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Daily. Wed., Jun. 17, 2020


FVNews Daily. 
No 47. Wednesday, June 17, 2020

From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action TeamFVNews Daily is also available at www.FVNews.com.au
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Happy 107th birthday
• Grand Almoner Barry Minster speaks for all Victorian Freemasons in extending birthday greetings to “our oldest and longest serving Freemason RWor. Bro. James Stapleton PSGW (107 years young).”

200 years in Australia (1)
• Roy Alderton writes: “If I may add to your comments in Tuesday’s edition:  In May 2003, along with the late MWBro John Evans and other Brethren, I attended a Communication of the Grand Lodge of NSW and ACT.  The occasion was to celebrate 200 years of Freemasonry, specifically a meeting held on May 15, 1803 by persons interested in forming a Lodge in the new colony. It was a long time before a Lodge was established.”

200 Years in Australia (2)

• “In 1817 the 48th Regiment of Foot arrived in Sydney from England, attached to it being Lodge 218, Irish Constitution (presumably with a travelling warrant). It was this Lodge which granted dispensation for Australian Social Lodge No. 260, which was not consecrated until August 12, 1820 in the Golden Lion Tavern, George Street North.  The name of the Lodge was subsequently changed to Lodge Antiquity, No. 1 on the register of the United Grand Lodge of NSW and ACT.”

200 Years in Australia (3)
• “Interestingly, it was discovered (but not until 1917) that Captain Anthony Fenn Kemp, Captain of the New South Wales Regiment, was admitted to the grade of Ancient Freemasonry on September, 17, 1802, aboard the French corvette, Le Naturaliste, anchored in Port Jackson, at a meeting presided over by Sovereign Prince of Rose Croix J. St. Cricq, member of the Metropolitan Chapter of Paris.  This ceremony took place when England and France were officially at war.”

Grand Installation Countdown: 10 days to go
• Preparations are well underway for the Grand Installation to be held at East Melbourne on Saturday, June 27. Richard Elkington, Grand Master-Elect, will wear the apron of Frank Poke. Anthony Bucca, Deputy Grand Master-Elect, will wear the apron of John Wilson.
Shaping Our Future
• ‘Shaping Our Future’ is the topic for the Richmond Lodge online meeting to be held on Tuesday, June 23, advises Matt Cameron. A group of panellsist has been finalised. LINK

Homes go cashless
• Royal Freemasons is partnering with Capital Guardians to provide a system where residents can make purchases without needing cash.Guardian cards can be used for internal purchases (such as hairdressing) and external purchases, similar to a debit card system.  There can be a monthly spending limit and an automatic top-up. The Homes believe that the system protects residents from risks associated with cash. Hygiene is another consideration. Petty cash will no longer be held for residents.
• Royal Freemasons has partnered with Quality Aged Care Services to provide pharmacy services across all residential aged care services.

On the level
• Thanks to Matt Cameron, Neil Gannon, Damian Byrne, Tony McDonall, Denis Henry, Rob Richardson, Bob Jones and Anthony Bucca for encouraging words for FVNews Daily. All good words are deeply appreciated.
• Thanks to Maurice Golden for help at a moment’s notice on a communications project.
• ‘Jodi’ writes: “Dear Editor, I do enjoy your sense of humour! May I double your salary; and double Perce The Proofreader’s salary; AND double my husband’s subscription to FVNews Daily?”

2000 samples per day
• “A £100,000 grant has funded new equipment to help Norwich scientists test 2000 patient samples a day for Coronavirus antibodies,” says theEastern Daily Press“The donation from the Masonic Charitable Foundation has purchased a DYNEX Agility Unit machine to process and analyse more blood samples. The samples will look for antibodies to see if a person has had coronavirus and if they may have gained any immunity from it.”

What’s On: online meetings
• Thursday, June 18. 7.30pm. Melton Lodge. ‘Returning To Lodge’. Guest Speaker: Anthony Bucca, Deputy Grand Master-Elect.

Go to www.masonsconnect.com

Please advise us of online meetings, so we can publicise in FVNews.

World News
• “Since lockdown began, the Rochdale Soup Kitchen (UK) has been delivering well over 1000 meals to vulnerable families in the borough each week. The Soup Kitchen is part of the Homelessness Network Food Delivery Service, supported by the council, comprised of the Sanctuary Trust, the Bond Board, Angie’s Angels, and several other local charities.

• “Supported by the Rochdale Freemasons society and The Summit Inn in Littleborough, the soup kitchen has been able to send out food parcels to those in need across Rochdale. Chris Jay, landlord of The Summit, has generously been cooking meals twice a week for the service to deliver, using ingredients donated by the Freemasons on a weekly basis,” says the Rochdale News.

Masonic Movie Trivia
• Brigham Young (1940). “Oh Lord, my God…” [00:24:00] Perhaps notable is the complete omission in the film of any masonic reference. It has often been remarked that Smith’s final words are part of a masonic expression: “Oh Lord my God, is there no help for the widow’s son?” But the couplet, “O Lord my God” appears in 19 verses in the Bible, many of which were incorporated into early hymns and prayers. The couplet appeared frequently in the writings of Augustine (354-430), Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) and Anselm (1033-1109).

Masonic Wisdom
• “Happiness depends more upon the internal frame of a person’s own mind than on the externals in the world.” – Bro. George Washington

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
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