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Tuesday, January 21, 2025

DAILY. Fri., Jul. 24, 2020


FVNews Daily. 
No 73. Friday, July 24, 2020
From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action TeamFVNews Daily is also available at www.FVNews.com.au
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Funeral: Robert Brownley
• Bob was born on March 22, 1935. and passed away on July 13, 2020. He was initiated into Lodge Balgowlah  No. 832 onMay37 , 1984. He was Master for five years. In 1990 the lodge was consolidated into Lodge Cremorne No .326 where he was Master for another three years, all in NSW. • VWor. Bro. Brownley was the District Grand Inspector of Workings for District 14 (NSW), 2000-02 He was also a member of numerous other Masonic Degrees during this period. He joined Lawson Poole Daylight Lodge on September 13, 2016, when he moved. He served asTreasurer for two years. • He will be sadly missed by his Masonic colleagues both in Victoria and New South Wales. The Masonic Service was conducted by VWor. Bro. Donald Simmons, supported by the Grand Master (Vic.) MWor. Bro. Richard Elkington. (Thanks to Donald Simmons and Ben Quick).

Lodge Engagement
• Matt Cameron writes: “Engagement starts with planning. It is vital to get people involved and smile because opportunities are just waiting to happen. Here is an example online event planner.” LINK

Let’s surprise Bro. Ian
• Andrew Burman, of the old Melburnians Lodge, writes: “We have a special day to celebrate and that is the 90thBirthday of Bro. Ian Hunt on Saturday, August 1. Our Organist, Bro. Alan Maggs, has suggested that to help Bro. Ian celebrate we should all send our congratulations to him via email. As his sight is no longer the best if you can send them to Joy she can read them all out to him when his special day comes around. Joy’semail address is joyvee.mel@gmail.com So let’s flood Joy’s inbox with emails from all of us. Only 10 more years to go and he will be receiving a telegram from Her Majesty.”

Page About Freemasonry
• David Aubrey writes regarding A Page About Freemasonry: “For those of you who cannot access Morwell’s Facebook page, this is a very good read. Will take a while to read all of it.” LINK

Sometimes we need ‘old technology’
• Liam Cole is quoted by MasonsConnect.com: “What is important is that we connect with members using the technology they understand, and in many cases with members not online this means picking up the phone.” Liam says that   we must remember to connect with everyone.
• “In practice, this means that we all (not just the Almoner) have a responsibility to pick up the phone, have meaningful conversations and ask the questions like:
‘How are you actually going?’ and  ‘Can we do anything beyond just picking up the groceries?'”

1400 children benefit
• “Children with illness can now visit a virtual camp without fears of coronavirus thanks to a donation from the Hampshire Freemasons,” reports the Southern Daily Echo. “More than 1400 seriously ill children from across the UK, who were scheduled to visit activity camps before the pandemic struck, will now be able to enjoy a virtual online “Camp in the Cloud“, thanks to a grant of £70,000 from Hampshire and Isle of Wight Freemasons.”

Lodge’s 150th Anniversary
• The Meadville Tribune (PennsylvaniaUS) has reported on a special milestone: “Happy anniversary to Cambridge Springs Covenant Masonic Lodge No. 473; it was 150 years old on July 19, 2020. Since the COVID-19 virus is still with us, they were not able to have a celebration.”READ MORE

Masonic Mailbag
• Gary Edwards adds an instalment: “On Thursday, reference was made to Bro. Sir Joseph Banks and the Royal Society of London, and on Wednesday, to Bro. John “Longitude” Harrison [JLH], inventor of the chronometer, and his son William [JH]. Like Banks, both JLH and WHwere made Fellows of the Royal Society. The Harrison’s Fellowships were for their invention of the first successful chronometer, and for their solving of the long held problem of the calculation of longitude at sea. JLH was also awarded the Copley Medal, the Royal Society’s highest distinction. • “The Harrisons only received £20,000 prize for their work following support from King George III, who tested the chronometer at his Kew Observatory; and from Captain James Cook, who tested a copy of it while circumnavigating the world and crossing both the Arctic and Antarctic Cycles for the first time. On his return to England, regarding the chronometer, Cook declared, “Our trusty friend the watch, our never failing guide. No sailor should ever go to sea without one.”

World News
• Freemasons continuing to donate to charities during the pandemic has won press publicity in the UK: “Six charities have benefited from much-needed donations, given by the Freemasons, totalling £1150. Despite being unable to meet for months, members of Anderton Freemasons’ Lodge have continued to make donations to local charities. Bolton Hospice, Wigan and Leigh Hospice and Derian House Children’s Hospiceare regular recipients of Anderton Lodge donations, and each received £200.” READ MORE

What’s On: online meetings
• www.masonsconnect.com

Famous Freemasons

• Barton, Edmund (1849-1920) – The first Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia, and Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, New South Wales, Edmund Barton was the Attorney-General and judge of the Australian High Court. His greatest contribution to Australian history was regarded by many of his management of the Federation movement through the 1890s.

More Famous Freemasons
• Eddie Levey of the Mildura Lodge writes: “You have a cup of tea. It’s ‘Earl Grey Tea’,  founded by Bro. Charles Grey, second Earl Grey, (1764-1845), British Prime Minister in 1830s. initiated in the Scientific Lodge No. 88  in Cambridge, which was established in 1762 and first met in the Three Tuns Tavern in Butchers Row, London.”

Masonic Knowledge
• “It is the lone worker who makes the first advance in a subject: the details may be worked out by a team, but the prime idea is due to the enterprise, thought, and perception of an individual.” – Bro. Alexander Fleming

Masonic Wisdom•  “Without darkness you would never see the stars. Keep going.”

One More Thing …
•  The Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team is assembling some short stories about the personal achievements of Victorian Freemasons, particularly those in country Victoria. If you would like to nominate a fellow Mason, please send an email to Editor Ash Long ateditor@FVNews.com.au

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
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