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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

DAILY. Tue., Jul. 28, 2020


FVNews Daily. 
No 75. Tuesday, July 28, 2020
From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action TeamFVNews Daily is also available at www.FVNews.com.au
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Vale Doug Tudhope
• Graham Sloman writes: “I advise with sadness the passing of Bro. Douglass Tudhope of the Derrimut Daylight Lodge No. 905 at around 7pm on Friday. At this stage no final arrangements are available.”• “Doug was 98 years old (61 years a freemason) but still very active in the Masonic world Until recently he was a member of ‘The Tuesday Boys‘ who looked after the maintenance of the Western Masonic Centre. A Member of the Seddon Lodge, Williamstown Daylight and Derrimut Daylight Lodges, although he never sought to be a Master, he was a brilliant Freemason who will be sorely missed by all.”

Back to Lodge
• Even though we cannot meet in person, Lodges should continue to issue regular Summons and Minutes, even of Zoom meetings. Isolated Lodge members will appreciate the contact. And your future Lodge historians will appreciate the contemporary records of our peculiar times.

Invitation; Grand Installation
• Chris Wallace advises: “On Saturday (Aug. 1), commencing at 2.15pm, the Grand Installation of the Order of the Secret Monitor for Southern Australia will be held online (via Zoom) – a unique situation due to the ongoing pandemic. The Grand Supreme Ruler, Most Worthy Brother Hedley Allen, will be installing his successor, Right Worthy Brother Bob Pierce, on this occasion and all Freemasons will be very welcome to join the online meeting. All attendees must pre-register via the LINK
• “The Order of the Secret Monitor welcomes all Master Masons who have more than 12 months membership of their Craft lodge and who are interested in extending their Masonic journey and understanding. If you are interested in the ‘Friendly Order’, please send an email to the Grand Recorder for more information: osmsthausgrec@gmail.com

VIDEO: Meet Bro. Andrew Shen
• Andrew Shen, a newer member of Richmond Lodge, tells about his journey discovering more about Freemasonry (04;27)LINK

Revised link for New York Lodge tour
• Laurie Jacobs advises of a revised link to tonight’s Mt Scopus and Collegians Lodge No 689 Zoom meeting (Tues.) at 7.30pm where there will be a virtual tour of the New York Lodge. LINK

Charity Raffle for Monash District
• Ross Broad, of Lodge of Good Companions, tells us of the opportunity to support the Charity Raffle for Monash District. A new Thermomixis the prize. Tickets are $10 each. BUY ONLINE

Lodge Amicus meets tonight (Tues.)
• Anthony Bucca says that Lodge Amicus No. 928 will meet by Zoom tonight. Visitors will be admitted at approx. 7.40pm after Lodge business is completed. “We would love to have visitors join us for a few drinks and the usual Amicus mirth and merriment.” LINK (Password required)

World News
Illinois Freemasonry Magazine has published an edition with the theme of ‘Clarity’. LINK

What’s On: online meetings
• www.masonsconnect.com

Famous Freemasons

• Bell, Lawrence (1894-1956) – Lawrence Bell was the head of the Bell Aircraft Corporation, one of whose aircraft, the X-1, piloted by Captain Charles ‘Chuck’ Yeager, famously broke the Sound Barrier in level flight on October 14, 1947. Subsequent Bell aircraft developments went on to exceed Mach 6.72 or 2021 metres per second (7,273Km/h – 4,519mph), a feat achieved by the X-15A-2 on  June 28, 1964, by test pilot Pete Knight. NASA astronaut and the first man to walk on the moon, Neil Armstrong, was also a Bell X-15 pilot.

More Famous Freemasons
• Eddie Levey of the Mildura Lodge writes: “You duck into the nearest shop and buy a Tattslotto ticket, founded by Bro. George Adams (1839-1904), publican and lottery promoter, initiated into Lodge Samaritan” No.294, Irish Constitution  in 1871, meeting in Kiama, NSW, now  Lodge Kiama No.35.
• “You pass a G.J.Coles store and buy a few snacks for the family at home. Bro. Sir George James Coles (1885-1977) was initiated in theLodge Lowan No.107, Nhill, Victoria. You buy some Freddo Frogs, invented by Bro. Harold Melbourne (1913-2007), initiated in the Victoria Park Lodge No. 388 in 1944, 

Masonic Knowledge
• “The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. To be your own man is hard business. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.” – Bro. Rudyard Kipling

Masonic Wisdom
•  “The only time an aircraft has too much fuel on board is when it is on fire.” – Bro. Charles Kingsford Smith

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
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