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Monday, January 27, 2025

DAILY. Mon.-Tue., Aug., 24-25, 2020


FVNews Daily. 

No 92. Monday-Tuesday, August 26-27, 2020
From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action TeamFVNews Daily is also available at www.FVNews.com.au
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Please notify us about your event. Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
• Monday, August 24. 7pm. Lodge of Commerce. Speaker: Barry Minister. The development and operation of the electric car. All welcome, Dress: neat casual. LINK
• Tuesday, August 25. 7pm. Peace and Loyalty Lodge. Speaker: Anthony Bucca. ‘How Do We Create A Better Lodge Experience?’ LINK
• Tuesday, August 25. 7pm. 
Richmond Lodge. Speaker: Russell Barnard, Breathing Meditation. LINK
• Tuesday, August 25. 7.30pm. Lodge Epicurean. Speaker: John Molnar on Esoteric Freemasonry. All welcome. LINK
• Tuesday, August 25. 7.30pm. Middle Park Lodge. Speaker: Richard Elkington, Grand Master, ‘Learnings From COVID-19’. Dress code: Black Tie/Dinner Suit. All welcome. Zoom LINK: (Meeting ID: 847 9037 4006, Password: 624473)
• Tuesday, August 25. 7.30pm. Mount Scopus and Collegians Lodge. Business Meeting. Speaker: Bro. Rabbi Meir Kluwgant,’Timeline, History, Masonic Design and an overview of the layout and main features of King Solomon’s Temple’. Dress: white shirt and black tie. All welcome. LINK
• Wednesday, August 26. 7.15pm. 
Lodge Fraternal. Includes Fraternal Trivia Night. LINK
• Thursday, August 27. 7pm. Morwell Lodge. Zoom Meeting. Speaker: David Aubrey, about arguably Australia’s greatest poet and war correspondent, Banjo Patterson. Just who was Clancy of the Overflow? ‘All welcome. LINK
• Friday, August 28. 10.30am. ‘Other Orders’ Communications Planning Meeting. Zoom. By invitation.
• Friday, August 28. 7.30pm. Malvern-Waverley Lodge of MMM. Speaker: Adam Dymowski on ‘Freemasonry in Poland, a historical perspective’. Not restricted to MMM. LINK• Friday, August 28. 7.30pm. Victorian Lodge of Research. Talk: Brendan Kyne, ‘Foundations Stones and Early Lodge Buildings of Melbourne’. All welcome. LINK (Password if required – 510249)
• Tuesday, September 1. 7pm. Mitchell River Lodge. Meeting, including visitors from the UK who greatly contributed to bushfire relief. All welcome.LINK
• Tuesday, September 1. 7.30pm. Masons Connect Online Social Media Workshop. Speaker: Matt Cameron. ‘How people make sense of what they see on social media.’ RSVP
• Wednesday, September 2. 7.30pm. Wonthaggi Masonic Family Zoom Meeting. LINK
• Thursday, September 3. 7.30pm. Melbourne High School Lodge. 3 Guest Speakers. All welcome. EMAIL for Link
• Thursday, September 3. 7.30pm. Killara Lodge. Business meeting. Speaker: Barry Minster on Electric Cars, specifically Tesla. LINK
• Friday, September 4. 7pm. Combined Arc, Mark and Chapter Zoom Meeting. LINK
• Saturday, September 5. 10 am-12 Noon. Preparation for Master course. Limited positions. Contact: Geoff Newby. EMAIL
• Saturday, September 5. 9.30am-3pm. Secretary’s Course. By Barry Reaper and Eric Williams. Morning Session LINK and Afternoon Session LINK
• Monday, September 7. 7.30pm. 
Lodge Garibaldi. Speaker: Dominic De Candia,Grand Secretary General (33°) of The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Australia. ‘Mosaic Pavement’. All welcome. LINK
• Tuesday, September 8. Colac Lodge. Speaker: Anthony Bucca. ‘Freemasonry and the American Civil Wat’. LINK to come.
• Saturday, September 12. 10 am-12 Noon. Preparation for Master course. Limited positions. Contact: Geoff Newby. EMAIL
Thursday, September 17. 7pm. Thursday, September 17. 7pm. 
Prospect Hill Mark Lodge. Meeting. Opening and closing.  Interview: Grand Master Elect, RWor. Bro Bill Jones will be interviewed by the Lodge Master, VWor. Bro Lionel May. Dress: Officers jacket and tie, all others smart casual. LINK
• Saturday, September 19. 10 am-12 Noon. Preparation for Master course. Limited positions. Contact: Geoff Newby. EMAIL

