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Saturday, January 18, 2025

DAILY. Mon., Jul. 13, 2020


FVNews Daily. 
No 65. Monday, July 13, 2020
From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action TeamFVNews Daily is also available at www.FVNews.com.au
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Update from the Board (1)


Pictured: Myles King, President, Board of General Purposes
• An update was issued on Friday (July 10) from Myles King, President of the Board of General Purposes, and Richard Elkington, Grand Master:
• “The latest State Government directions announced this week require all people in the Melbourne metropolitan area and Mitchell Shire to stay at home, subject to a small number of strict exemptions. These COVID-19 restrictions are in place for at least the next six weeks. Other staged restrictions are still in place for people in the remainder of Victoria. Health officials advise that a solution to the pandemic will not be found within a matter of weeks. • “It had been hoped that Freemasons Victoria Lodges and Masonic Centres might re-open in country areas from August 1, 2020, and in metropolitan areas from September 1, 2020. This is no longer possible. There are to be no physical meetings or Installations until advised by theBoard. This supersedes any previous instructions.• “Masonic centres across Victoria are not to be used for any Lodge meetings, including monthly or committee meetings. The Board has allowed a specific exemption to allow outside third parties (for example, dance schools) to hire our halls, where they are an income source, providing that the hirers comply strictly with Government regulations.”

Update from the Board (2)
• The Board update continues: “The Board of General Purposes of Freemasons Victoria met last night (Thursday, July 9) and voted unanimously to accept a recommendation from the Freemasons Future Recovery Team. The decision has been made to have Lodges or Masonic CentresNOT open anywhere in Victoria until at least January 1, 2021. This determination is subject to alteration, only if circumstances dictate. The Boardwill issue firm instructions about re-opening only when it is considered safe to do so. At all times, the advice of Federal and State Governments, and health authorities, will be followed to the letter. • “The Board acknowledges that Freemasons across Victoria are keen to return to Lodge as soon as possible. Board members feel the same way. However, the most serious nature of the COVID-19 pandemic requires our organisation to adopt the most stringent approach towards protecting the health of all. Given the demographic of our membership, many of our fraternity are vulnerable and these health concerns must always be our top priority. Although there will be no face-to-face meetings, Lodges are encouraged to conduct Zoom get-togethers on the night of their usual monthly meetings. Please, stay home, stay safe and stay connected.”

From the Grand Secretary


Pictured: Garry Runge, Grand Secretary
• Garry Runge, Grand Secretary, has issued a Bulletin in which there is advice about the September Communication of Grand Lodge, to be held on Wednesday, September 16: “In due course, and in-line with Government advice, further information will be issued from the Grand Secretariat in relation to how the Communication will be conducted due to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Lodge Meeting Returns
• Garry Runge notifies about Lodge Meeting Returns: “With the suspension of Lodges across the State due to the current pandemic, reporting ofLodge meetings to Grand Lodge will change slightly. Where Lodges are holding a business meeting via Zoom or another online platform, theSecretary is still required to submit an LMR as a non-ceremonial meeting; recording which Freemasons attended and adding in the comments section if there was an educational topic or a guest speaker, etc. Updates of any deaths, resignations or MAPS will also need to be recorded as per usual practice. In the event a Lodge isn’t holding any online business meetings, Lodge Secretaries will need to submit an LMR for June 2020. This LMR should be recorded as non-ceremonial.” Full details are contained in the Grand Secretary’s Bulletin which is available at the new website: www.freemasonsvic.org.au

Lodge Fraternal helps 6 charities
• Sam Lewin advises that six charities were assisted with a total of $22,000 by Lodge Fraternal No. 603 in conjunction with Freemasons Foundation Victoria.• A cheque for $7000 went to Very Special Kids to help reopen a much needed respite hospice for children at end of life.  The money went towards an eight-bed children’s hospice which was to be re-opened after COVID-lockdown, with a minimum required staff of two for the purpose of providing vital end of life care.• A cheque for $2000 went to Life Again for a research project at RMIT University to help identify challenges for men that may lead to dissatisfaction, divorce, loss, financial pressures, low self-esteem, hopelessness and the general struggle with this fast-paced modern life and tackling it before it slips into depression and other mental health problems.
• A cheque for $2000 went to The Nappy Collective, to purchase much needed nappies and distribute them to families in crisis. From their research it is known that when families have the nappies they need, this reduces risk to the physical, emotional and mental health of children and their parents.
• A cheque for $3000 went to Chevra Hatzolah Inc.,  a Community Emergency Response Team that operates within the Emergency Medical Response program of Ambulance Victoria. The donation will go towards new Responder Bags enabling responders to carry additional medical equipment. They also meet Occupational Health and Safety requirement, to reduce the weight of equipment carried by each responder.• A cheque for $3,000 went to St Kilda Mums Inc. and will go towards nursery equipment, car seats and children’s clothing, for families facing hardship and to provide a safe start in life for them. The funding will be used to provide urgent material aid, primarily car restraints and ensuring babies and children travel safely.
• A cheque for $5000 went to Community Outreach – prostate cancer resources. The donation will go towards medical research and supporting the production of awareness information booklets in association with Australian Physiotherapy. The booklets include information on prostate cancer, exercises to mitigate physical effects of cancer treatments.

