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DAILY. Mon., Aug. 31, 2020


FVNews Daily. No 96. Monday, August 31, 2020
• From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team• Email: editor@FVNews.com.au or Ash@Long.com.au
• Subscribe/Unsubscribe HERE
• FVNews Daily is also available at the website: www.FVNews.com.au
• All Back Copies are available at: https://fvnews.com.au/wp/back-copies/

UPDATED DAILY. What’s On (38 listings)
Please notify us about your event. Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
• Monday, August 31. 11am. Membership VAT Leads Meet. Members.
Monday, August 31. 7.30pm. Sir Dallas Brooks Daylight Lodge, Wangaratta. Meeting. All welcome. LINK• Tuesday, September 1. 10.30am. Kyneton Gentlemen’s Association. All Welcome. Zoom. ID: 6070901923. Password: 9JNjZx
• Tuesday, September 1. 7pm. Mitchell River Lodge. Meeting, including visitors from the UK who greatly contributed to bushfire relief. All welcome. LINK
• Tuesday, September 1. 7pm. Old Melburnians Lodge. 
3 talks. Freemasons, non-Freemasons welcome. LINK
• Tuesday, September 1. 7.30pm. Blue Lounge Social Club. Education Forum. ‘Beyond Craft Freemasonry – What’s the story and journey?’ All welcome. LINK
• Tuesday, September 1. 7.30pm. Masons Connect Online Social Media Workshop. Speaker: Matt Cameron. ‘How people make sense of what they see on social media.’ RSVP
• Wednesday, September 2. 10.30am. VAT Leaders’ Meeting. Members. • Wednesday, September 2. 7.30pm. Dimboola Lodge. Talk by Bill Jones, ‘Let there be light – a short talk on the Ararat Electricity Supply’. LINK
• Wednesday, September 2. 7.30pm. Wonthaggi Masonic Family Zoom Meeting. LINK • Wednesday, September 2. Time TBA. Lodge of the Golden Rule. Talk: By Wor. Bro. Mick Black about the Humphrey Pump at Cobdogla in SA. The only one of its kind left in the world. LINK • Thursday, September 3. 10am. Funeral service for Wor. Bro. George Edward Ormerod. LINK• Thursday, September 3. 10.30am. Kyneton Gentlemen’s Association. All Welcome. Zoom. ID: 6070901923. Password: 9JNjZx• Thursday, September 3. 7pm. Doutta Galla Lodge. All welcome. LINK
• Thursday, September 3. 7.30pm. Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge. Speaker: Alexis Rivero. ‘Freemasonry in Venezuela’. All welcome. LINK
• Thursday, September 3. 7.30pm. Melbourne High School Lodge. 3 Guest Speakers. All welcome. EMAIL for Link
• Thursday, September 3. 7.30pm. Killara Lodge. Business meeting. Speaker: Barry Minster on Electric Cars, specifically Tesla. LINK
• Friday, September 4. 7pm. Combined Arc, Mark and Chapter Zoom Meeting. LINK
• Saturday, September 5. 9.30am-3pm. Secretary’s Course. By Barry Reaper and Eric Williams. Register for both: Morning Session (Part 1) LINK and Afternoon Session (Part 2) LINK • Saturday, September 5. 10 am-12 Noon. Preparation for Master course. Limited positions. Contact: Geoff Newby. EMAIL • Saturday, September 5. 7pm. Earl of Dunmore Lodge.Talk: Tony DelNevo, “A personal Masonic journey to Glasgow”. Brethren, Ladies, Visitors welcome. LINK
• Monday, September 7. 7.30pm. Lodge Garibaldi. Speaker: Dominic De Candia,Grand Secretary General (33°) of The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Australia. ‘Mosaic Pavement’. All welcome. LINK