NEW. Videos
• Grand Master’s Video (Fri., Aug. 21). LINK
• Masonic Education. Degrees. LINK
• Impressive Masonic Ceremonial, 1933. LINK

Vale Merv Pickering

• “Vale Wor. Bro Mervyn James Pickering. 1/10/1934 – 20/8/2020. Aged 85. It is my sad duty to advise you of the death of Merv Pickering, Past President and proud member of Unanimity, on August 20.” (From Mark Eadon)

Tribute to Bill Corlett

• “It with a heavy heart that we announce the passing to the Grand Lodge Above of another of our Brethren, Bill CorlettBill was a member of theSamaritan Lodge, however he was also an important figure within the IVALDA Masonic Centre community. Bill was, for IVALDA, Mr Fixit. He was often at the centre cleaning, replacing globes, fixing this and that, he will be sorely missed.” (From Colin Peterson)

Grand Master’s Video
• Richard Elkington, Grand Master, released a new video on Friday. WATCH HERE

Grand Rank postscript
• Richard Elkington, Grand Master, last week circularised about a hold on Grand Rank conferrals and promotions. In an email to a brother,Richard added: “I have made District Co-Ordinators and Past Deputy Grand Masters aware that I’ll consider ‘special cases’ of those neglected or performed outstanding work. Just needed to avoid Lodges doing extra work, considering that many Lodges have not met at all.”

$11,500 raised for Lebanon Disaster Relief Fund


• Page to appear in The Local Paper group this Wednesday (Aug. 26).
More than 100 participated in the Ladies Lockdown Dinner on Saturday (Aug. 22) where more than $11,500 was raised for the Lebanon Disaster Relief Fund. Master of Ceremonies was Ben Quick. A special VIDEO from the Grand Lodge of Lebanon was shown. WATCH IT HERE

Thanks from Gabrielle Marabeliotakis (1)
• Gabrielle Marabeliotakis writes: “Thank you to all of the ladies who participated in the Central and Western Districts Ladies’ ‘Lockdown Dinner Night’. It was a great effort by all, who dressed up, slapped on some lippy, set their table with candles and silverware, and cooked some incredible meals. • “Ignoring some slight technical issues, a total of 54 couples logged in, introduced themselves and spoke about what was on their menu. Everything from lasagna to sushi, roast lamb to Malaysian meatballs! Gee we eat well don’t we? 
• “Many thanks go to all the boys who donned a different kind of apron for the event and treated their ladies to something a little different. The raffle prize went to Dorothy Vagianos who won a $75 gift voucher towards www.adorebeauty.com.au and our Grand Master’s wife Kathleen Elkingtondrew the $50 prize for ‘most glamorous gown’ which went to Santi Rodrigo.”

Thanks from Gabrielle Marabeliotakis (2)
• Gab continues: “A massive shout out to Roslyn Swift who provided the response to the toast from the ladies. Combating some connection issues,Ros spoke very positively of the event, of the cause, and to all of the ladies out there who were enjoying being catered for. • “John Patterson read out some lovely poems during entree and main, and everyone was glued to their screens for the presentation of the crisis in Lebanon brought to us by the Grand Master of Lebanon, Rabie Jarmakani. If that wasn’t enough to bring a tear to the eye, finally, the tally of proceeds for the evening was announced. • “When this idea came about, it was assumed that if approximately 60 couples participated, we would raise around $2000 through ticket sales. We were wrong. Word got around about the event and donations started coming in well before the event, and then on the night, participants began to pledge more towards the cause. In total we raised $11,500 towards the Lebanon Disaster Relief Fund – an incredible effort.”

