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DAILY. Thu., Aug. 20, 2020


FVNews Daily. 
No 90. Thursday, August 20, 2020
From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action TeamFVNews Daily is also available at www.FVNews.com.au
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Please notify us about your event. Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
• Thursday, August 20. 7pm. Prospect Hill Mark Lodge. Talk by Kent Henderson: ‘English Mark and Ark, different, but the same.’ MMM welcome. LINK
• Thursday, August 20. 7pm.(7.30pm for Visitors) Rupertswood Numurkah Lodge. Speaker: Richard Elkington on his aspirations for the craft. All welcome. LINK
• Thursday, August 20. 7.30pm. Albert Victor Lodge. All welcome.
• Thursday, August 20. 7.30pm. Geelong Lodge ofUnity and Prudence. Speaker: Myles King on his work with the Freemasons Foundation. All welcome. LINK
• Thursday, August 20. 7.30pm. Portland Lodge of Victoria. Speaker: Evelyn Hood, Past Most Worthy Grand Matron, Order of the Eastern Star Australia. LINK
• Friday, August 21. 7pm. Bairnsdale Daylight Lodge. Including congratulations to David Provan on the presentation of his 60 years Service Award. All welcome. LINK
• Friday, August 21. 7pm. 
Lodge of the Golden Fleece. Chris Craven, Deputy Grand Secretary (NSW and ACT), will conduct an exclusive tour of the Museum of Freemasonry in Sydney LINK
• Saturday, August 22. 7pm. Victorian Lodge of Research. Open Lectures. ‘Freemasonry in the Colony of Victoria’ by Brendan Kyne. All welcome. LINK
Saturday, August 22. 7.20pm. Central and Western Districts. Ladies’ Lockdown Dinner Night. $25 per couple for fundraiser. BOOK
• Monday, August 24. 7pm
. Lodge of Commerce. Speaker: Barry Minister. The development and operation of the electric car. All welcome, Dress: neat casual. LINK
• Tuesday, August 25. 7pm. Peace and Loyalty Lodge. Speaker: Anthony Bucca. ‘How Do We Create A Better Lodge Experience?’ LINK
• Tuesday, August 25. 7.30pm. Middle Park Lodge. Speaker: Richard Elkington, Grand Master, ‘Learnings From COVID-19’. Dress code: Black Tie/Dinner Suit. All welcome. Zoom LINK: (Meeting ID: 847 9037 4006, Password: 624473)
• Tuesday, August 25. 7.30pm. Mount Scopus and Collegians Lodge. Business Meeting. Speaker: Bro. Rabbi Meir Kluwgant,’Timeline, History, Masonic Design and an overview of the layout and main features of King Solomon’s Temple’. Dress: white shirt and black tie. All welcome. LINK
• Thursday, August 27. 7pm. 
Morwell Lodge. Zoom Meeting. Speaker: David Aubrey, about arguably Australia’s greatest poet and war correspondent, Banjo Patterson – just who was Clancy of the Overflow? ‘All welcome. Link to come.• Friday, August 28. 7.30pm. Victorian Lodge of Research. Talk: Brendan Kyne, ‘Foundations Stones and Early Lodge Buildings of Melbourne’. All welcome. LINK (Password if required – 510249)
• Wednesday, September 2. 7.30pm. Wonthaggi Masonic Family Zoom Meeting. LINK
• Thursday, September 3. 7.30pm. Melbourne High School Lodge. 3 Guest Speakers. All welcome. EMAIL for Link
• Thursday, September 3. 7.30pm. Killara Lodge. Business meeting. Speaker: Barry Minster on Electric Cars, specifically Tesla. LINK
• Friday, September 4. 7pm. Combined Arc, Mark and Chapter Zoom Meeting. LINK
• Saturday, September 5. 10 am-12 Noon. Preparation for Master course. Limited positions. Contact: Geoff Newby. EMAIL
• Saturday, September 5. 9.30am-3pm. Secretary’s Course. By Barry Reaper and Eric Williams. Morning Session LINK and Afternoon Session LINK
• Monday, September 7. 7.30pm. 
Lodge Garibaldi. All welcome. LINK
• Tuesday, September 8. Colac Lodge. Speaker: Anthony Bucca. ‘Freemasonry and the American Civil Wat’. LINK to come.
• Saturday, September 12. 10 am-12 Noon. Preparation for Master course. Limited positions. Contact: Geoff Newby. EMAIL
• Saturday, September 19. 10 am-12 Noon. Preparation for Master course. Limited positions. Contact: Geoff Newby. EMAIL

NEW. Videos
• Grand Discussion with Peter Kirwan (Western Australia) and Graham Wrigley (New Zealand). WATCH
• How To Speak In Lodge. WATCH
• Masonic Education: Aprons. WATCH

Major step forward for Board
• Myles King and Bill Lodge, President and Vice-President respectively of the Freemasons Victoria Board of General Purposes, have promptly delivered on the promise for openness and transparency. They have released an overview of pertinent discussions and decisions after each general Board decision.

Those matters from the August 13 meeting concerned:
• Finances
• Strategic Plan
• Major Project
• Property
• Constitutional Review
• Grand Secretary
• Board Reports (Masonic Services, Commercial Services, Constitutional Reform, VATs)
A comprehensive report is published at the FV website, www.freemasonsvictoria.org.au . Sign in as a member, go to Messages, go to Board. 

Leaders report in
• There were 21 participants in the Freemasons Victoria Senior Grand Officers’ Meeting held last night (Wed.) called by Richard Elkington, Grand Master. Amongst the other leaders, in speaking order, were:
• Anthony Bucca, Deputy Grand Master,
• Myles King, President, Board of General Purposes,
• Ash Long, Communications and Marketing VAT,
• Matt Donato, Works VAT,
• Ian Cross, Ritual and Ceremonial Committee,
• Ian Buckingham, Education/Masonic Knowledge,
• Paul Brennand, Membership VAT,
• Craig Head, Grand Treasurer.