Lodge of Commerce meets tonight (Mon.)
• Laurie Jacobs, Secretary of Lodge of Commerce, advises that an informal meeting, with the purpose of simply keeping in touch with brethren, will be held from 5.30pm to 7pm today (Mon., Jul. 13). LINK

Lockdown challenges
• Garry Runge, Grand Secretary, advises: “The Grand Secretariat remains closed and our staff continue to work from home. The team isavailable to you during business hours and can be contacted via the usual channels.”

De Molay Chapter meets
• Ange Kenos writes: “Our oung De Molay Chapter held itsw second meeting, under the tyranny of the Pandemic which has forced all of us toZoom/Skype/ Facetime. Extremely special guest was Richard Elkington, our Grand Master, who was greeted with open e-arms. Our young men, the next generation of Freemasons, are keen to pursue their roles, to learn and to be guided by a small number of trained and qualifiedFreemasons on their incredible journey. The enthusiasm shown by these young men was electrifying and certainly gave hope to those of us triple to quadruple their young ages.If any Freemason has a son, grand son, nephew in his teens and would like to know more, CONTACT or myself,Archie Alvarez, Greg Todio or Kon Farrugia.”

Guest speaker at Morwell
• David Aubrey writes: “Morwell 202 will be conducting a Zoom meeting at 7.30pm Thursday, July 23 (our usual meeting night). Rob Billing will be guest speaker.”

Podcasts available
• Colin Peterson, has produced a number of podcasts for non-Freemasons about Freemasonry. These came out of an Introduction to Freemasonry presentation developed with Ian Thompson, the Northern District Co-Ordinator, which were being delivered to those interested in joining our craft.  As we can no longer hold these meetings these podcasts have been developed to provide those interested in Freemasonry with some information on the Craft from a member’s viewpoint. They can be heard wherever you get your podcasts: Spotify, iTunes, etc.. Just search for ‘Freemasonry Today‘. Even though our meetings are on pause, it doesn’t mean we should stop promoting our wonderful fraternity.”

World News: Publican Mourned
• “Much loved pub landlord and respected Freemason, Steve Wragg, has died aged 61,” reports the Wiltshire Times (UK). “On ThursdayWiltshire Freemasons and villagers lined High Street, Market Lavington to say a final farewell to the man who ran the Green Dragon with his wife Nicky. The Freemasons wore their Masonic collars as a mark of respect. Friend and fellow Freemason, Les Welling, said: “Steve was a very well respected Freemason. It was the first time the Masonic collars have been worn in public for many years.” LINK

Masonic Mailbag


• John Patterson writes: “Here’s a good news story for a period where there is no good news: a photo from Michael Fitzgibbon, the guy who lost his son to suicide and started Let’s Talk. The vehicle is a local Mortlake Transport truck, Cathcart’s, that travels between Mortlake andMelbourne each day. A wonderful moving billboard with tremendous recognition of the Foundation.”

What’s On: online meetings
• www.masonsconnect.com

Famous Freemasons
• Astor, Johann Jacob ‘John’ (1763-1848) – From lowly beginnings, being a poor German immigrant to the US, at one point John Astor was considered to be the wealthiest man in America. Astor became Master of Holland Lodge No. 8 in New York, NY in 1790 and served as Grand Treasurer for their Grand Lodge.

More Famous Freemasons
• Eddie Levey of the Mildura Lodge writes: “While having your cuppa we read the newspaper just delivered – the Daily Telegraph (Sydney)” – founded by Bro. Douglas Frank Hewson Packer (1906-1974), Australian media proprietor who controlled  Consolidated Press. Initiated into the Australian Lodge of Harmony No.5, Sydney in 1921 he retained his membership until his death in 1974.

Masonic Knowledge
• “A Masonic Lodge for the future is being prepared for a trio of Freemasons Lodges in Barnoldswick (UK),” says the Burnley Express.DETAILS

Masonic Wisdom
• “If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.” – Bro. Thomas Edison

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
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