All in the Family (1)


• Pictured (from left): James, Ross, Leslie and Geoffrey Thompson.
• Ian Thompson writes: “In a recent issue of FVNews you had an article about a Brother who was initiated at the age of 75. My grandfather, Bro. Leslie Noble Thompson, was a couple of months shy of his 75th birthday when he was initiated into the Mosaic Lodge No 304, Shepparton, on  March 22, 1978. He was passed on June 23, 1978, and raised on October 27, 1978.• “Being so proud of his children he wanted to be present when one of his sons, Geoffrey Graeme Noble Thompson, was installed as Worshipful Master of Rupertswood Lodge No 104 Numurkah. The Installation took place one month after Bro Leslie was initiated on April 15, 1978.

All in the Family (2)
 “Bro. Leslie enjoyed his time as a Freemason, and particularly singing in the choir. He loved his singing, and was well known in the Sheppartonarea for his singing abilities, something that I did not inherit. Bro. Leslie finished his time as a Freemason at Lodge Eschol No. 785 Shepparton, a daylight Lodge where many of his friends also attended. He passed away on January 2, 1997, at the age of 93 years and 6 months.• “Here is a photo showing a proud father surrounded by 3 of his sons, RWor. Bro. James Leslie Noble Thompson, Wor. Bro. Ross Stuart Thompson, and RWor. Bro. Geoffrey Graeme Noble Thompson. This was taken sometime in the Spring of 1987, a few months after Bro. Rosswas installed as Worshipful Master.
• “In the same year as Bro. James Thompson was AGDC in the Craft, Bro. Geoffrey Thompson was AGDC in the Mark Degree. There are seen in their respective Grand Lodge regalia.”

Masonic Mailbag
 James Jolly was re-introduced to Old Worsopian Lodge (UK), and copies of FVNews Daily have been sent to these British brethren. Will it result some UK visitors to Jim’s Bairnsdale Daylight Lodge?
• Jim 
received this note: “I am Roger Pegg, Provincial Junior Deacon in the Province of Nottinghamshire, Past Master of the Bentinck Lodge No. 3416, the Master Elect of the OW Lodge and the Representative of the Provincial Grand Master to the Charity Committee. • “After that mouthful,  my wife and I have visited Australia several times including last June, when I enjoyed a visit to Redland 252 Lodge inQueensland. Perhaps when all these strange times are normalised I could visit yourselves on our next visit? We have family living near Newcastle NSW and also others in Brisbane “

More Masonic Mailbag
 Jim writes: “About April/May you published my piece about my old school, Worksop College in Nottinghamshire, producing PPE for medicos with the help of the Old Boys Masonic Lodge and other regional Freemasons. I have just had an update which readers might find interesting: • “In to the PPE campaign, we were absolutely bowled over by the leaves of support we received, particularly from the Masonic community. We raised over £6500 which included 13 new 3D printers and enough filament to allow us to produce over 2000 visors. Visors were distributed far and wide, including members of the Masonic community themselves. It’s great to see our news had reached so far”.  – Roger Pegg from the OW Masonic Lodge, who has been an absolute star and my main point of contact throughout the campaign.

Building on the New Temple
 Roger Manderson writes: “We have been parted from our work by the microbes of the earth that seek to usurp our lives.  Our work has been at a standstill and our wishes are to be again engaged in the work that we have to do.  • “How often had our ancient brethren been reduced to sickness and inability to work?  We have no records of this statistic but it must surely have been present. But our new goal in 2021 must be to build a new Temple – not just re-build the old one – but recognise that our brotherhood should move forward. • “The health-care workers have been the ‘master masons’ of the whole public salvation. At many times they have been exposed to the very fate that our GM HAB had faced.  The new temple is one of brotherly love, relief and truth – the same as the old one, but with the knowledge of how fragile we had become in the face of adversity. Brethren, continue to build our temple.”

