been able to purchase the necessary equipment to allow more presenters to broadcast from home. LINK

Masonic Mailbag
• Merv Hallam writes about ‘Blue Lodges’: “Freemasonry is symbolic which means it’s neither right nor wrong but a means by which we understand.  So, there will be several suggestions as to why we are referred to as ‘The Blue Lodge’.  The one I am comfortable with is that in ourVolume of the Sacred Law (Christian Bible) it states that the Lord spoke unto Moses and said to remind the Children of Israel to border their clothing in blue to remind them of the Ten Commandments.  Not sure of chapter and verse but it’s there.”

Masonic Movie Trivia
• In A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (1966), a running joke has several characters told to knock three times.

Masonic Wisdom
• “When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” – Bro. Henry Ford

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au
 Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
FVNews is an opt-in email. If, for any reason, you would prefer not to receive our emails, simply reply to editor@FVNews.com.au or fill out the Unsubscribe form at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/  – type OPT OUT in the subject line, and please include your email address. Or use the unsubscribe option at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/

One Response “DAILY. Thu., Jun. 11, 2020”

  1. Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 7:26 pm

    Great work, brethren

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