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DAILY. Mon., Aug. 20, 2020


FVNews Daily. 
No 83. Monday, August 10, 2020
From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action TeamFVNews Daily is also available at www.FVNews.com.au
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NEW! What’s On
Please notify us about your event. Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
• Monday, August 10. 7pm. Lodge of Commerce. RWor. Bro Ian Brown, Membership VAT, will give a 15-20 min presentation on the relevance of the Mark degree to Craft Masons, dress casual. All welcome. LINK
• Monday, August 10. 7.30pm. 
United Ararat Lodge. Speaker: Richard Parkin, ‘The Pillars’. All welcome. LINK
• Tuesday, August 11. 7pm. Richmond Lodge. Includes ‘Who Am I?” segment. Pre-register by Sunday at EMAIL and LINK
• Tuesday, August 11. 7.30pm. 
West Wimmera Holy Royal Arch Chapter. Business meeting. Zoom. Presentation: Holy Royal Arch, by Peter White. LINK
• Tuesday, August 11. 7.45pm for visitors. Colac Lodge. Guest Speaker: RWor. Bro. Robert Pullin: ‘Freemasonry and Music.” All welcome. LINK
Wednesday, August 12. 7pm. Monash Lodge. Speaker: Peter Gurr, First Grand Principal of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Victoria. All welcome. LINK
• Wednesday, August 12. 7.30pm. Ange Kenos, Grand Lodge Librarian. Monthly Presentation. All welcome. LINK
Wednesday, August 12. 7.30pm. Williamstown Lodge. Guest speaker: Garry Runge, Grand Secretary. All welcome. LINK
• Thursday, August 13. Board of General Purposes meeting. For Board members.
• Thursday, August 13. 7pm. Union Lodge of North Gippsland (Bairnsdale). All welcome. LINK• Thursday, August 13. 7.30pm. Central Highlands District. ‘Introduction to the Kabbalah’ presentation by Bro. Thomas Mikeska. All welcome.LINK
• Friday, August 14. 7.30pm. Gregorios Lodge. Business Meeting. Guest Speaker: Bro. Ioannis (John) Michanetzis on his Naval career, especially in the Hellenic Navy. All welcome. LINK
Saturday, August 15. 7.30pm. Lodge of Evolution. Speaker: John Molnar on ‘What Is Freemasonry For?’. All welcome. LINK
• Monday, August 17. 11am. Membership VAT Team Leads Meeting. Members.
• Monday, August 17. 7.30pm. Gippsland Lakes Lodge (Lakes Entrance). All welcome. LINK
• Monday, August 17. 7.30pm. King David Lodge. Speaker: Garry Sebo, ‘My Time as a Grand Master and a Freemason, A Retrospective’. All welcome. LINK
• Tuesday, August 18. 7.30pm. Membership Volunteer Action Team. Members only. 
• Wednesday, August 19. 10.30am. VAT Leaders’ Meeting. Members.
• Thursday, August 20. 7pm. Prospect Hill Lodge. Talk by Kent Henderson: ‘English Mark and Ark, different, but the same.’ All welcome. LINK
• Thursday, August 20. 7pm. Rupertswood Numurkah Lodge. All welcome. Link to come.
• Friday, August 21. 7pm. Bairnsdale Daylight Lodge. All welcome. LINK
• Saturday, August 22. 7pm. Victorian Lodge of Research. Open Lectures. ‘Freemasonry in the Colony of Victoria’ by Brendan Kyne. All welcome. LINK
Saturday, August 22. 7.20pm. Central and Western Districts. Ladies’ Lockdown Dinner Night. $25 per couple for fundraiser. BOOK
• Friday, August 28. 7.30pm. Victorian Lodge of Research. Talk: Brendan Kyne, ‘Foundations Stones and Early Lodge Buildings of Melbourne’. All welcome. LINK
• Saturday, September 5. 10 am-12 Noon. Preparation for Master course. Limited positions. Contact: Geoff Newby. EMAIL
• Saturday, September 5. 9.30am-3pm. Secretary’s Course. By Barry Reaper and Eric Williams. Morning Session LINK and Afternoon SessionLINK
• Saturday, September 12. 10 am-12 Noon. Preparation for Master course. Limited positions. Contact: Geoff Newby. EMAIL
• Saturday, September 19. 10 am-12 Noon. Preparation for Master course. Limited positions. Contact: Geoff Newby. EMAIL

