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Sunday, January 19, 2025

DAILY. Mon., Jun. 15, 2020


FVNews Daily. 
No 45. Monday, June 15, 2020

From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action TeamFVNews Daily is also available at www.FVNews.com.au
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Vale Bill Morecroft
• We regret to advise the passing of RWor. Bro. Morecrift, PJGW, of the Sandringham Lodge No 220, on Saturday (June 13) at age 99. Past Grand Master Garry Sebo commented on social media: “He was indeed a wonderful man and Freemason as others have commented. Bill had seemed to be invincible to us and, although he recently celebrated his 99th birthday, his death still comes as a great shock. Farewell Bill, dear friend.”
• Andrew Power passes on Sandringham Lodge Secretary Phil Bencraft’s message: “His funeral is being held this Friday (June 19) however numbers will be restricted due to the COVID-19 situation. A Masonic service has been requested but it will be conducted by one person, not the regular two.The service will be available over the web.” A link will be provided as soon as possible.

Bill Morecroft’s Masonic Life
• Bill was initiated into the Beaumaris Lodge on  August 15, 1957. Passed to the second degree on  October 17, 1957 and raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason on  February 20, 1958. He was installed as Worshipful Master on June 21, 1973.• On  June 21, 2007, he was installed as the Master of the Black Rock Beaumaris Lodge and did back-to-back years.
• Bill joined the Sandringham District Lodge on  May 6, 2010, after Black Rock Beaumaris Lodge returned its warrant.
He was also a member of many other orders:• Perfected into the Rite (18°) on September 16, 2010  at Alpha Victoria Sovereign Chapter (aged 89)
• Held the office of 2nd General (Equivalent of JW),  November 15, 2012.
Moved to 1st General (Equivalent of SW). November 21, 2013
• Enthroned as Most Wise Sovereign (Equivalent to WM). November 20. 2014. (Aged 93)
• Attained the 30° on November 1, 2013, and also became a member of St Andrew Sovereign Council.
• Elevated to the 31° on July 6, 2018, in St Andrew Sovereign Council.

Vale John Webster
• Wor. Bro. John William Webster was Initiated into the Lord Northcote Lodge No. 191 on March 9, 1976. Having made great progress and natural leadership skills along with forming friendships, John was Installed to the position of Worshipful Master of the Lodge on November 9, 1982.John was elected two more times to be the Worshipful Master in 1988 and 2001, and later on became a long serving Treasurer for the Lodge before handing over to Wor. Bro. George Finniss in 2012. Having shown great leadership skills and other desired personal attributes the Grand Master granted Grand Rank, namely Past Grand Standard Bearer in 2004. John had a long and distinguished career in Victoria Police and retired with the rank of Detective Senior SergeantJohn was 85 years of age when he passed to the Grand Lodge Above on Tuesday, June 9. He lived respected and died regretted. (Thanks to Eric Williams for this tribute.)

Vale Robert Renfrey
• Robert Renfrey passed away on Friday (June 12), advises Jeff CrippsRobert was an active member of a number of Orders, especially between Swan Hill and Cohuna.
• Members of the Major Mitchell Sovereign Council noted the passing to the Grand Council above of its dedicated Secretary of many years,Em. Bro.R.A.Renfrey 32° CoM.

Vale Keith Banks
• We are saddened to pass on the news of the death of Wor. Bro. Keith Banks, Past Master, No. 102452, who died on June 5.

Vale John Sedman
• Darrell Traplin, Secretary of Gippsland Lakes Lodge, writes: “Gippsland Lakes Lodge lost one of our Past Masters on June 4. Wor. Bro. John Sedman, John had been in a nursing home for more than five years after suffering a number of debilitating strokes. He is survived by his wifeNola and children. He was born on January 12, 1945 (age 75) and joined Freemasonry on February 10,1964. He was one of the Brothers who built and maintained the Gippsland Lakes Masonic Centre and he will be sadly missed.”

