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DAILY. Fri., Sep. 11, 2020


FVNews Daily.  No 104. Friday, September 11, 2020
• From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team• Email: editor@FVNews.com.au or Ash@Long.com.au
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• FVNews Daily is also available at the website: www.FVNews.com.au
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UPDATED DAILY. What’s On (43 listings)
Please notify us about your event. Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
Friday, September 11. 7pm-9pm. Lodge of the Golden Fleece. Performer: Wor. Bro. Kram, classical music and anecdotes. All welcome including wives, partners, friends and guests. LINK
• Friday, September 11. 7.30pm.Sunbury Lodge. Talk: Richard Elkington, Grand Master, and Garry Runge, Grand Secretary.Attire: Casual Dress. LINK
• Saturday, September 12. 10am-12 Noon. Preparation for Master course. Limited positions. Contact: Geoff Newby. EMAIL
• Saturday, September 12. 10pm. Lodge of the Golden Fleece. Official visit to Lodge Quilon No. 5839 EC. Attire: Smart Casual. EMAIL for login details.
• Saturday, September 12. 7.30pm. Heidelberg Symphony Orchestra. Streamed concert. Conductor: Wor. Bro. Stephen Carpenter. LINK
• Sunday, September 13. 2pm.Walhalla Lodge. Talk: Dan Eddy on his new book Crimmo, the life and death of Peter Crimmins. LINK
• Sunday, September 13. 2.30pm AEST. NZ Masonic Forum. Talk: Brendan Kyne, ‘Freemasonry in Victoria: Chaps, Rogues, Orangemen and Catholics’. LINK Meeting ID: 522 226 6105. Password: 0FGBt7 (the first character is numeric)
• Monday, September 14. 7pm for 7.30pm. Yarraville Lodge. Presentation of a 70-year service award to Roy Richardson. Dress: collar and tie. All welcome. Meeting ID: 882 8152 5348 Password: 715 737
• Monday, September 14. 7pm. United Ararat Lodge. 7.30pm for visitors. Talk: Bill Jones, ‘Let there be light– The story of Ararat’s Electricity Supply. LINK
• Monday, September 14. 7.30pm. Lodge of Commerce. Talk: Stephen Michalak, The Tertullian Question. Attire: Dress Suit or Lounge Suit. LINK
• Monday, September 14. 7.30pm. Mount Shadwell Lodge. Talk: John Parkinson and Mick Fitzgibbon from ‘Let’s Talk’. LINK
• Tuesday, September 15. 7pm. Richmond Lodge. DETAILS
• Tuesday, September 15. 7.30pm. Hamilton Grange Lodge Meeting. Talk: Peter Barrand. LINK Meeting ID: 894 4836 4326
• Tuesday, September 15. 7.30pm.St Andrews in the South Lodge. Talk: Paul Brennand, the activities of the Membership VAT. Dress: Dinner suit (top half only). LINK
• Wednesday, September 16. 7.30pm. Quarterly Communication, postponed until December. A Business Meeting will be shown on Wednesday, September 30.
• Thursday, September 17. 7pm. Prospect Hill Mark Lodge. Meeting. Opening and closing.  Interview: Grand Master Elect, RWor. Bro Bill Jones will be interviewed by the Lodge Master, VWor. Bro Lionel May. Dress: Officers jacket and tie, all others smart casual. LINK
• Thursday, September 17. 7.30pm. Unity and Prudence Lodge. Talk: Anthony Bucca, Deputy Grand Master. ”Freemasons Future Recovery Team and getting our Lodges back to work.”. Dress: Smart Casual. LINK• Thursday, September 17. 7.30pm. Melton Lodge. Talk: Malcolm Hollis, Enforcement Inspector for Australian Border Force stationed at Melbourne Airport. Attire: Neat, collared shirt. Meeting ID: 86873310737. Password: Melton367 
• Thursday, September 17. 7.45pm (Visitors Admission Time). Portland Lodge of Victoria No. 6. Talk: Bob McPherson, local fishing guru and wildlife photographer. Non-Freemasons welcome. LINK Meeting ID: 848 2380 5110
• Friday, September 18. 7pm.Bairnsdale Daylight Lodge. Meeting. Talk: Claudio Marino, District Engagement Officer. All welcome. LINK
• Saturday, September 19. 10am-12 Noon. Preparation for Master course. Limited positions. Contact: Geoff Newby. EMAIL