NEW! Videos
• Grand Master’s Weekly Message (Aug. 7, 2020). WATCH
• The Art of Masonic Education. WATCH
• A Timely Chat With A New FreemasonWATCH

Vale Archibald Robinson Conn
• “It is with sadness I advise the passing to the Grand Lodge Above of RWor. Bro. Archibald Robinson Conn PJGW of Wimmera Lodge No 70early on Sunday morning (Aug. 9). Bro. Arch was a resident of the Eventide Homes at Stawell and celebrated his 100th birthday earlier in the month. He was presented with his 75-year jewel last year and was a member of the 1981 Grand Lodge Ceremonial Team.  We extend our condolences to Dorothy and her family. I will advise of the funeral arrangements when they become available.” – John McTaggart

Vale Lyn Bromage
• We regret to advise of the passing of Mrs Lyn Bromage, wife of VWor. Bro. Alan Bromage. “She had a fall last weekend. Complications developed and her systems generally shut down. In accordance with her wishes, life support was withdrawn, and she left us.” Our sincere condolences.

Vale Henry Maxwell Smith
• We regret to advise of the passing to the Grand Lodge Above of Wor. Bro. Henry Maxwell Smith, former Master of Newport Lodge. He passed away peacefully, aged 93, on July 28 at Corowa, NSW.

Opening and Closing Procedure
• Grand Secretary Garry Runge reminds that Lodges are being encouraged to conduct meetings via Zoom on the day and time of their normalLodge meeting. The new Opening and Closing procedure is located in the secure section of the FV Members Website and can only be used for Lodges meeting via zoom or a similar platform. To access the Opening and Closing procedure, please select Resources from the main menu, select Member Resources followed by Lodge.

Ladies Lockdown Dinner Night
• Gabrielle Marabeliotakis advises of the Ladies Lockdown Dinner Night being held from 7.20pm on Saturday, August 22 by Zoom. Central andWestern Districts are combining. Men will prepare the two-course meals, and funds ($25 per couple) will be raised for charity. Prizes will be awarded, Kathleen Elkington will be judge. Gab will be MC. Zoom link will be spent to those who have booked. BOOK

Office staff arrangements
• “Due to COVID-19 restrictions, Freemasons Victoria office staff will work from home Monday-Thursday and will take each Friday as an annual leave day. The health and safety of staff is of paramount importance. During this difficult time of the pandemic and Stage 4 restrictions, a decision has been made to reduce the service provided by staff of Freemasons Victoria each Friday for a period of  six weeks. The team will continue to work from home on the remaining four days of the week and will continue to provide the best possible service to members while the pandemic continues. Brethren are requested to refrain from contacting the office by telephone or email on a Friday.”

Hundreds of pounds donated
• The Leader (North Wales) reports: “Hundreds of pounds have been donated to help vulnerable people across Flintshire and Wrexham. Members of the North Wales Freemasons, Hawarden Lodge, donated £300 to the FDF Centre for Independent Living (formerly the Flintshire Disability Forum). A donation of £1,000 was also given by members of the Basingwerk Lodge to St Kentigern Hospice which provides palliative care and support to local people with life limiting illnesses. The hospice needed to raise £4,300 a day to enable them to keep their doors open.” LINK

Royal Freemasons negative tests
• The Benalla Ensign reports: “Royal Freemasons residents, staff ,and family members of both, breathed a sigh of relief Friday morning afterCOVID-19 test results came back negative.” LINK

Masonic Routine
• Paul Brennand, Membership VAT Chair, says: “So, what is expected of us and what can we do and not do? Firstly, there is only one thing that may not occur, and that is any ceremonial activity involving the paraphernalia of our rituals. Other than that, the world is your oyster. Secretaries are asked to prepare their online meeting reports in the normal way, indicating that this was a non-ceremonial meeting. All attendees, apologies and other important information should be provided, including any details of any presenting guest or lecture that is given. This is a great opportunity to involve our family and friends, especially prospective members, so even more motivation to keep the meeting light and enjoyable – Lodge matters needing detailed discussions can always be managed on a specific meeting night.”

