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DAILY. Fri., Jul. 3, 2020


FVNews Daily. 
No 59. Friday, July 3, 2020
From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action TeamFVNews Daily is also available at www.FVNews.com.au
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Bob Jones: 50 years of Freemasonry

• It is the 50-Year Masonic Anniversary for Past Grand Master Bob Jones, This milestone will be celebrated by Williamstown Lodge at 7.30pm on Wednesday, July 9. LINK• Special guest speaker is Tony Bucca, Deputy Grand Master, and his topic is  “Return to Lodge? How Where and When”.
Peter Thornton Memorial Lecture (1)
• To commemorate Bro Peter Thornton’s work and achievements in the field of research into the history of Freemasonry in Victoria, a memorial lecture is to be instituted in his name. This is an initiative of Grand Master Richard Elkington, the Education VAT and the Victorian Lodge of Research.
• The inaugural Peter Thornton Lecture is open to any Freemason in Victoria, with the winning entry to receive $2500 to assist him to deliver his lecture at lodges around Victoria.• The winning Lecturer will be presented with his award certificate and ‘cheque’ at a Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge, at which he will also deliver the initial presentation version of his winning paper.

Peter Thornton Memorial Lecture (2)
• Eligible papers have to be at least 5000 to 10,000 words in length and be on some aspect of the history of Freemasonry in Victoria. A contestant must be a Freemason who is a financial member of Freemasons Victoria.• Entries are to be submitted to the Secretary of the Victorian Lodge of Research no later than close of business.  February 28, 2021. Any paper submitted that is not selected as the winning paper will automatically be considered for future Peter Thornton Memorial Lectures. The winning contestant agrees that first publication rights of his paper are ceded to the Transactions of the Victorian Lodge of Research.

On Electronic Voting (1)
• Ray Sutton writes: “I thoroughly concur with the comments made by Bro. George Entwistle in FVNews (July 2, 2020) on the above subject. I too didn’t receive my voting form until 20 minutes after the voting had closed – therefore likewise was not able to cast my vote.  My computer network runs on cable with very fast download (115mbps) so I’m at a loss to understand what the problem might be. If the issue is associated withPulse, might I suggest reviewing and resolving the matter with them well before the next Quarterly voting session so that we have the opportunity to place our vote within the time frame allotted.”

On Electronic Voting (2)
• Ian Brown writes: “Unfortunately I think the low numbers who voted was partially due to the fact that many of us did not receive the email to vote on either the test or real vote.”
• Cliff Smart writes: “I echo Bro Entwistle, and was too late to cast my vote … I question the need for ‘immediate response’, a declaration of the Poll just prior to closing Grand Lodge would surely suffice.”

The Expulsion Vote
• Charlie Freedman comments: “To me this expulsion smacks a little of medieval excommunication. Freemasonry is meant to make “good men better”, but does that mean we cannot try to make “bad men good?” If the brother in question has received a term of imprisonment, is that not punishment enough? Cannot Freemasonry still reach out and try to help a brother who is so obviously in need of help?”

Masonic Mailbag
• Neil Gannon writes: “What a great job you are doing with your FVNews’. I only worry about one thing. I do hope you will not burn yourself out in its daily preparation. You do have your own business to run. I look forward to the daily edition but if it gets to you, please consider cutting down a bit? Would you accept any news photos of Masonic happenings? Keep up the great work, but keep your foot off the throttle.”

FV Financial Forecast
• Craig Head, Grand Treasurer, delivered this news to last weekend’s Quarterly Communication: “In terms of Financial Performance, the YTD consolidated net loss of ($1,113k) is below the YTD budgeted net loss of ($1,130k), but excluding one-off transactions such as budgeted building sales of $483, Depreciation ($861k) and Interest ($168k), the actual EBITDA [Operating Profit/(Loss) before Interest, Tax and Depreciation] of ($567k) compares to the budget for the same period of ($479k); an unfavourable variance of ($88k). 
• “With only June 2020 left to report, the most recent full year reforecast loss of ($960k) should be noted. In terms of Financial Performance, the YTD consolidated net loss of ($1,113k) is below the YTD budgeted net loss of ($1,130k), but excluding one-off transactions such as budgeted building sales of $483, Depreciation ($861k) and Interest ($168k), the actual EBITDA[Operating Profit/(Loss) before Interest, Tax and Depreciation] of ($567k) compares to the budget for the same period of ($479k); an unfavourable variance of ($88k). With only June 2020 left to report, the most recent full year reforecast loss of ($960k) should be noted.”
VIDEO: Supporting Lodge Mentors
• Peter White, part of the Membership Volunteer Action, presents this introductory video. WATCH

What’s On: online meetings
• Robert Burns Career in Freemasonry will be discussed at the Earl of Dunmore Lodge online meeting to be held at 7pm on Saturday (July 4). The talk will be delivered by Rob McGregor. Contact the Lodge Secretary for Zoom details.
• www.masonsconnect.com

Famous Freemasons
• Amery, Leopold Charles Moritz Stennett (1873-1955) – Leo Amery was born in India of an English father and Hungarian-Jewish mother. He was a British Conservative Party politician and journalist, noted for his interest in military preparedness, India and the British Empire. As a contemporary of Winston Churchill, Amery studied at Harrow. Later in his career in Parliament, he was one of the forces that finally and vitally dislodged Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain from office in May 1940.

Masonic Knowledge
• “The Common Gavel, or stonemason’s hammer is one of the Entered Apprentice’s most important tools. Operative Masons used Gavels to break up and smooth stones ready for building. In Speculative Freemasonry, the Gavel stands as a reminder of the necessity of divesting heartand conscience of vices and superfluities of life. The Gavel used by the Master of a lodge is called a Hiram, because – like the architect – it governs the Craft and keeps order in the Lodge, as Hiram did in King Solomon’s Temple.”

Masonic Wisdom
• ““Life is no brief candle but a splendid torch made to burn ever more brightly.” – Bro. Sir Edward ‘Weary’ Dunlop

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria.

Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
FVNews is an opt-in email. If, for any reason, you would prefer not to receive our emails, simply reply to editor@FVNews.com.au or fill out the Unsubscribe form at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/  – type OPT OUT in the subject line, and please include your email address. Or use the unsubscribe option at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/

One Response “DAILY. Fri., Jul. 3, 2020”

  1. Roger Manderson
    Friday, July 3, 2020 at 9:02 pm

    Dear Ash,
    Thank you for keeping us up to date in FMV. Otherwise it would be a distant memory. Good to hear that MWBro Bob Jones had his 50 year jewell presentation. What a great achievement.

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