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Wednesday, February 5, 2025

DAILY. Fri., Jun. 19, 2020


FVNews Daily. 
No 49. Friday, June 19, 2020

From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action TeamFVNews Daily is also available at www.FVNews.com.au
Subscribe/Unsubscribe HERE

The Virtue of Masonic Silence
• FVNews Daily has a deliberate focus on sharing positive news about the people and doings of Freemasons Victoria. As an opt-in service, we already reach about 2000 members daily by email, website and social media. That’s about a quarter of our total membership. There was no fanfare or launch for FVNews Daily. We are grateful for the support and loyalty of our subscribers.
• On Monday (June 22) we will publish the milestone 50th issue of FVNews Daily. The past 48 issues have attempted to be positive, motivational communications in difficult times. Issue No. 49 (today) follows a Thursday of some personal Masonic disappointments … and our smartest move will be to invoke our own ‘Masonic Silence’.
• Pythagoras, one of the best known champions of silence, is thought to have said: “Silence is the first stone of the temple of wisdom. Listen and you will be wise; the beginning of wisdom is silence.” We are going to take Py’s counsel.
• So, whilst we “have the right to remain silent”, today’s issue is handed over to a number of contributors. We’ll be back in a better mood, and with a better FVNews Daily, on Monday. Enjoy your weekend. – The Editor

‘Please’ and ‘Thank You’
• Milton Mann replies to yesterday’s Editorial: “The please and thank you editorial is well timed and contains wonderful messages for all. Thank you for the thoughts. What a wonderful time to draw focus on a need for cultural alterations. We are on the brink of new leadership in both our ceremonial leadership and our business leadership on the board. Have we had a better opportunity to drive cultural change and step forward into modern leadership, open communication, membership management and building a new modern framework? • “In Harvard Business Review Leadership documents a statement by Peter Drucker says ‘Culture eats Strategy for breakfast’. We would be wise to understand this. Let’s hear our younger members and strive to change for the better.”

Electronic voting (1)
• The Grand Secretariat broadcast an email yesterday (Thurs.): “The first electronic vote for Freemasons Victoria will take place at the next Quarterly Communication on Saturday, June 27 and we want you to be able to take part! It is important that every member is afforded the capability to vote on matters that impact our organisation. 
• “In order for members to exercise their expanded rights under the electronic voting reforms, they must have a registered personal email address with Grand Lodge. Most members have already done so, however, if you would like to check or update your email address click the link below.• “After ticking the link, you will be asked to enter your username and password. Your username is your member number followed by @freemasonsvic.net.au, e.g. 12345678@freemasonsvic.net.au. If you forgot your password, please click ‘forgot your password’ and follow the prompts. A password reset link will be sent to your personal email that you registered with Grand Lodge. 

Electronic voting (2)
• “Electronic voting is simple! Just follow the three steps below. • STEP 1: Voters are sent an email notification with a one-click auto-sign-in link. The notification/link will go to the email already registered with Grand Lodge.• STEP 2: A one-click auto-sign-in link will direct voters to the Big Pulse website where the online voting form will appear.• STEP 3: Voters cast their vote securely and get a confirmation email with a vote receipt.

Electronic voting (3)
• “It was not thought in September 2019 that within six months a global pandemic would necessitate that we all attend a Grand Lodge meeting remotely and vote electronically, however the voting reforms were a timely and fortunate improvement of our meeting procedure.• “Members will attend the Quarterly Communication and Grand Installation on June 27, 2020 for a large variety of reasons, but you are encouraged to exercise your right to vote for only two.- A test vote- An expulsion vote• “It is important that we test the system, so members are all familiar with the procedure, and we eliminate some margin for error. If the test vote proves to be successful, the substantive vote on the important matter of the exclusion of the member convicted of serious criminal offences will be cast. • “Voting is not compulsory in Freemasonry. Whether you vote for, against or abstain, your participation in a vote at a Grand Lodge meeting is very much for the good of the Craft. At this Quarterly, Communication we will be looking at giving our members greater involvement in decision making. We want to encourage everyone to express their opinions and have their voices heard.

