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Sunday, January 19, 2025

DAILY. Wed., Jul. 15, 2020


FVNews Daily. 
No 67. Wednesday, July 15, 2020
From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action TeamFVNews Daily is also available at www.FVNews.com.au
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Vale Noel Weaver

• We regret to advise the passing of Bro. Noel Weaver, unexpectedly, on Friday morning (July 10). He was a current member of Moorpanyal Lodge No 467. 

Generosity from our Kiwi brothers

• Graham Wrigley, Freemasons New Zealand Grand Master, has written to our Grand Master Richard Elkington: “Thank you for responding to my request for information regarding Appeals for the Australian Bush Fires last year and early this year.  As all GMs have responded, I am now able to equally disburse these funds. MW Bro Oddie informed me that they were not impacted to the same degree as the other states, and that he was happy that their share be split across the other five States (thanks Phil). Whilst our collection is not huge, it will go some way towards assisting with your various projects. 
• “We will be arranging for NZ$6000 each to: United Grand Lodge of Queensland; United Grand Lodge of New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory; United Grand Lodge of Victoria; Grand Lodge of South Australia and Northern Territory; and Grand Lodge of Western Australia.”
• Richard replied, in part: “We appreciate the relationship we have with GL New Zealand and this generous donation will be  thankfully received and faithfully applied.”

Grand Master at Melton
• Rodney Harwood writes: “The Melton Lodge No. 367 will receive our Grand Master Richard Elkington as guest speaker at our Zoom meeting on Thursday (July 16). Our membership is in the low 40’s however I believe there will be a good representation of members and an enjoyable night. Tyle 7:30pm.” LINK

Problem Solving as a Lodge
• Vuko Karov writes: “You are invited to attend a Zoom presentation by Bro. Chris Pallan-Riddett MM to members of the Lodge of Evolution No. 931 on the topic: Problem Solving as a Lodge – Using Lean Six Sigma Toolsto Improve the Lodge Experience. 7.30pm on Saturday, July 18. Bro. Pallan-Riddett is a member of Plaridel Lodge No. 1893 UGLV. The slides for the presentation can be viewed at this LINK

Astrology and Freemasonry
• The Masonic Knowledge Volunteer Action Team is conducting a session – Astrology and its relevance to Freemasonry – by Zoom at 12 Noon on Saturday, September 19. Speaker is Jamie Paul Lamb, author of Myth, Magic and Masonry. This is part of the Esoteric Freemasonry Speaker Series. 
“Masonic ritual refers to the sun, the moon, the starry firmament and the blazing star with many early lodge buildings having the signs of the zodiac as part of the lodge room design. So, was (is) astrology somehow an integral part of the history of Freemasonry? In times past, the word astrology was a synonym for astronomy, and over the years many Masons have attempted to connect Masonry with the zodiac. Are they correct?” 

Symbolism and Medicine
• The Mumbai Mirror has published a piece about ‘Secret societies and symbolism in medicine’. Freemasonry gets a mention. LINK

Putting Masonic Centres to work
• The Cheshire Standard has published this: “During and beyond the lockdown period, all sorts of clubs and societies had to close their doors to normal members’ activities and many venues have been gathering dust. Cheshire View in Christleton, Chester, however, decided to buck the trend and offered the use of its extensive club facilities to charitable organisations. The hall, where Freemasons would normally meet, lay empty, so the managing board contacted local and national charities offering the use of the venue.• “Very quickly the NHS Blood and Transplant unit contacted to book a blood donation and in turn Cheshire View were delighted to offer the use of the entire building for the full day would be completely free of charge. On donation day, the maximum number of donors attended, and their target yield to support the vital front line NHS daily blood requirements was met in full.” LINK

The Wisdom of Solomon
• Joel Solomon has made a VIDEO about how we can get to know each other better. LINK

Masonic Mailbag
• Ange Kenos writes:
• “Masonic Lightbulb Moments. The first graduating class of the Freemasons Victoria Leadership Program were already working on a host of events, with the full knowledge and support of our now Grand Master. Hopefully, we can get back to it sooner rather than too much later and get it going by mid 2021.”• Greta Bradman was named after Don’s Italian grandmother.• “And thanks for the mentoring doc. We already have a wonderful program begun by Peter White and others and this can only add to our knowledge as mentor trainers.”

• Michael Glover writes to FVNews Daily: “Many thanks for the regular flow of interesting information. I always seek out the daily email over breakfast.”

Masonic Festival
• Dennis Middendorp writes: “I’d like to comment on asking the ladies mentioned in Masonic Lightbulbs in FVNews Daily. It’s an excellent idea and I’m sure everyone would be interested to hear them speak. I listen to ABC Classic radio all the time, and Greta Bradman presents program s on weekends. She’s also a registered psychologist and has some good advice from time to time as part of her program.”
• Matt Cameron writes: “A Masonic Festival is an awesome idea as it would give everyone something to work towards. In the meantime it would be great to feature and share posts in the blog on the new Freemasons Victoria website that are inspiring.”

What’s On: online meetings
• www.masonsconnect.com

Famous Freemasons
• Austin, Stephen Fuller (1793-1836) – A coloniser and political leader, Austin first worked to make Texas a state of Mexico, but later helped theAmerican and European settlers of Texas gain their independence (1836). He is acclaimed as “The Father of Texas” and the city of Austin, Texas, is named after him. Austin was a keen and dedicated Freemason, a member of Louisiana Lodge No.109 in Ste. Geneviere, Missouri,and worked hard to establish Freemasonry in Texas from 1825 onward, but the delicate political climate of the time badly hindered his progress. (The Mexican General López de Santa Anna was also Mexico’s dictator and, then as now, dictators feel threatened by Freemasons.) – Timothy Horton

More Famous Freemasons
• Eddie Levey of the Mildura Lodge writes: “You drive to work on the best sealed roads there are. Thanks to Bro.John Loudon McAdam (1827-1865) of  Ayr Kilwinning Lodge No.123, ScotlandBro McAdam was a ScottishEngineer and inventor of the road surface material the ‘Macadamised System‘.

Masonic Knowledge
• From the new www.freemasonsvic.net.au website: “It is no surprise that many of our most influential and notable citizens past and present areMasons. A history of Victoria’s most prominent men is also, often, a history of prominent Masons. Among these are George Brunswick Smythe, namesake of Brunswick St, and instigator of modern Freemasonry in Victoria, and William Meek, founding Secretary of the Melbourne Club, along with George Selth Coppin who was instrumental in the birth of the Melbourne Hospital and the Royal Freemasons Homes just to name three examples. Community minded Masons have served in public office throughout Victoria’s history – Victorian Governor Generals, Mayors(such as Charles Brunton, for whom Brunton Avenue is named), and Prime Ministers Sir Edmund Barton and Sir Robert Menzies.”

Masonic Wisdom
• “Politics is more dangerous than war, for in war you are only killed once.” – Bro. Winston Churchill

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
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