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Monday, January 20, 2025

DAILY. Mon., Aug. 3, 2020


FVNews Daily. 
No 79. Monday, August 3, 2020
From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action TeamFVNews Daily is also available at www.FVNews.com.au
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Vale John Lewis


• ‘John Lewis Funeral Brings Georgia Grand Lodges Together’ was one of the headlines after the service for the late US Congressman and civil rights leaders. The funeral service was televised, and the Masonic component was to the fore. This moment of unity and brotherhood was a rare opportunity for brethren to explore greater cooperation between the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Georgia and the Grand Lodge of Georgia F&AM.  

Vale Alan Ould
• We regret to advise of the passing of Bro. Alan William Ould OAM, PGOrg. A member of Marangan Lodge No. 64, he was a member of the 1992-93 Grand Team. Born on November 19, 1923, he died on Thursday (July 30). He was 96. He passed away peacefully at the Royal Freemasons Nursing Home, Benalla. He was husband of Freda (dec.), father and father-in-law of Robin and Antoinette, Susan and Garry (Martin), Glenys and Jeremy (Apted) and their families.

Vale Geoffrey Treanor
• We regret to advise of the passing of VWor. Bro. Geoffrey Treanor, PGIWkgs. A member of Wangaratta Lodge of St John No. 66Roger Porter, Lodge Secretary, said: “Funeral details are not known at this stage, but expected to be a private family funeral. A memorial service may be held in the future when the Pandemic restrictions are eased.”

VIDEO: Who is Grand Master’s latest hero?
• Have you seen the latest weekly two-minute video from Richard Elkington, Grand Master. Who is his latest Masonic hero? WATCH

Hard Lockdown
• Our Board looks to have made the correct decision, in taking the recommendation of the Freemasons Future Recovery Team, in closingMasonic Centres across Victoria for Lodge meetings, until at least December 31. The Premier has announced Stage 4 restrictions in theMelbourne metro area, which includes an 8pm-5am curfew, and a 5-km travelling limit from people’s homes. Stage 3 restrictions have been introduced across the rest of Victoria, which include a rule about face masks and face coverings for all people outside their homes.
• The Freemasons Future Recovery Team will be meeting on Wednesday morning (Aug. 5), as it continues to monitor the situation, especially in regard to our organisation.

GMs COVID-19 message
• Grand Master Richard Elkington has issued a message about the COVID-19 situation. LINK

Musical Presentation
• Richard Elkington, Grand Master, invites invites all members of Freemasons Victoria and their families and friends, to send contribution video-clips for an on-line Musical Presentation to be aired in early November. LINK

Day in the life of the Grand Secretary
• Garry Runge, Grand Secretary, will be Guest Speaker at Williamstown Lodge No. 16, at 7.30pm on Wednesday, August 12, advises Adam Woledge, Lodge Secretary. Garry will speak on ‘A Day in the Life of the Grand Secretary’. LINK

Happy 102nd, Hugh
• “Bro. Hugh Vallence, Past Grand Organist, celebrated his 102nd birthday last week. Hugh was a well known and popular organist for a number of Lodges in the western suburbs, (particularly the old Group Seven). He  is a resident in a local nursing hostel which is under strict lockdown, butHughie assures everybody that he is safe and well.” (Thanks to Ian Sterritt, Secretary, Yarraville Lodge No. 164.)

World News
• More than 8000 Essex Freemasons have joined in an online toast to their Grand Master who has died of cancer, reports the Romford Recorder.They joined together via Zoom to pay a final show of respect to Provincial Grand Master Rodney Bass OBE, who died on July 14 after a long battle with cancer. LINK

Learning Zoom. Part 2
• Kelly Leventis and Mike King, Freemasons Victoria Marketing Team staffers, have uploaded a guide about how to use Zoom. LINK

More on Park n Plug initiative
• Barry Minster suggested (FVNews DailyJul. 31) that Freemasons Victoria involvement in a ‘Park n Plug’ initiative, that provides Electronic Vehicle infrastructure.
• Tongue firmly in cheek, Alan Mitchell contributed: “I think Barry Minister should have declared that he has a vested interest in having a car charging point at FV – he drives a Tesla. Anyone interested in having a petrol pump installed as well? It would be good for my V8 Chevrolet.”

Our What’s On Guide
• Our aim is to construct a daily What’s On guide for Freemasons Victoria. The guide will initially be at this www.FVNews.com.au website, and we hope to then integrate it at the Freemasons Victoria website. As part of the ‘One Voice’ strategy plan of our VAT, we want to establish the organisation’s official guide to include every Lodge meeting and event. 
• Lodges can assist be sending emails about every lodge meeting and event to editor@FVNews.com.au
• Members across Victoria can assist by volunteering to work from their own home to proactively contact Lodges by email and phone so that we can present the most up-to-date and accurate information. To volunteer, please send an email to editor@FVNews.com.au

Famous Freemasons
• Berlusconi, Silvio (1936- ) – “A controversial Italian media tycoon and politician, Silvio Berlusconi belonged to Lodge Propaganda Due, but his disreputable excesses (outside the realm of Masonry), caused him to be expelled in 1981 by the Grand Orient of Italy.” – Timothy Horton

More Famous Freemasons
• Eddie Levey of the Mildura Lodge writes: “You might enjoy a  J.Boag & Sons beer founded by Bro. James Boag (1822-1890), initiated in theLoyal Cornwall Lodge, Launceston, Tasmania. • You have to get these beers out of your refrigerator, your Hallstrom Silent Knight Refrigerator invented by Bro.Edward Hallstrom (1886-1970), made a Freemason in Lodge Roseville” No.334,  NSW. in 1944. Bro. Hallstrom first made kerosene refrigerators and went onto manufacturing electric refrigerators in the mid-1940s.• Time to get ready for tea, and chose a tender T-Bone steak – a William Angliss Steak. Sir William Charles Angliss (1865-1957) was a butcher, meat exporter, pastoralist, politician. He was made a Mason in the Empire Lodge No.150, VC in 1890, and was a foundation member ofSmithfield Lodge No.414, VC in 1926. 

Masonic Knowledge
• Freemasons For Dummies says: “The Mystic Order of the Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm (simply and affectionately known as theGrotto): Over the years, the Grotto has unfairly earned the unflattering nickname “the poor man’s Shrine“, but built on the premise that men would be better Masons if the solemn teachings from the lodge could be interspersed with a little socialising and fun.” LINK

Masonic Wisdom
•  “Though I am gone, I urge you to answer the highest calling of your heart and stand up for what you truly believe.” – quoted at the funeral service of Bro. John Lewis, civil rights leader.

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 

Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
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