World News
The Barrhold News (UK) reports that cash was the best way that local Freemasons could support members of the community. “Freemasons inEast Renfrewshire have donated cash to help people who are struggling to make ends meet. Members of five local lodges visited The Hub, inMain Street, Barrhead, on Thursday to hand over a cheque for £735 as part of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire East Community Foodbank Project. It brings the lodges’ total donations to foodbanks in recent weeks to £1505.” LINK

About our What’s On Guide
• Our aim is to construct a daily What’s On guide for Freemasons Victoria. The guide will initially be at this www.FVNews.com.au website, and we hope to then integrate it at the Freemasons Victoria website. As part of the ‘One Voice’ strategy plan of our VAT, we want to establish the organisation’s official guide to include every Lodge meeting and event. 
• Lodges can assist be sending emails about every lodge meeting and event to editor@FVNews.com.au Please include us on your Lodge Summons mailing list.
• Members across Victoria can assist by volunteering to work from their own home to proactively contact Lodges by email and phone so that we can present the most up-to-date and accurate information. To volunteer, please send an email to editor@FVNews.com.au

Famous Freemasons
• Boone, Daniel (1734-1820) – Of English and Welsh descent, Daniel Boone was born in Pennsylvania and, as a pioneer, explorer (especially ofKentucky) and frontiersman, he became one of America’s first revered folk heroes. Although his Masonic membership is difficult to prove, here is what Nathan Boone had to say about his father’s funeral: “Father’s body was conveyed to Flanders Callaway’s home at Charette, and there the funeral took place. There were no military or Masonic honours, the latter of which he was a member, as there were then but very few [Freemasons] in that region of the country.”
– Timothy Horton

More Famous Freemasons
• Eddie Levey of the Mildura Lodge writes: “Many great movies are listed featuring great actors as Bro. William Pilbeam Goffage (1909-1971) best known as ‘Chips Rafferty‘, who was a member of the Lodge Literature No.500, Sydney NSW.• Bro. Charles William ‘Bud’ Tingwell (1923-2009), actor and Spitfire pilot, starred in Homicide, was initiated in  Lodge Carinya No.785, NSWCin 1950. He later became a member of  Lodge John Williams” No.148  NSW.• Bro. Harry Van Der Sluys (1891-1954) known as ‘Roy Rene (Mo)’, the comedian and Vaudevillian, initiated in  Lodge Thespian No.256, NSW in 1917.

Masonic Knowledge
• Bro. Alexander Fleming was a Scottish pharmacologist, botanist and biologist. He was born at Lochfield Farm near Darvel, Scotland on August 6, 1881. Fleming was seven when his father would pass away. After attending local schools and receiving a scholarship toKilmamock Academy, Fleming would attend the Royal Polytechnic Institution in London. He began pursuing a medical degree. In 1903 he enrolled in St Mary’s Hospital Medical School where he received a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery degree in 1906. He was a private in the London Scottish Regiment, Volunteer Force. He was also a member of St Mary’s Rifle Club. The captain of the club eager to keep Fleming around, encouraged him to join the research department. There Fleming would work for Almroth Wright, a pioneer in immunology and vaccine therapy.• Fleming served throughout World War I as an Army Doctor. During his time in the war he observed that the antiseptics commonly used at that time werecausing more harm than good with many patients. He published a paper during the war on the subject. Unfortunately many Army surgeons took little notice. In 1921, Fleming discovered ‘Lysozyme‘ an enzyme that attacks the cell walls of bacteria. In 1927, Fleming had begun research intoStaphylococci. Although he had gained quite a reputation in the medical community, he also was notorious for keeping a messy lab. In 1928, he had gone on vacation through August with his family returning in early September. When he returned he discovered one of his Staphylococci had been contaminated. He discovered that the fungus, a member of the Penicillium genus, had a destructive effect on the Staphylococci. For months after the initial discovery, Flemingreferred to the substance that was killing the Staphylococci as ‘Mould Juice’. He would eventually start calling it the more familiar name PenicillinFleming would share the Nobel Prize with the two men who developed the techniques to mass produce Penicillin. (Thanks toGraham Berry.)

Masonic Wisdom•  “The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes.” – Bro. Winston Churchill

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
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