• Saturday, September 19. 7.30pm-9.30pm. 7.30pm-9.30pm. Blue Lounge Social Club and The Lodge of Evolution. Washington DC – Secret Symbols and Hidden Mysteries of the Founding Fathers. LINK
• Saturday, September 19. 7.30pm. Cohuna Lodge. Dress: White shirt and tie. LINK
• Monday, September 21. 7.15pm. Gippsland Forest Lodge. 8pm. Open To Visitors. 8.10pm. Lecture: District Commander Very Illustrious Brother Michael Hyland 33°, Sovereign Grand Inspector General, Victoria Eastern, with the Supreme Council of the 33° of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for Australia, Grand Secretary General HE Most Illustrious Brother Dominic De Candia 33° and Eminent Brother P.J. Milne to conduct a “Lecture on the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Australia”. LINK
• Monday, September 21. 7.30pm. Maribyrnong Mark Lodge. Talk: Thoughts on the Historical Origins of the Mark Degree. Masons Only. You do not have to be a MMM to attend this lecture. LINK
• Monday, September 21. 7.30pm. Gippsland Lakes Lodge. Speaker: John Glover ‘The quest for missing children’, A talk on facial reconstruction. .All welcome, including ladies and non-Freemasons. LINK
• Monday, September 21. 7.30pm. St George Lodge. Talk: Nicholas Derecki, The Difference Between Metropolitan and Rural Policing. LINK
Monday, September 21. 7.30pm. Lodge of Good Companions. Includes casual 10 minutes on Fishing Hotspots and Tactics. All welcome. LINK
• Tuesday, September 22. 7pm. Peace and Loyalty Lodge. Speaker: Myles King: President Board of General Purposes. LINK
• Tuesday, September 22. 7pm. Richmond Lodge. DETAILS
• Tuesday, September 22. 7.15pm for 7.30pm. Mount Scopus and Collegians Lodge. Talk by Dr Philip A. Quadrio from Lodge Galileo who is the Director, College of Masonic Studies and Grand Lodge Membership Officer, NSW and ACT. ‘The North East or Charity Charge. The History and Inclusion of the Charge in Modern Freemasonry’. LINK: Meeting ID: 899 3672 5896. Passcode: 140108
Tuesday, September 22. 7.30pm. Middle Park Lodge. Talk: Barry Minster, ‘Electric Vehicles – Why not?’ Non-Masons welcome for talk. Attire: Dinner Suit, no regalia. LINK: Meeting ID: 846 6432 2019, Password: 247321.
• Wednesday, September 23. 7.30pm. Western District. Open Online Forum. Guest: Greg Goding, Past Assistant Grand Master (Qld). PRE-REGISTER
• Friday, September 25. 7.30pm. The Victorian Lodge of Research. Talk: Lewis Allan, ‘Paschal Beverly Randolph’. LINK Password if required – 510249 • Monday, September 28. Time TBA. Spring Vale Lodge. Virtual Tour: Chapel of St John, Scotland. LINK TBA
• Monday, September 28. 7.30pm. St Andrews In The South, Geelong, Holy Royal Arch Chapter. Talk: Ruary Bucknall and Comp Fred McAnda, the Fundamentals and Importance of Mentoring. Open to all members of the Craft. Meeting ID: 983 0762 7500. Passcode: 286 730
• Tuesday, September 28. 7pm. Richmond Lodge. DETAILS
• Wednesday, September 30. 7.30pm. Freemasons Victoria Business Meeting (Quarterly Communication has been postponed until December). LINK to come. 
• Thursday, October 1. 7.30pm. Killara Lodge. Talk: Anthony Bucca, Deputy Grand Master. ‘Post COVID Freemasonry’. Richard Elkington, Grand Master, will be in attendance. Zaidee night: wear a rainbow bow-tie, in remembrance of the girl, 7, who died of a blood haemorrhage in her brain.
Sunday, October 4. 2am. Daylight saving time will begin in Victoria. 
• Monday, October 5. Time TBA. Williamstown Lodge official visit to Rosebank Lodge. LINK to come.
Wednesday, October 21. 7pm. Grand Lodge Library/Museum Talks. ‘A Discussion on Masonic Etiquette’. LINK
• Thursday, October 22. 7.45pm. Royal Ark Mariner Bayside trio meeting. Talk: Craig Spendlove, ‘In the Footsteps of Noah’. Current MMM, Former MMM, Current RAM, Former RAM only. LINK
Saturday, October 24. 2pm. Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Victoria. Video Event in place of Annual Assembly which cannot be held due to COVID-19 lockdown. LINK to register, link TBA.