Monday, September 7. 7.30pm. Rosebank Lodge. Speaker: Anthony Quantrell. ‘Mount Up Riders, You’re Burning Daylight’ – The story of HarleyDavidson Motor Cycles. All welcome. Dress: Neat casual, shirt must have a collar. LOG IN: 824 152 8207• Tuesday, September 8. Colac Lodge. Speaker: Anthony Bucca. ‘Freemasonry and the American Civil War’. LINK Tuesday, September 8. 7.30pm. The Brighton District Lodge. Virtual Business Meeting. Presentations. Masonic Solids, by members of the Lodge. Introduction to HRA Chapter – WBro. Crew. Infobyte, by Bro. Dask, Melbourne’s Tunnels – Bro. Griffiths LINK
Thursday, September 10. 7pm. Union Lodge of North Gippsland. Speaker: Bill Kee. All welcome, including non-Masons. LINK to come.
Friday, September 11. 7pm-9pm. Lodge of the Golden Fleece. Performer: Wor. Bro. Kram, classical music and anecdotes. All welcome including wives, partners, friends and guests. LINK
• Saturday, September 12. 10 am-12 Noon. Preparation for Master course. Limited positions. Contact: Geoff Newby. EMAIL • Monday, September 14. 7pm for 7.30pm. Yarraville Lodge. Presentation of a 70-year service award to Roy Richardson. Dress: collar and tie. All welcome. Meeting ID: 882 8152 5348 Password: 715 737
• Wednesday, September 16. 7.30pm.
Communication. Freemasons Victoria. Details to be announced by Grand Secretary.
• Thursday, September 17. 7pm. Thursday, September 17. 7pm. Prospect Hill Mark Lodge. Meeting. Opening and closing.  Interview: Grand Master Elect, RWor. Bro Bill Jones will be interviewed by the Lodge Master, VWor. Bro Lionel May. Dress: Officers jacket and tie, all others smart casual. LINK
• Friday, September 18. 7pm. 
Bairnsdale Daylight Lodge. Meeting. All welcome. LINK
• Saturday, September 19. 10am-12 Noon. Preparation for Master course. Limited positions. Contact: Geoff Newby. EMAIL • Saturday, September 19. 7.30pm-9.30pm. Blue Lounge Social Club and The Lodge of Evolution. Founding Fathers, Secret Symbols and the Hidden Mysteries. LINK • Monday, September 21. 7.15pm. Gippsland Forest Lodge. 8pm. Open To Visitors. 8.10pm. Lecture: District Commander Very Illustrious Brother Michael Hyland 33°, Sovereign Grand Inspector General, Victoria Eastern, with the Supreme Council of the 33° of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for Australia, Grand Secretary General HE Most Illustrious Brother Dominic De Candia 33° and Eminent Brother P.J. Milne to conduct a “Lecture on the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Australia”. LINK
• Monday, September 21. 7.30pm. Gippsland Lakes Lodge. Speaker: John Glover ‘The quest for missing children’, A talk on facial reconstruction. .All welcome, including ladies and non-Freemasons. LINK
Monday, September 21. 7.30pm. Lodge of Good Companions. Includes casual 10 minutes on Fishing Hotspots and Tactics. All welcome. LINK • Wednesday, September 23. 7.30pm. Western District. Open Online Forum. Guest: Greg Goding, Past Assistant Grand Master (Qld). PRE-REGISTER
NEW. Videos
• Grand Master’s Video. Fri., Aug. 28, 2020. (10:54) WATCH
• Masonic Education. Ritual. (03:48) WATCH
• Why Freemasonry continues to appeal to a younger generation. (01;49) WATCH
• Order In The House. (50:34) LINK

