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Saturday, January 18, 2025

DAILY. Wed., Jul. 1, 2020


FVNews Daily. 
No 57. Wednesday, July 1, 2020
From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action TeamFVNews Daily is also available at www.FVNews.com.au
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Vale Ian Cann
• We regret to advise that Wor. Bro. Ian Cann, PGStdB, of Spring Vale Lodge No. 389, has passed to the Grand Lodge Above. 3/1/1940-27/6/2020. The funeral service will be streamed at 10.45am on Tuesday, July 7.

Vale Bernard Percival Crutchfield
• We regret to advise that Bro. Bernard Percival Crutchfield, MM, aged 96,of Gisborne Lodge, has passed to the Grand Lodge Above. 3/6/1924-26/6/20. (Thanks to Robert Bass of BP Lodge for this information.)

Vale Sydney Davies
• We regret to advise that Wor. Bro. Sydney Davies, aged 93,of Mitchell River Lodge No. 742, has passed to the Grand Lodge Above.Secretary Henrie Ellis has expressed condolences to Sydney’s wife, Errol, and the extended family.

Vale John Trevor Feakes
• We regret to advise that Wor. Bro. John Trevor Feakes, Past Master of Hearts of Oak Lodge, has passed to the Grand Lodge Above.(Thanks toSecretary John Spencer for this information.)

Mozart and the Freemasons
• Stephen Carpenter tells us about Bro. Alan Richmond’s forthcoming radio program (8pm, Thurs., July 2) on 3MBS-FM 103.5 – Illuminations: Mozart and the Freemasons. He wrote some very specific pieces for Freemason ceremonies with which he was involved
Mozart is a household name throughout the Western world, and his music is played and aired every minute of every day somewhere in the world. What is not commonly known is that Mozart was an active Freemason for a mere seven years of his very short life.” The program was originally broadcast on June 1, 2017.

Secretary’s Handbook
• Graham Berry, Lodge Support Manager, advises that the Secretary’s Handbook is available HERE

Square magazine suggested• Richard Shelly suggests that Square magazine might be a publication of interest to the FVNews readers? LINK

Medical equipment donated
• “The District Grand Lodge of Ghana has presented medical equipment comprising two specialised ultra-low freezers and 1000 PCR test kits to the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research. The equipment valued at about 280,000 was presented by representatives of the District Grand Lodge of Ghana led by the District Grand Master, Isaac Owulaku Hood.” LINK

Online meetings on Wednesday
• The Freemasons Victoria Future Recovery Team meets again today, under the Chairmanship of Deputy Grand Master, Anthony Bucca. It is formulating a manual, for Board of General Purposes consideration, towards re-opening lodges in Victoria.
• The four Volunteer Action Team leaders will have their fortnightly meeting this afternoon. They are co-operating in their tasks of Membership, Masonic Knowledge, Works, Communications and Marketing.

Masonic Mailbag
• Allen Jenkins responded to Ken Calder’s comments on electronic voting: “As you say, pressing the wrong button in error is a poor excuse for voting no. Especially when the next screen asked you to confirm your vote. However, I must admit to some hesitation before voting for two reasons. Firstly, as premised by you, my feelings about the illegality of marijuana. Secondly, whether the crimes are of such a nature and severity that a brother can not eventually be rehabilitated and forgiven. However, and without publicly declaring my vote, one must do one’s Masonic duty.”

Mailbag (2)
• Donald Brown writes: “I had no idea what the exclusion was about, maybe it should have been restated with voting form? That’s why I abstained. I thought it was part of the lodge procedure that the subject of the vote be read out before a vote is taken? Maybe I am just behind the times?”

Mailbag (3)
• Geoffrey Davey writes: “Regrettably, I missed the first e-votes due family commitments. Nevertheless, I viewed the invitation to vote. I was dismayed that on my download there was no explanation behind the motion. Uninformed voting is deplorable. My professional body informs the membership why naughty members are excluded. I hope the Board will review this situation. Furthermore, the introduction is desirable and appropriate – I firmly support it. Accordingly. the lack of member involvement is extremely disappointing.”

Mailbag (4)
• Bruce Cowie writes: “Re: the question in the FV News from Ken Calder about the Grand Plan of Freemasonry. I believe the answer Is in theCeremony of Installation.• The Charge to the Brethren states: “I therefore trust that we shall have but one aim in view, to please each other and unite in the grand design of being happy and communicating happiness to others; and as this Association has been formed and perfected with so much unanimity and concord, long may it continue;” • “This sentence to me explains succinctly the Grand Design. “Of being happy and communicating happiness to others” While to me this sounds very simple it is far more profound and it is real happiness and joy that we are seeking not just for ourselves but for our fellow man. • The Charge further states: “.. may brotherly love and affection ever distinguish us as men and Freemasons; may the principles and tenets of our profession, which are founded on the basis of truth and virtue, teach us to measure our actions by the rule of rectitude, square our conduct by the principles of morality, and guide our inclinations, and even our thoughts, within the compass of propriety. Hence we shall learn to be meek, humble, and resigned ; to be faithful to God, our country, and our laws; to drop a tear of sympathy on the failings of a Brother, and to pour to the healing balm of consolation into the bosom of the afflicted. Brethren, these are the genuine tenets and principles of Freemasonry. May they be transmitted pure and unsullied throughout this Lodge from year to year, and from generation to generation. “• The essence of Freemasonry is contained here in this charge. I hope this may provide an answer or at least some room for discussion. 

What’s On: online meetings
• www.masonsconnect.com

Famous Freemasons
• Aguinaldo, Emilio (1869-1964) – As President of the Philippine Islands, Aguinaldo declared their independence in 1898. Aguinaldo was a member of Pilar Lodge No. 203 (now Pilar Lodge No.15) at Imus Cavite; he was also a founder of Magdalo Lodge No. 31 (renamed Emilio Aguinaldo Lodge No.31 in his honour).

Masonic Knowledge
• You admit that no new Lodge can be formed without the permission of the Grand Master or his Deputy, and that no countenance ought to be given toany irregular Lodge, or to any person initiated therein; and that no publicprocessions of Masons clothed with the badges of the Order can take placewithout the special licence of the Grand Master or his Deputy.
• You admit that no person can regularly be made a Freemason or admitted amember of any Lodge without previous notice and due inquiry into hischaracter; and that no Brother can be advanced to a higher degree except instrict conformity with the laws of Grand Lodge.
• You promise that no visitor shall be received into your Lodge without dueexamination and producing proper vouchers of his having been initiated in aregular Lodge.- Antient Charges and Regulations (Nos. 13-15)

Masonic Wisdom
• “I gave my decisions on the principles of common justice and honesty between man and man, and relied on natural born sense, and not on law, learning to guide me; for I had never read a page in a law book in all my life.” – Bro. Davy Crockett

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 

Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
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