Grand Secretary continues
• The Board has announced that RWor. Bro. Garry Runge’s contract as Grand Secretary has been extended to March next year. 

Brethren, can we help?
• Damien Hudson of Lodge Devotion shares this: “The Belguim Neighbourhood House Inc (BANH Inc) operates the Collingwood andRichmond Neighbourhood Houses. They have programs feeding the disadvantaged. This has become particularly important during COVID-19 andLodge Devotion 723 (meeting in Abbotsford) has been assisting with cash and physical help. BANH needs flour, rice, pasta and fresh vegetables to assist with lunches to locals which are being delivered and collected. If you can help with donations of flour, rice, pasta and veg, please contact: LINK

‘The Gift’
• Freemasons Queensland have a video entitled The Gift with their Grand Master Paul Holland. WATCH

How inclusive are our Lodges?
• Neil Addison, of Sunbury and Trentham Lodges, writes: “I recently had the pleasure of observing a demonstration of the ‘Hung Rite’ by theKring Nieuw Holland Masonic Study Group. I was very taken with the way that this ceremony was inclusive of the many religions and cultures, which made me think, how inclusive our lodges might be. 
• “As we live in a remarkably diverse and multicultural society, how do we in our Freemasonry go about being inclusive to people who identify with cultures and societies where the Christian scripture is not central? How well do we, within our Christian Scripture focused ritual, be respectful and inclusive to the brethren from these cultures or whom we attract into Freemasonry? If we are not respectful to this diversity, then it becomes difficult for these brethren to feel their beliefs are equal and to feel as comfortable and welcomed into our lodges.”

Freemasons help diabetics
• The Midland Daily News, Michigan, reports: “Ed Morris, Worshipful Master of Centre Lodge No. 273, Midland’s Masonic Lodge, presented a $3040 cheque to Erin White, manager of MidMichigan Medical Center’s diabetes center in Midland. “For many patients and their families, especially those without insurance, the daily expense of living with diabetes can be overwhelming,” said White. “We are extremely grateful forCentre Lodge No. 273, Midland’s Masonic Lodge continued support.” READ MORE

Lodge/OES 50-year anniversary
• “Phillip’s Masonic Lodge No. 238 and the Progressive Chapter 186 Order of Eastern Star are celebrating their 50-year history of helping those in need in the Clinton area and the men who founded the group,” reports The Advocate (Baton Rouge, USA).• “In May 1970, a group of men in Clinton petitioned to form Phillip’s Masonic Lodge 238. On July 1, 1970, a Warrant of Constitution was signed by Most Worshipful Grand Master T.J. Hawkins of the Most Worshipful Universal Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Shreveport, granting confirming the request.
• “In July 1970, a group of women in Clinton were granted the Progressive Chapter 186 Order of Eastern Star. The OES petition was signed byGrand Matron Mable H. Risner, Star of Hope Grand Chapter of Shreveport.” READ MORE

World News
 Time Out reports that one of the biggest names in international galleries is moving into a cavernous former museum on Wilshire Boulevard inLos Angeles.• Variety reports that Larry Gagosian, of Gagosian Gallery fame, has signed a deal to lease a large portion of the former Marciano Art Foundation. Dubbed the Grand Theater Gallery, it’ll occupy the ground floor of the space with plans to kick off programming in January 2021.TheMillard Sheets-designed building (best known for his bank mosaics) was opened in 1961 as the Scottish Rite Masonic Temple.” READ MORE

What’s On: How You Can Assist
• Lodges can assist by sending emails about every lodge meeting and event to editor@FVNews.com.au 
Please include us on your Lodge Summons mailing list.

Famous Freemasons
• Brodie, Sir Israel (1895-1979) –The Chief Rabbi of Great Britain and the Commonwealth (1948–1965), Brodie served as a Rabbi ofMelbourne Hebrew Congregation from 1923 to 1937. During World War II, he was evacuated from Dunkirk (1940), and finished the war asSenior Jewish Chaplain. Brodie had impeccable English connections and was an ardent Freemason, rising to the senior appointment of Grand Chaplain in the United Grand Lodge of England.
• Brodie took a significant part in rebuilding the religious life of European Jewry after the Holocaust and, in 1969, was knighted “for services to British Jewry”, the first Chief Rabbi to be so honoured.- Timothy Horton

Masonic Knowledge
• A new digital version of Concords of Sweet Sounds is being prepared by the Freemasons Victoria Ritual and Ceremonial Team headed byIan Cross. it includes digital music files that can be played at Lodge meetings without an organist. A Brother will operate a laptop computer connected to wireless speakers at a physical lodge meeting.

Masonic Wisdom
• “A witty saying proves nothing.” – Bro. François-Marie Arouet (‘Voltaire’)

• In Fort Kent, Maine (US), “the Masons’ Lobster Feed tickets sold at $40 each and included two lobsters at about a pound and a quarter each, a healthy serving of steamers, a fresh ear of corn, baked potato and a blueberry muffin for dessert”. All money raised from the Masons’ annual lobster feed supports local initiatives, including literacy in schools, youth activities and community betterment. “The Masons use 100 percent of the proceeds to help community members and the town behind the scenes that are typically never seen by most,” said Steven Daigle.” READ MORE

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
FVNews is an opt-in email. If, for any reason, you would prefer not to receive our emails, simply reply to editor@FVNews.com.au or fill out the Unsubscribe form at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/  – type OPT OUT in the subject line, and please include your email address. Or use the unsubscribe option at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/

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