Policies, Procedures, Practices
• “In order to understand the impediments that hold us back from achieving our desired future the Grand Master has requested the President of the Board of General Purposes commission a review of the policies and procedures in place in Freemasons Victoria.”
• TheTerms of Reference are available at the www.freemasonsvic.org.au website. You must login to the website to access this document. It can be downloaded from your Member Dashboard. LINK

Order In The House• An Open Online Forum with Greg Goding, Past Assistant Grad Master (Queensland) is being organised by the Western District for 7.30pm on Wednesday, September 23. What does the future look like? How do we progress? Are we on the right track? Are we all on the same page? PRE-REGISTER

Dads and Daughters
• We promote Freemasons as “making good men better men”. This includes being ‘better husbands’ and ‘better fathers’. The California Freemason magazine this month includes Dads and Daughters items. It is promoted as “how Freemasonry deepens the sacred connection between a father and a daughter”. LINK

Where Are You Marching?
• Quo Vadis is a 40-page booklet with “a background to other orders in Freemasonry“. It is reproduced by permission. LINK
• It introduces Knights Templar, Supreme Council for Scotland 33º Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Allied Masonic Degrees for Southern Australia, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite 33º for Australia, The Worshipful Society of Free Masons (The Operatives), The Order of the Secret Monitor, Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests, Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine, Rectified Scottish Rite, Royal and Select Masters, Societas Rosicuciana in Anglia, The Royal Order of Scotland, Grand Council of Knight Masons, Royal Order of Eri, Masonic Order of Athelstan, The Commemorative Order of St Thomas of Acon, August Order of Light, Royal Ark Mariners, Associate Orders including Free Gardeners, Eastern Star, Shriners, Order of Amaranth, Foresters, Co-Freemasonry and Job’s Daughters International.
• Quo Vadis translates to “Where are you marching?”. It is also commonly translated as “Where are you going?”

Has Freemasonry Re-Commenced … Anywhere?
• John Zalewski, Secretary of the Altona Lodge, says: “I read your paper every day and appreciate all the news and information you supply, it’s a good read every day, but one that thing I note is that has there been anywhere in the world where we are moving back into Freemasonry as it was. Is there anywhere that things are returning to some sort of normal. Or is Freemasonry as we knew it previously a thing of the past. I look forward to your reply.”
• Editor replies: Let’s ask FVNews Daily readers for their answers.

70-year service award for Roy
• Ian Sterritt, Secretary of Yarraville Lodge, advises of a 70-year service award to be made to Roy Richardson at the meeting to be held at 7pm for 7.30pm on Monday, September 14. Dress: collar and tie. ID: 882 8152 5348 Password: 715 737

Personal Masonic Journey To Glasgow
• Kent Henderson advises of the Earl of Dunmore Lodge meeting at 7pm this Saturday (Sept. 5) at which Tony Del Nivoc will give a talk about a ‘Personal Masonic Journey to Glasgow’. Brethren, ladies and visitors are welcome. LINK

Some Reading
• The Economist has published a feature article ‘Inside The Grand Lodge’. You may have to register to read this item. LINK

What’s On: How You Can Assist
• Lodges can assist by sending emails about every lodge meeting and event to editor@FVNews.com.au 
Please include us on your Lodge Summons mailing list.

Famous Freemasons
• Bush, Vannevar (1890-1974) – The “godfather of the internet”, as he is considered by many to be, Vannevar Bush was a pioneer in development of atomic and nuclear energy. A Vice-President and Dean of Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bro. Bushwas also a frequent speaker at Massachusetts’ Masonic Lodges of Instruction.
– Timothy Horton

Masonic Knowledge
• Bro. Walter Percy Chrysler (1875-1940) was a machinist, railroad mechanic and entrepreneur. Bro. Chrysler made his name at Buick (where he became one of the highest paid executive officers in the world) before he founded the Chrysler Corporation.

Masonic Wisdom
• “It takes 20 years to make an overnight success.” – Bro. Eddie Cantor

Welcome to our 23 newest subscribers
• FVNews Daily welcomes its newest subscribers, who ‘opted in’ over the weekend: Geoffrey Fraser, Ronal Ferdinands, Ian Kay, Mark Eadon, Graeme McDonald, Stewart Fruhwald, Alan Tracey, Chris Venning, John Blyhman, Richard Wyatt, George Stephenson, Don Hall, Graham Webster, Alan Storen, Ray South, Atholl Robertson, Bruce Shearer, Vic Vujicic, Jerry Spiliotis, Alan Maggs, Ernest Holland, Max McWilliam and Bill Charles.

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
FVNews is an opt-in email. If, for any reason, you would prefer not to receive our emails, simply reply to editor@FVNews.com.au or fill out the Unsubscribe form at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/  – type OPT OUT in the subject line, and please include your email address. Or use the unsubscribe option at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/

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