Recognition for David Provan
• Richard Elkington writes: “Went to a Zoom meeting of Bairnsdale Daylight Lodge on Friday night ( hat’s right!). It’s convenient to meet, virtually, at night since members don’t have to drive.David Provan, who had been presented with a 60-year jewel recently (and which received great coverage in the Bairnsdale Advertiser) spoke of some of his Masonic experiences.• “He recalled his initiation into Transit Lodge at Collins St with three other candidates as though it was yesterday. The Lodge room was packed and, as a consequence of large numbers of brethren accepted in those days, it took 12 years just to become a Steward.
• “Some of the highlights were becoming WM on two occasions (1998-99 and 2012-13) and being a candidate for a demonstration of theMassachusetts 3rd Degree “which nearly killed me”.David firmly believes that Freemasonry “makes good men better”.

World News
• The Bedfordview and Edenvale News (South Africa) reports: “After reading an article about the late Sister Leigh appealing for assistance, theFreemasons came to the help of Edenvale Care Centre Hospice.• “The Order of the Royal and Select Masters of England and Wales District of SA assisted the centre by installing and connecting a rainwater collection system to the centre’s gutters.” LINK

‘Servant leadership’
• The Charlotte Post“the voice of the Black community”, reports: “John Chapman is imperial potentate of the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine (Prince Hall Shriners). As he begins his two-year term, John Chapman sees his role as continuing and reinforcing the Masonic organisation’s long history of servant leadership.” LINK

More media coverage
• The Examiner newspaper (Launceston) carried a feature report at the weekend, ‘Inside a secret society, who are Tasmania’s Freemasons?’ Ironically, the report is hidden behind a News Corp paywall. LINK

‘Widows Sons Bikers ride 1834 miles’

• The News (Hampshire, UK) reports: “Bikers will head out on the open road for 1834 miles to support a charity effort organised by a three-time heart attack survivor. Eight members of the Widows Sons Masonic Bikers Association are set to travel from Horndean to John O’Groats, then on to Lands End and back home to raise funds for Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance.” LINK

What’s On: How You Can Assist
• Lodges can assist by sending emails about every lodge meeting and event to editor@FVNews.com.au 
Please include us on your Lodge Summons mailing list.

Famous Freemasons
• Brown, Joe Evans (1895-1973) – Of Welsh descent, Joe E. Brown was an immensely popular American actor and comedian – “the man with the enormous smile”. In World War II he entertained troops at the front, travelling largely at his own expense. Bro. Brown was a multi-talented individual, he toured widely and appeared in many films including; Show Boat (1951) and Some Like It Hot with Marilyn Monroe in 1959.
– Timothy Horton

Masonic Knowledge
• Gippsland Lakes Masonic Lodge is active in promoting Masonic Knowledge in the local community. When it came time to draw a firewood raffle which raised $2000+ for local schools, Lodge members tripled the communications opportunities. They took the raffle to the office of the local State Parliamentarian, Tim Bull, to be drawn. They took photographs of the draw and delivered them to the local Lakes Post and Bairnsdale Advertiser newspapers.

Masonic Wisdom
• “”A good captain must be a fighter; confident but not arrogant, firm but not obstinate; able to take criticism without letting it unduly disturb him, for he is sure to get it — and unfairly, too.” – Bro. Sir Donald Bradman

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
FVNews is an opt-in email. If, for any reason, you would prefer not to receive our emails, simply reply to editor@FVNews.com.au or fill out the Unsubscribe form at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/  – type OPT OUT in the subject line, and please include your email address. Or use the unsubscribe option at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/

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