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Monday, January 13, 2025

Electronic voting: Ken Calder comments

VWor. Bro. Ken Calder, PGIWkgs, writes: “How disconcerting was the first online vote conducted by Freemasons Victoria.

“As far as the actual voting system was concerned then everything on my internet went perfectly (and I have a poor connection).

“What was concerning was the outcome.

“While the ballot went the right way, the actual number casting a vote against the proposal was difficult to understand given our teachings and values.

“Perhaps we have been scraping the barrel too hard to obtain members when so many see the sort of action outlined in the expulsion vote as acceptable.

“If this was because they believe that marijuana should be legalised, then this was not the right conduit to change those laws. Besides the theft of electricity will never be legalised and part of the incarceration was because of this charge.

“As well having a judge in Victoria incarcerate anyone presenting before them for any length of time is not often the sentence awarded.

“If this was a vote against the Grand Master, or the very first online vote being one of perceived “negativity”, then shame on you all as this was not the right time or place to show any discontent.

“This expulsion provides exactly the message we need to send to the community, that is, that Freemasons hold the values of integrity and honesty in the highest regards and will not tolerate such deviation from those values within our organisation.

“What we need to remember is the first question presented to all candidates on their initiation: “Are you free and the full age of 18 years?”
Being incarcerated certainly means that a person is not free.

“The beauty of Freemasonry is that a Brother can go anywhere in the world and upon recognising a fellow brother, expect to be able to find trust and assistance if requested.

“There were three choices to vote YES / NO and ABSTAIN and I do not think that hitting the wrong button was any excuse (unless we need to explain that YES means for and NO means against).

“Those who do not think such action outlined in the expulsion motion deserves exclusion from our organisation, should take a very careful look at their values and question themselves as being fitted for Freemasonry.

“Remember that for Evil to Succeed then Good Men only need to do Nothing!

– VWor. Bro. Ken Calder P.G.I.Wkgs

5 Responses “Electronic voting: Ken Calder comments”

  1. Michael Glover
    Monday, June 29, 2020 at 8:58 am

    Strongly agree.

  2. Allen Jenkins
    Monday, June 29, 2020 at 10:08 am

    Dear Bro Ken,
    As you say, pressing the wrong button in error is a poor excuse for voting no. Especially when the next screen asked you to confirm your vote.
    However, I must admit to some hesitation before voting for two reasons. Firstly, as premised by you, my feelings about the illegality of marijuana. Secondly, whether the crimes are of such a nature and severity that a brother can not eventually be rehabilitated and forgiven.
    However, and without publicly declaring my vote, one must do one’s Masonic duty.
    Fraternal regards

  3. Donald Brown
    Monday, June 29, 2020 at 1:16 pm

    I had no idea what the exclusion was about,maybe it should have been restated with voting form? Thats why I abstained.
    I thought it was part of the lodge proceedure that the subject of the vote be read out before a vote is taken?
    Maybe I am just behind the times?

  4. Geoffrey Davey
    Monday, June 29, 2020 at 1:56 pm

    regrettably, i missed the first e-votes due family commitments. nevertheless, i viewed the invitation to vote. i was dismayed that on my download there was no explanation behind the motion. uninformed voting is deplorable. my professional body informs the membership why naughty members are excluded. i hope the Board will review this situation. furthermore, the introduction is desirable and appropriate – i firmly support it accordingly. the lack of member involvement is extremely disappointing

  5. Ian Brown
    Thursday, July 2, 2020 at 7:39 pm

    Unfortunately I think the low numbers who voted was partially due to the fact that many of us did not receive the email to vote on either the test or real vote.

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