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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

DAILY. Fri., Aug. 21, 2020


FVNews Daily. 
No 91. Friday, August 21, 2020
From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action TeamFVNews Daily is also available at www.FVNews.com.au
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Please notify us about your event. Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
• Friday, August 21. 11.15am. Funeral Service for Bro. Harold Stuart. Fawkner Joyce Chapel. LINK
• Friday, August 21. 1.45pm. Funeral Service for Bro. Bill Corlett. Springvale Crematorium. Tony McDonall and Eddie Hutchinson will lead the Masonic Commemoration. No details available if the service will be streamed.
• Friday, August 21. 7pm. Bairnsdale Daylight Lodge. Including congratulations to David Provan on the presentation of his 60 years Service Award. All welcome. LINK
• Friday, August 21. 7pm. 
Lodge of the Golden Fleece. Chris Craven, Deputy Grand Secretary (NSW and ACT), will conduct an exclusive tour of the Museum of Freemasonry in Sydney LINK
• Saturday, August 22. 7pm. Victorian Lodge of Research. Open Lectures. ‘Freemasonry in the Colony of Victoria’ by Brendan Kyne. All welcome. LINK
Saturday, August 22. 7.20pm. Central and Western Districts. Ladies’ Lockdown Dinner Night. $25 per couple for fundraiser. BOOK
• Monday, August 24. 7pm
. Lodge of Commerce. Speaker: Barry Minister. The development and operation of the electric car. All welcome, Dress: neat casual. LINK
• Tuesday, August 25. 7pm. Peace and Loyalty Lodge. Speaker: Anthony Bucca. ‘How Do We Create A Better Lodge Experience?’ LINK
• Tuesday, August 25. 7.30pm. Middle Park Lodge. Speaker: Richard Elkington, Grand Master, ‘Learnings From COVID-19’. Dress code: Black Tie/Dinner Suit. All welcome. Zoom LINK: (Meeting ID: 847 9037 4006, Password: 624473)
• Tuesday, August 25. 7.30pm. Mount Scopus and Collegians Lodge. Business Meeting. Speaker: Bro. Rabbi Meir Kluwgant,’Timeline, History, Masonic Design and an overview of the layout and main features of King Solomon’s Temple’. Dress: white shirt and black tie. All welcome. LINK
• Thursday, August 27. 7pm. 
Morwell Lodge. Zoom Meeting. Speaker: David Aubrey, about arguably Australia’s greatest poet and war correspondent, Banjo Patterson – just who was Clancy of the Overflow? ‘All welcome. LINK
• Friday, August 28. 10.30am. ‘Other Orders’ Communications Planning Meeting. Zoom. By invitation.• Friday, August 28. 7.30pm. Victorian Lodge of Research. Talk: Brendan Kyne, ‘Foundations Stones and Early Lodge Buildings of Melbourne’. All welcome. LINK (Password if required – 510249)
• Tuesday, September 1. 7pm. Mitchell River Lodge. Meeting, including visitors from the UK who greatly contributed to bushfire relief. All welcome.LINK
• Wednesday, September 2. 7.30pm. Wonthaggi Masonic Family Zoom Meeting. LINK
• Thursday, September 3. 7.30pm. Melbourne High School Lodge. 3 Guest Speakers. All welcome. EMAIL for Link
• Thursday, September 3. 7.30pm. Killara Lodge. Business meeting. Speaker: Barry Minster on Electric Cars, specifically Tesla. LINK
• Friday, September 4. 7pm. Combined Arc, Mark and Chapter Zoom Meeting. LINK
• Saturday, September 5. 10 am-12 Noon. Preparation for Master course. Limited positions. Contact: Geoff Newby. EMAIL
• Saturday, September 5. 9.30am-3pm. Secretary’s Course. By Barry Reaper and Eric Williams. Morning Session LINK and Afternoon Session LINK
• Monday, September 7. 7.30pm. 
Lodge Garibaldi. All welcome. LINK
• Tuesday, September 8. Colac Lodge. Speaker: Anthony Bucca. ‘Freemasonry and the American Civil Wat’. LINK to come.
• Saturday, September 12. 10 am-12 Noon. Preparation for Master course. Limited positions. Contact: Geoff Newby. EMAIL
Thursday, September 17. 7pm. Thursday, September 17. 7pm. 
Prospect Hill Mark Lodge. Meeting. Opening and closing.  Interview: Grand Master Elect, RWor. Bro Bill Jones will be interviewed by the Lodge Master, VWor. Bro Lionel May. Dress: Officers jacket and tie, all others smart casual. LINK
• Saturday, September 19. 10 am-12 Noon. Preparation for Master course. Limited positions. Contact: Geoff Newby. EMAIL

