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DAILY. Tue., Jul. 14, 2020


FVNews Daily. 
No 66. Tuesday, July 14, 2020
From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action TeamFVNews Daily is also available at www.FVNews.com.au
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Vale Bob Brownley
• We regret that Wor. Bro. Bob Brownley passed to the Grand Lodge Above at lunch-time yesterday (Mon. July 13). He was a member and Treasurer of Lawson Poole Daylight Lodge No. 916. He was recently conferred with Grand Rank in Victoria, also holding similar honours in New South Wales. (Thanks to Lodge Secretary Arthur Rogers for this information.)

Masonic Light Bulbs (1)
• Greta Bradman, opera singer and registered psychologist, conducts several radio programs on ABC Classic FM, including Music For Well-Being. Greta is the grand-daughter of the late prominent Freemason, Bro. Sir Donald Bradman. In a radio program last weekend, Greta spoke of the work of another prominent Freemason, Bro. Thomas Edison.  She said that with his invention of the electric light bulb, Edison had at least 1000 attempts at bulbs that were not to his satisfaction. Some regarded these experiments at failures. Ms Bradman suggested that EVERY one of those 1000 bulbs was as important as the last, in reaching a successful conclusion. She drew a parallel to life. Perhaps we can do the same with our individual Masonic journeys.

Masonic Light Bulbs (2)
• Grand Master Richard Elkington has spoken of the possibility of a Masonic Festival, once we emerge from COVID-19 restrictions. Should we invite people such as Ms Bradman to speak to us about life matters … and maybe also entertain our families. Could we invite people such as media woman Jennifer Byrne, grand-daughter of late Grand Master Bro. Sir Dallas Brooks, to address us in a challenging way on a topic such as including women and families more in the activities of the Craft? Who would you like to see invited?

Royal Freemasons visits stopped
• Tanya Connor, Chief Operations Officer of Royal Freemasons, has written to relatives of Homes residents: “Tthe Department of Health and Human Services has provided new guidelines to aged care providers. These updated safety measures discourage non-essential visits to any aged care homes within metropolitan Melbourne. In light of this announcement, from Tuesday July 1420, we will be ceasing visits to our homes in metropolitan Melbourne until further notice. Visits can still be arranged in exceptional circumstances, directly with the Facility Manager. This must be arranged in advance.”
• Ms Connor says visitor bookings are still available at regional homes in Ballarat, Benalla, Moe and Sale

Blamed for ‘peace’
• Freemasonry gets ‘blamed’ for many things. There is debate that the fraternity had influence over peace negotiations, decades ago. Hungry Today posts this discussion: LINK

World News
• “The charity which helped transform Wirral Hospice St John’s garden has pledged funding for its maintenance and an enhanced planting program,” says the Wirral Globe (UK). “Last year, members of Cheshire Freemasons alongside their wives, other organisations and an army of volunteers, came together to help the hospice complete its garden makeover.By donating a combination of money for new planting, their valuable time, considerable ‘muscle’ and no little expertise, the Freemasons made a substantial contribution to the eventual successful ‘Open Garden’ weekend last June, which raised even more money for the Hospice.” LINK

Masonic Mailbag
• Alan Mitchell follows up on Eddie Levey’s More Famous Freemasons: “Congratulations Ash on a great job with the FVNews. I was interested to read that Frank Packer was a Freemason. If the dates stated in today’s piece are correct he was most likely the youngest Freemason ever initiated in Australia at just 15 years of age. I love the Masonic Wisdom section the most.”
• Editor’s Fact Check. Thanks Alan. Bro. Sir Frank Packer’s date of birth is noted as December 3, 1906. A 1921 initiation appears quite unlikely.

What’s On: online meetings
• www.masonsconnect.com

Famous Freemasons
• Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal (1881-1938) – An army officer, revolutionary, statesman and writer, Kemal Atatürk is the national hero and founder of the modern Republic of Turkey. He was also the first Turkish president. Kemal fought at Gallipoli against the Australian and New Zealand (ANZAC) Forces. He revolutionised and transformed the former Ottoman Empire into a modern and secular nation-state. He was a member ofMacedonia Risorta Lodge No.80 in Thessaloniki.

More Famous Freemasons
• Eddie Levey of the Mildura Lodge writes: “We get in our car to drive to work could be a “Holden, Ford, Citroen, Daimler, Chrysler or Willies“, just some of the famous names of cars manufactured by Freemasons. You may have a ‘Utility’. The Utility was invented in 1929 by Bro.James Freeland Leacock. His invention pre- dated the launch of the first official Australian utility by five years. You check your tyres before leavingDunlop Tyres, of course invented by Bro.John Boyd Dunlop (1840-1921) who introduced  the world to the first commercial pneumatic rubber tyre and  established the ‘Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Company’, Bro. Dunlop was initiated in the “Lodge of Harmony CX1”,  Belfast, Ireland

Masonic Knowledge
• Did you know there is a 47-page booklet – Masonic Knowledge For Mentors – available? LINK

Masonic Wisdom
• The winner of the 2000 Sir Frank Packer Plate at Randwick was a horse by the name of ‘Freemason’.

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
FVNews is an opt-in email. If, for any reason, you would prefer not to receive our emails, simply reply to editor@FVNews.com.au or fill out the Unsubscribe form at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/  – type OPT OUT in the subject line, and please include your email address. Or use the unsubscribe option at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/

One Response “DAILY. Tue., Jul. 14, 2020”

  1. Ange Kenos
    Tuesday, July 14, 2020 at 2:21 pm


    re a number of points in today’s great news.
    First, masonic Lightbulb Moments 2. The first graduating class of the Freemasons Victoria Leadership program were already working on a host of events, with the full knowledge and support of our now MWGM. Hopefully, we can get back to it sooner rather than too much later and get it going by mid 2021.
    Second, Greta Bradman was named after Don’s Italian grandmother (https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/bradmans-italian-heritage-revealed/news-story/1fa863996eeb090d9b4717e447d84f73)
    3 And thanks for the mentoring doc from the UGLE. We already have a wonderful program begun by Peter White and others and this can only add to our knowledge as mentor trainers.

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