• On The Level. Rick Wakeman. Part 1. (13:59) WATCH
• Masonic Education: Masonic Passports (Michigan, USA). 
(04:29) WATCH
• The Badge of a Freemason. 
(42:09) WATCH

Communications Success Stories


• The Freemasons Foundation Victoria cheque presentation of $99,980 to help North-East Victorian farmers has won front-page publicity in this week’s edition of the Corryong Courier newspaper. A report told how the Foundation funded the Difficult Access Fencing project. The photo included Bob Johnstone, Ernie Cole and Neville Wiggins. 
More Communications Success Stories• Damian Byrne, member of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team, has worked alongside Graham BerryFreemasons Victoria Lodge Support Manager, to get best results from a training video being assembled to assist Lodge Secretaries on how to submit a Lodge Meeting Report.

Virtual Tour of Chapel of St John
• Arthur Rogers writes: “The next meeting of the Spring Vale Lodge No. 389 on Monday September 28, it has been arranged for Wor. Bro. Malcolm MacRae, the Past Master of Lodge Canongate Kilwinning (Edinburgh, Scotland) and Grand Director of Music for the Royal Order of Scotland, to give us a virtual tour of the Chapel of St John. Lodge Canongate Kilwinning, is one of the oldest Lodges operating under theGrand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland,  it was founded in 1677 and has met in the Chapel of St John since 1735 and given the distinction of meeting in  the oldest purpose built masonic room in constant use in the world. Wor. Bro Malcolm will also play the famousSnetzler organ for us at the end of the tour. Info on Lodge Canongate Kilwinning can be found here https://www.lck2.co.uk/  The Lodge will be opened using the revised ritual. Dress code is white shirt, jacket and Lodge tie.will be opened using the revised ritual. Dress code is white shirt, jacket and Lodge tie.”

Two Brothers: Citroen and Ford (1)


• Pictured: Bros. Henry Ford and Andre Citroen
• Gary Edwards writes: “The recent contributions to FVNews on Bros. Ford and Citroen caught my interest. When I was young and silly in the 1960s and 70s, (rather than now old and sillier), I was President of the Citroen Car Club here, and a member of the Light Car Club of Australia’srally committee, so I’ve had a long interest in Citroen cars. I’ve owned eight of them and still own two. • “Bros. Henry Ford (of the US) and Andre Citroen (of France) first met when Henry visited Paris immediately following WWI. Being like-minded brethren, engineers and car producers, they soon became good friends. Prior to WWI Andre had been a gear and gearbox manufacturer, but changed to cars following the war. He had produced the world’s first quite running gears, by developing chevron shaped gear teeth. The double chevron teeth became the Citroen trademark.”

Two Brothers: Citroen and Ford (2)
• “Andre’s parents were Dutch. His father, Levie Citroen, was a Jewish diamond merchant from Amsterdam. Then in 1871, Andre’s parents moved to Paris, where he was born in 1878. It’s recorded that “they lived midway between the Opera and the Folies Bergere”.• “Henry Ford was the inventor of the moving mass production line. When in Paris, Henry assisted Andre in establishing the first mass production line in Europe for his cars. His first Citroen cars were produced in 1919.
 • “During the early 1930s, Citroen invented monocoque (chassis-less) car body construction. Andre then introduced this development to Henry Ford, who soon also commenced producing chassis-less cars in the US.”• “In 1934, the Citroen 7CV Traction Avant became the world’s first mass produced, front-wheel-drive and chassis-less monocoque construction car. It was also the first with hydraulic brakes. This method of construction allowed lower overall car height and reduced weight, a lower centre of gravity and reduced wind resistance. In 1925, the first car to be successfully driven around Australia was a petite Citroen 5CV called “Bubsie”.