Constitutional Reform (1)
• “On Friday, June 19, there is a virtual workshop via Zoom about Constitutional Reform and we want you to be involved! Discussions will focus on the work that has been done since 2019, the need for further constitutional reform, specific items for reform, and a timeline for change, join us at 7pm.” LINK

Constitutional Reform (2)
“1. Welcome.2. Brief introduction of Committee Members attending and work of the Constitutional Reform Committee.3. Recap of work that has been done since September 2019.4.  Discussion of Constitutional Reform, why do we need it?5.  Specific items of reform: . Re-focus of the Book of Constitutions of Members, Lodges and Grand Lodge. Simplification of Constitution by use of Regulations and amendment of Regulations by Board, subject to disallowance by Members voting in Grand Lodge. Powers of the Board to expel members who commit criminal offences, subject to protection of Members voting in Grand Lodge.  Improving dispute resolution, particularly the introduction of masonic mediation.6. Timeline for change. A member focussed model with a series of Workshops and a Convention; Aim for Notice of Motion at September QC.7.  Test vote on the draft resolution for Board expulsion of members who commit criminal offences.8.  Member ideas and discussion. Meeting Close: 8:45pm – 9:00pm.”

From Ange Kenos
• Ange Kenos sends us this message: “While the Pandemic and its isolating effects continue, Wor. Bro. Ange Kenos has continued to offer some services from the Grand Library.• “The Grand Library and Museum are not yet accessible, but Ange has been providing limited research services from his home as well as posting books and stories on Facebook. (Are you a member of Freemasons Victoria and Freemasons of Victoria?)• “He has also emailed books, lectures and talks from the online collection that he has built up over the past six years. Some to brethren in UGLVbut also to brethren in other masonic jurisdictions. And he has also been a guest lecturer at several online meetings of Lodges.• “Ange can be contacted via Facebook, via atkenos@hotmail.com or on 0408 999 003.”

What’s On: online meetings
• Saturday, June 20. 7pm. Earl of Dunmore Lodge. Guest Speaker: Brendan Kyne. LINK

Go to www.masonsconnect.com

Please advise us of online meetings, so we can publicise in FVNews.

Argyle Lodge: Guest Speaker
• Liam Cole writes: “Join Argyle Lodge in the first of the Speaker Series as we hear from Bro. Ash Long and the work from Communications VAT and how we can assist.” Wednesday, June 24. 7.30pm. LINK

Prestonian Lecture
• Neville Wiggins passes this on: “Don’t miss the opportunity to take part in the live Q&A with Wor. Bro Tony Harvey, PAGDC on his Prestonian LectureScouting & Freemasonry: two parallel organisations? on Friday,June 19 at 13.00 GMT. REGISTER

• The first of the Prestonian Lectures to be uploaded to Solomon, these fascinating presentations cover a variety of topics and are delivered by the

Lecturers within Lodges across the Constitution. If you have never had the opportunity to see this Lecture before, or even if you have it is a fascinating topic. The Lecture can be viewed HERE

Masonic Mailbag
• Len Greenwood writes: “Thanks for the daily news – it is great to be kept in touch. Today you said that “The point is that members ofFreemasons Victoria are here by their own choice, and that we are all volunteers” and that is so true. But there’s an addendum: if we putour hands up and accept a job/position we are “volunteering” to give up the time do that job/position to the best of our ability and if our circumstances change so that we can no longer do that we should step down and let someone else do it.”

Masonic Trivia and Wisdom
• These features return in Monday’s issue.

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
FVNews is an opt-in email. If, for any reason, you would prefer not to receive our emails, simply reply to editor@FVNews.com.au or fill out the Unsubscribe form at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/  – type OPT OUT in the subject line, and please include your email address. Or use the unsubscribe option at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/

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