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DAILY. Mon., Jun. 29, 2020


FVNews Daily. 
No 56. Monday, June 28, 2020
From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action TeamFVNews Daily is also available at www.FVNews.com.au
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Vale Walter James ‘Jim’ Montgomery

• We regret to record the passing of RWor. Bro. Walter James ‘Jim’ Montgomery PJGW, at the age of 95, on Friday (June 24). Jim was a member of the 1985-85 Grand Team, and was a Worshipful Master on eight occasions: Middle Park (4), Cybernetics (2), Malvern (1) andAffiliation (1).

Vale Graeme Nathan
• We regret to record the passing of  Wor Bro Graeme Nathan PM of Lodge Fraternal No. 603 today. The Funeral service will be held at 1.30pm today (Monday, June 29) at Melbourne Chevra KadishaSpringvale CemeterySTREAMING

Grand Installation: a happy time


• Pictured: Richard and Kathleen Elkington, Anthony and Anna Bucca
• There were hundreds of complimentary responses and comments on social media over the weekend about the Grand Installation at East Melbourne, live streamed around the world. Richard Elkington was installed as Grand Master (by Past Grand Master Don Reynolds), Anthony Bucca was invested as Deputy Grand Master, and Myles King became President of the Board of General Purposes. John Rodrigo and John McTaggart became Senior Grand Warden and Junior Grand Warden respectively.
• Because of the Coronavirus restrictions, the attendance in the building at any one time was restricted to 20 people. This was strictly policed under the supervision of Graham Berry. The Grand Installation can be replayed at this LINK

GI goes out to the people


• Pictured: Carl Stewart
• The live streaming of the Grand Installation made it possible for people across the world to participate, despite the CIVID-19 restrictions.
• Past Grand Master Carl Stewart (pictured), a resident at Royal Freemasons Homes, was able to view the proceedings, thanks to the efforts of long-time friend Bruce Stockdale. (Thanks also to Julia Edwards for sharing this great story and photo.)
• We understand that Past Grand Master Austin Asche, in Darwin, was also able to view the live streamed proceedings on Saturday afternoon (June 27).

‘Opportunity to push re-set button’
• In his speech to the Quarterly Communication, Peter Clark, as Acting President of the Board of General Purposes, said: “The installation of a new Grand Master and his Team, brings with it hope and opportunity for all. The opportunity for us to push the re-set button, the opportunity for us to change behaviours and culture, the opportunity for us to engage with our members and each other, and the opportunity for us to work with theBoard and our District Co-Ordinators in order to make the Masonic experience better for everyone concerned.” 

Apology on behalf of the Board
• Peter Clark stated: “Brethren, as some of you may be aware, the last two or so months have been a difficult and unsettling period for our organisation. I do not intend to go into the details, what’s done is done. Suffice to say, that if we truly believe and practise the principles and tenets of our Order, poor or bad behaviour would never occur in our organisation and we would not need to talk about unmasonic conduct in any form, or in any place, where Freemasons meet.
• “Brethren, as the Acting President of the Board of General Purposes, I apologise on behalf of the Board, to not only those members who are watching this Quarterly Communication, but to all members of Freemasons Victoria, for the grief and anxiety which has permeated our organisation in recent times.”

Thanks to Keith and Fiona Murray
• Peter Clark said: “Ladies , Gentlemen and Brethren, I would also like to take this opportunity on behalf of the Board, to thank our current GM,MWor. Bro. Keith Murray and his wife Fiona, for the successful completion of their term of office. The position of GM is extremely demanding not only from a Ceremonial perspective but more so in terms of time and commitment. MWor. Bro Keith and Fiona we wish you well and hope that you will take away many positives and happy memories from your term of office.”

Peter Clark promoted
• Peter Clark, who has been Acting President of the Board of General Purposes, was promoted to the Grand Rank of Past Senior Grand Warden, by the retiring Grand Master, Keith Murray, at Saturday;s Quarterly Communication. The QC can be replayed at this LINK

David Gibbs will be speaker
• David Gibbs, Director, Freemasons Foundation Victoria, will be guest speaker at the next meeting of the Argyle Lodge’s ‘Speaker Series’ at 7.30pm on Thursday, July 9. LINK

New FV website
• The new Freemasons Victoria website, its creation led by Kelly Leventis and Mike King, is due to be launched this week. It will be at:www.FreemasonsVictoria.org.au

World News
• “Peterborough Freemasons (UK) in conjunction with the Masonic Charitable Foundation have donated £2000 to support the work of ‘For the Love of Scrubs Stamford’, with many, including Peterborough Key Workers benefiting,” reports the Peterborough Telegraph.

Ken Calder writes … twice
• Ken Calder writes: “For many years I have tried to get an explanation if this part of the charge to the Master: “You promise to respect genuine and true brethren, and to discountenance impostors, and all dissenters from the original plan of Freemasonry.” This is something the Master obligates himself to fulfill but what Master knows what the ‘Original Plan’ was? Can you find some learned brother who can supply an answer?”
• Ken Calder alsowrites: “How disconcerting was the first online vote conducted by Freemasons Victoria.” Ken’s second letter is continued at thisLINK

Masonic Mailbag
• Pierre Christian writes to FVNews: “This is the first time I have been here since my late father-in-law Wor. Bro. Max Jury passed to the Grand Lodge Above. As an unaffiliated Master Mason, I will be back to keep up with the latest news.”

What’s On: online meetings
• Tuesday, June 30. 10am. Lodge of the Great Ocean Road. Nobby Forster advises: “Zoom meeting number is 824 152 8207.  All welcome for a chat and coffee.”
• Tuesday, June 30. 8pm. Masons Connect. 15-minute meeting.  LINK
• www.masonsconnect.com 
has introduced a voluntary subscription ($5 per month/$60 yearly).

Famous Freemasons
• Harold Abrahams was an English-Jewish athlete who, in 1924, became ‘the fastest man alive’ when he won the 100 metres at the Olympic Games in Paris. His feat was depicted in the outstanding film Chariots of Fire, memorable not just for its hunting theme music but also as the winner of the Oscar for Best Picture in 1981. Abrahams’s great friend, and the man who won the Bronze Medal in the 1924 race, Arthur Porritt, later became the Governor-General of New Zealand.

Masonic Knowledge
• You promise to pay homage to the Grand Master for the time being, and tohis officers when duly installed, and strictly to conform to every edict ofGrand Lodge.• You admit that it is not in the power of any man or body of men to makeinnovation in the body of Masonry. • You promise a regular attendance on the Communications and Committees ofGrand Lodge, upon receiving proper notice thereof; and to pay attention to allthe duties of Freemasonry upon proper and convenient occasions. – Antient Charges and Regulations (Nos. 10-12)

Masonic Wisdom
• “The magic in these Masonic rituals is very, very old. And way back in those days, it worked. As time went on, and it started being used for spectacle, to consolidate what were only secular appearances of power, it began to lose its zip. But the words, moves, and machinery have been more or less faithfully carried down over the millennia, through the grim rationalizing of the World, and so the magic is still there, though latent, needing only to touch the right sensitive head to reassert itself.” 
– Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
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