NEW. Videos
• Masonic Education. Square and Compasses. LINK
• Joseph Smith and Masonry. LINK
• Freemasonry and the Old West. LINK

Vale Nick Rinkel
• We regret to advise the passing to the Grand Lodge Above of RWor. Bro. Nick Rinkel. One Brother’s tribute read: “RWor. Bro. Nick was a significant teacher for ceremonial teams, friendly, helpful and informative, he knew what he was doing and achieved results.” Another Brother said: “Nick was a dedicated and inspiring Freemason and he will be dearly missed by all those who had the privilege to know him.” Condolences to Leahand family on their profound loss.

Grand Rank announcement
• Standby for an announcement later today (Fri.,) by Grand Master Richard Elkington about Grand Rank conferrals and promotions.

Past Deputy Grand Masters meet
• Grand Master Richard Elkington and Deputy Grand Master Anthony Bucca attended a tri-yearly meeting of the Past Grand Deputy Masters ofFreemasons Victoria. There was a happy atmosphere as the elder statesmen of FV came together for an update on the progress of the organisation.

Promotion of other orders
• FVNews Daily will be widening its scope to promote the ‘other orders’. A Zoom meeting of the leaders will be held next week to organise this publicity initiative.

Chief Health Officer invited
• Dr Suresh Marcandan of Lodge Fraternal is also a member of the Rotary Club of Melbourne. He writes: “”The Club has invited Prof. Brett Sutton, Chief Health Officer, to speak at 2.30pm on Wednesday, September 2, on the topic of “COVID – Where From Here?”  Considering that Victorians are currently under the harsh restrictions of stage 4, this may be a topic which could be of great interest to our fraternity. All brethren interested would be warmly welcome. Early registrations are now open but the correct date (September 2) needs to be selected using the drop-down menu.” LINK

Disabled children assisted
• Charity Today (UK) reports: “More than 50 local children with cerebral palsy and other motor disorders will be given help and support, thanks to a grant of £59,400 from Yorkshire West Riding Freemasons to the Paces Sheffield charity. Paces specialise in helping children with motor disorders from the point of diagnosis through to them attending school. They help the children develop key gross and fine motor skills that they will be able to use in everyday life such as moving from sitting to standing, going up and down steps, picking something up from the floor all with the aim of helping the children develop increased mobility and improving self-care skills.” READ MORE

Mental Health Assistance
•”We are a family of caring people who can reach out to offer assistance at this difficult time. Any member or dependant can ask for free a mental health consultation by emailing or phoning Barry Minster, Grand Almoner, at galmoner@freemasonsvic.net.au or 0428 876 038. Barry will schedule a 20-30 minute confidential phone consultation with RWor. Bro. Dr Ted Stephens OAM, a qualified psychologist, free, which will be allocated on the following Tuesday. Dr Ted will speak to each person and give appropriate advice to assist. A benefit is not needing to consult your GP for the initial mental health plan.” LINK

What’s On: How You Can Assist
• Lodges can assist by sending emails about every lodge meeting and event to editor@FVNews.com.au 
Please include us on your Lodge Summons mailing list.

Famous Freemasons
• Brougham, Henry Peter – 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux (1778-1868) – Born in Edinburgh, Henry Brougham (pronounced ‘broom’) was aScottish lawyer and abolitionist of the slave trade. He became Lord Chancellor (1830-1834). He also founded the Edinburgh Review to which he contributed many articles while popularising the French port of Cannes as an ‘English’ resort. Brougham was raised in Fortrose Lodge, Stornway, Scotland.
– Timothy Horton

Masonic Knowledge
• Under the United Grand Lodge of England, there are more than 200,000 Freemasons. There are 22,000 Freemasons in Ireland, the majority in the North (about 70 per cent). There are about 30,000 active masons in Scotland
• In the United States, total membership is just under 2 million.
• The UGLE puts the worldwide count at 6 million.

Masonic Wisdom
• “You can’t study comedy; it’s within you. It’s a personality. My humour is an attitude.” – Bro. Don Rickles

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
FVNews is an opt-in email. If, for any reason, you would prefer not to receive our emails, simply reply to editor@FVNews.com.au or fill out the Unsubscribe form at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/  – type OPT OUT in the subject line, and please include your email address. Or use the unsubscribe option at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/

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