Re-opening of Masonic centres (1)
• Peter Clark, Acting Presidenthas announced: “The Board of General Purposes of Freemasons Victoria today announced dates and arrangements for the re-opening of Masonic Centres and Lodges across the state. The Board had previously embargoed the use of all Masonic facilities until June 30, 2020. That embargo now extends until July 31, 2020.• “As a trial, Masonic Centres across country Victoria will be permitted to re-open from Saturday, August 1, 2020. Under Rule 152, country Lodges are defined as being 65kms or more distant from the Melbourne Town Hall. Strict rules will apply.• “It is expected, subject to Government regulations, that Masonic Centres in metropolitan Melbourne may be permitted to re-open from Tuesday, September 1, 2020. Dates are subject to change.• “In making these determinations, the Board of General Purposes has taken into consideration the recommendations of the Freemasons Future Recovery Team and comprising specialist committees focusing on Risk and Finance, Management, Lodge Meetings, Ritual and Ceremonial, and Medical.”

Re-opening of Masonic centres (2)
• “Strict rules will apply regarding buildings. This will be under the supervision of the Grand Secretary, whose office will issue detailed written instructions.• “All attendances at Masonic Centres must fall under the guidelines of the Federal and State Governments.• “Other strict principles for re-opening Lodges will also apply. These will be published next month by the Grand Secretary.• “In the meantime, Lodges will be encouraged to hold ‘South’ and social events at other premises such as hotels, cafes, restaurants, and members’ homes.

Re-opening of Masonic centres (3)
• “The Grand Installation, to be held on Saturday, June 27, is necessary at this time to fulfil administrative and constitutional requirements, including the governance of Board, Foundation and corporate entities. Physical distancing will be observed, as will the allowable numbers of people, as stipulated by the Victorian Government.• “Five officers will be invested. A further investiture of the Grand Lodge Ceremonial Team will take place at a date to be determined.• “The Board will closely monitor community health trends and expectations, and progressively issue ongoing instructions accordingly. Members are expected to act according to their Masonic honour in strictly observing these rules.• “The Board hopes to release further details after its next meeting in mid-July,” Peter Clark stated.

Mums delivering own babies
• The Herald Sun is publishing a report about a story about mothers delivering their own babies at Epworth Freemasons HospitalFitzroy GPAyesha Everitt was the first to do so

Busy bees at Morwell
• David Aubrey of Morwell Lodge says that Merv Moon will be speaking about beekeeping, at the meeting to be held by Zoom at 7.30pm this Thursday (June 18). Urgent lodge business will also be discussed. LINK

Mentoring Moment
• Peter White writes: “Most lodges in Victoria have now selected a Mentor Officer. It may be a new role for someone or an extension of an existing role, such as the Engagement Officer, Almoner or Education Officer. Whoever it is, they have a vital role in arranging support for new members and lodge officers. The video in this LINK talks about the important aspects of this role for your lodge.” 

What’s On: online meetings

Go to www.masonsconnect.com

Please advise us of online meetings, so we can publicise in FVNews.

Masonic Mailbag
• Murray Luxford writes: “Thank you all for your daily editions. I look forward to reading what you have to offer each day. It’s a great way of staying in touch and seeing what brethren are doing both here and overseas during this current pandemic. Let’s hope we can get back together sooner rather than later on a personal level. Keep up the good work.”

More Mailbag
• Richard Shelly contributes: “A small comment on the discussion of Blue. My understanding is that in ancient times, the colour blue was in fact a difficult one to create, requiring I believe specific insects to make the dye. Thus it was one of some expense. Thus it not only has its basis in the spiritual realm of a representation of the divine; but also in the physical/social sphere, as a representation of wealth; or for our purposes, esteem.”

Masonic Movie Trivia
• A documentary – I’m Going To Tell You A Secret (2005) – of Madonna’s Re-Invention Tour 2004 shows an image used as part of the stage set: an image of Isis, wearing a cross, seated between two pillars marked with a “B” and “J”. The pillars depict those found at the entrance of King Solomon’s Temple (2 Chronicles 3:17) and as such are more an indication of Madonna’s interest in Judaism and Tarot than a reference to Freemasonry.

Masonic Wisdom
• In Ancient Craft Masonry, Wisdom is symbolised by the East, the place of light, being represented by the pillar that there supports the Lodge and by the Worshipful Master. It is also referred to King Solomon, the symbolical founder of the Order.

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
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