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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

DAILY. Mon., Jul. 20, 2020


FVNews Daily. 
No 70. Monday, July 20, 2020
From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action TeamFVNews Daily is also available at www.FVNews.com.au
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Vale Anthony ‘Captain Tony’ Brown


• We regret to advise the passing of Wor. Bro Anthony (Captain Tony) Brown, at age 77, on Friday (July 17). He was a Paddle Steamer Master Mariner, the Foundation Master of Campaspe Valley Lodge, and a Member of Mark and Ark Lodges. He had battled cancer bravely.

VIDEO from the Grand Master


• Richard Elkington has recorded a 90-second video to members. LINK

VIDEO with the Deputy Grand Master


• Anthony Bucca was guest speaker at the Earl of Dunmore Lodge. The talk was 20 minutes, but the questions went for almost two hours. LINK

Capitation Fees
• Garry Runge, Grand Secretary, has circularised about Capitation Fees: “The Grand Treasurer, RWor. Bro. Craig Head announced at theQuarterly Communication held on Saturday, June 27, that a Capitation Fee bill will be issued for July 1-December 31, 2020. This comes after the Capitation Fees for the period of  January 1, 2020-June 30 2020 were waived by a resolution of the Board.
• “The current epidemic places a delay in our return to ‘normal’ Masonic activity, however we continue to be actively engaged as best we can across the state to continue our many good works and community engagement during this time. While the Board of General Purposes has postponed face to face Lodge contact on advice from the Freemasons Future Recovery Team, the situation is still very closely monitored by our leadership.
• “To enable Freemasonry to continue and grow as restrictions are eased, Lodge Secretaries will be receiving Capitation Fee billing for July 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020 in the amount of $65 (inc. GST). Ongoing building and insurance costs, staff salaries and our regular bills must be paid on time and in full. Let’s continue to support Freemasonry in Victoria during this time, should you have any questions or queries the Grand Treasurer, the Finance Committee and the Grand Secretariat are always willing to provide assistance.”

Back into the habit of meeting (1)
• Paul Brennand, Grand Superintendent of Membership writes: “It has been wonderful meeting so many people in Zoom meetings around the State, and I am sure that many of you have had similar experiences. Whilst these meetings started off as social meetings, allowing us to get together during lockdown, most are now embracing the opportunity to undertake Lodge administration.
• “Until last week’s announcement by theBoard, we were all unsure when we would be returning to Lodge – but it is now clear that it will not be in 2020. Now is the time, therefore, to reset our Lodge clocks and get back into the habit of meeting regularly.”

Back into the habit of meeting (2)• “I am therefore asking from August 1 for all Secretaries to arrange for their Lodge meetings to be organised, on the same day and time as they would normally meet, via Zoom (or another platform). These meetings should have a Summons prepared in advance to ensure that all members can plan for the meeting and get any training needed for using the technology or sharing facilities. 
• “They should be minuted and will be treated as regular meetings for the purposes of your returns and will enable you to complete all business requirements as well as enjoying each other’s company. It is also an opportunity to invite a guest speaker or have an educational lecture. Please remember to complete a Lodge Meeting Return (LMR) for these meetings and include the details of the non-ceremonial activity that you have undertaken that day.”

Back into the habit of meeting (3)
• Paul Brennand continues: “The details of the reporting requirements are included in the Grand Secretary’s Bulletin Number 157 dated July 10 which includes some of the protocols to be followed.• “Brethren, this has been and continues to be a testing time for us all, and getting back in the habit of preparing for and attending our Lodge(s)should be a helpful tool towards feeling some semblance of ‘normality’ in our lives. Let us take this opportunity over the coming months to connect with each other and all the Brethren of our Lodge – and don’t forget to circulate your Summons and invite visitors.
• “I look forward to hearing from you all to share innovative and interesting topics that have been discussed and ways we have overcome what might have previously felt like a technology challenge.”

Ben Quick will be guest speaker
• Ben Quick (happy birthday!) will be guest speaker at the Lodge Fraternal meeting to be held at 7.15pm for 7.30pm this Wednesday (July 22). He will speak on The Order of Free Gardeners which is a fraternal society that was founded in Scotland in the middle of the 17th Century and later spread throughout the world. Ben is currently the Grand Master of this order in Victoria.• There will be a Tribute/Eulogy for Wor. Bro. Graeme Nathan PM (son of the late MWor. Bro Henry Nathan PGM). • Dress Code for this meeting: smart casual. Brethren are NOT to wear their Lodge regalia. If there is any brother wearing collars or aprons, they will be asked to take them off but they are permitted to wearing jewels. LINK

District 108 meeting tonight (Mon.)

• District 108 Freemasons Victoria says all members are welcome to attend an Executive Meeting which will commence at 7.30pm tonight (Mon., July 22). Everyone is welcome to join the meeting.  The meeting link will be live from 6.40 pm. There will be reports from the District Executive officers and an update on what is happening in Freemasonry in VictoriaLINK

Lowan Lodge’s wood chop
• Rhys Webb advises that a virtual meeting of the Lowan Lodge No. 107 will be held by Zoom from 7.30pm on Tuesday (July 21).• A saw bench has been acquired and used for firewood collection, some of which was available at rural property of VWor. Bro. Teakle.

World News
• People are paying $25 for a guided tour of the Masonic Temple in Freeport, Illinois … and they hope to see more than for what they have bargained. Would-be ghost hunters are taking the tour, and then they hope to see a few more things not scheduled for the night’s activities.• “While the group doesn’t know if it will have company or not, one thing it can count on is that part of the admission charge for the night will be going to a good cause, says the Journal Standard.

Masonic Mailbag
• David Aubrey advises that Morwell Lodge will meet by Zoom at 7.30pm on Thursday (July 23). LINK

What’s On: online meetings
• www.masonsconnect.com

Famous Freemasons
• Baigent, Michael (1948-2013) – Born in Christchurch, New Zealand, Michael Baigent’s upbringing was Catholic and he was tutored inCatholic theology from the age of five. While a student at Canterbury University in Kent, England, he studied comparative religion and philosophy, studying Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity. He travelled to Australia and Southeast Asia and finally settled in England. In 1982, he co-wrote the book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, that Dan Brown used for the basis of his smash-hit novel, The Da Vinci Code
• Baigent was a Grand Officer of the UGLE, he had been editor of the UGLE’s siren magazine, Freemasonry Today since April 2001, a platform he used for a more liberal approach to Freemasonry. He was also a trustee of the Canonbury Masonic Research Centre. He died of a brain haemorrhage in Brighton Hospital, England on June 17, 2013 following a period of ill health. Michael Baigent belonged to the Lodge of Economy No. 76 in Winchester, where he was initiated, and also to Prince of Wales’ Lodge No. 259, London.

More Famous Freemasons
• Eddie Levey of the Mildura Lodge writes: “You put your letter in the post box. ‘Pillar Post Boxes’ were introduced by Bro. Anthony Trollope(1815-1882) of the Banagher Lodge” No.306 in Ireland.” 

Masonic Knowledge
• “A grant to Nightsafe from East Lancashire Freemasons will help ensure young homeless and vulnerable people from across Blackburn andDarwen will continue to receive food and other essential items,” reports This Is Lancashire.• “The £2500 gift to the charity providing housing, shelter and provisions to those aged 16-24 years has enabled it to reopen its face-to-face food and toiletry pack distribution at its Platform 5 Day Centre in Blackburn’s The Boulevard.” LINK

Masonic Wisdom
•  Bro. Bob Hope on turning 100: “”I don’t feel old. In fact, I don’t feel anything until noon. Then it’s time for my nap.”

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
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