Pope to call for ‘human fraternity’
• Pope Francis’s new encyclical, entitled ‘Fratelli tutti’ (Brothers All), due out October, will cover ‘human fraternity’. Life Site says the document will address “fraternity and social friendship”. Dorothu Cummings McLean writes: “More than one of Pope Francis’s critics have warned that the “fraternity” enshrined in the Abu Dhabi document more closely aligns with Freemasonry than with the Gospel.” LINK

Masonic Education: Weekend Reading
• A Gentleman’s Introduction to the Seven Liberal Arts. LINK

7 is the perfect number
• We have set ourselves a target to add 7 extra opt-in subscribers per issue over the next 12 months. We want to reach 4000 readers each day by August 31, 2021. Will you help us reach our goal by telling others?Today,FVNews Daily welcomes Trent McShane, Geoffrey Harrison, Julian Breen, Duke Trench-Thiedeman, Alexis Rivero. • Are members of your Lodge receiving FVNews Daily?Please let them know they can subscribe, free, HERE

Masonic Mailbag
• Jim Jolly writes: “Darrell Traplin at Gippsland Lakes and I at Bairnsdale Daylight between us forward the FVNews to about 50 addressees daily. Some might receive it twice. It is always a race to see who gets it out first, and if Darrell is late he might receive a comment about sleeping in! All good fun, and all good reading! Thank you.”

‘Curbside Pickup’
• The Kennebec Journal (Maine, USA) tells of a Lodge doing ‘curbside’ pick-up of meals during COVID-19: “The Masonic Group, 70 Bryant Road, in East Wilton will offer a meal, either a curbside pickup at the lodge or home delivered in the Farmington/Wilton area from 5pm to 6:30pm Saturday, Sept. 19. The menu will include baked chicken, mashed potatoes, vegetables, roll and apple pie. The cost is $9 for pickups and $10 for home deliveries, or $5 for those younger than 12.” LINK

World News
 Freemasons Victoria promotes a number of scholarships and bursaries for students. But do we recognise the teachers?
• The Community Advocate (Westborough, Massachusetts,USA) reports: “Despite COVID-19, the annual Masonic Teacher of the Yearaward winner and two finalists were recently honored at a small ceremony behind the 1LT Charles W. Whitcomb School in Marlborough. Whitcomb Reading Specialist and Intervention Program Coordinator Jen Ryan took home top honors. The award goes to three teachers nominated by their peers. In addition to Ryan, High School Instruction Technology Specialist Chris Henry and retiring third-grade teacher at theSgt. Charles J. Jaworek Elementary School, Claire Nicholson, were finalists.” LINK

What’s On: How You Can Help
• Lodges can assist by sending emails about every lodge meeting and event to editor@FVNews.com.au 
Please include us on your Lodge Summons mailing list.

Famous Freemasons
Clark, Mark Wayne (1896-1984) – The US Army General who commanded the American 5th Army when it made its initial landings on theItalian mainland, Mark Clark later commanded the 15th Army Group consisting of the British 8th and American 5th Armies as it effected the conquest of Italy. The Mystic Tie Lodge No.398 in Indianapolis was Clark’s Masonic Lodge.
– Timothy Horton

Masonic Knowledge
• Bro.Gerald Ford was 38th President of the United States, Ford was a 25-year Congressman and Minority Leader of the US House of Representatives. He was appointed Vice-President of the US in the wake of the Spiro Agnew scandal and, when President Richard Nixonresigned in 1974, he became President. Bro. Ford was initiated into Freemasonry on September 30, 1949 within the Temple of Malta Lodge No.465, Grand Rapids, Michigan. He was made a courtesy Master Mason of Columbia Lodge No.3, Washington, D.C. on May 18, 1951. He later said in 1975, “When I took my obligation as a Master Mason (incidentally, with my three younger brothers), I recalled the value my own father attached to that Order. But I had no idea that I would ever be added to the company of the Father of our Country [George Washington] and 12 other members of the Order who also served as Presidents of the United States.”

Masonic Wisdom
• “Isn’t it strange that we talk least about the things we think about most?”- Bro. Charles Lindbergh, US Aviator, Keystone Lodge No. 243, St. Louis, Missouri

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
FVNews is an opt-in email. If, for any reason, you would prefer not to receive our emails, simply reply to editor@FVNews.com.au or fill out the Unsubscribe form at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/  – type OPT OUT in the subject line, and please include your email address. Or use the unsubscribe option at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/

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