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DAILY. Mon.-Tue., Oct. 12-13, 2020


FVNews Daily. 
No. 121. Monday-Tuesday, October 12-13, 2020
• From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team
• Email: editor@FVNews.com.au.au or Ash@Long.com.au
• Subscribe/Unsubscribe HERE
• FVNews Daily 
is also available at the website: www.FVNews.com.au
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What’s On (53 listings)
Please notify us about your event. 
Please include date, time, talk details, attire, and a link.
Email: editor@FVNews.com.au

Monday, October 12
• 7pm (7.30pm: Visitors).United Ararat Lodge. Talk: Paul Brennand, Grand Superintendent of Membership. LINK
• 7.30pm. Masonic Caravan Club of Victoria. Meeting. LINK
• 7.30pm. United Brunswick Royal Ark Mariners Lodge. Talk: Nikolas Sakellaropoulos (Commander), ‘The Great Flood: Finding a Renaissance Perspective’. Attire: Casual. LINK

Tuesday, October 13
• 7pm. (7.30pm: Visitors) Colac Lodge. Talk: Garry Runge, ‘A day in the life of the Grand Secretary’. LINK
• 7pm.
Richmond Lodge. Talk: Bruce Cowie, ‘Absurdly Famous Australian Freemasons’. All welcome. LINK
• 7.30pm. Lodge Northcote Lodge. Talk: Bruce Keenan, former Detective-Sergeant in the AFP. ‘Origins of a national ‘Missing Persons’ database’, supported by John Glover, ‘The quest for Missing Children – Facial Reconstruction’. LINK
• 7.30pm. 
West Wimmera Holy Royal Arch Chapter. Talk: Greg Harmer, ‘The Story of the Two Scribes’. Master Masons from Craft Lodges are most welcome to attend. LINK

Wednesday, October 14
• 2pm. Funeral Service for Keith Morgan. LINK Event ID: lepineeltham Password: QCUYTD
• 7pm (7.15pm: Visitors). Traralgon Lodge. Talk: Anthony Bucca, ‘How To Create A Better Lodge Experience’. LINK
• 7pm.Mordialloc lodge of Charity, and Monash Lodge. Break-out rooms for separate lodge business meetings. 8pm. ‘Wear Your Footy Colours’. Footy Challenge Quiz utilising Zoom Poll facility. All take part but only Lodge Members entries count towards the challenge. Two lucky draw $25 Dan Murphy vouchers using a Wheel of Fortune style application. LINK
• 7.15pm for 7.30pm. Phillip Island Lodge. Talk: Dennis Moss, Role of the Phillip Island SES. LINK
• 7.30pm. Greensborough Chapter. Talk: Peter White, ‘Walking the Kokoda Track – A Personal Experience’. Attire: Smart Casual. LINK
• 7.30pm. Williamstown Lodge. Talk: David Newgreen, ‘Visiting Lodges Nationally and Abroad’. LINK
• 7.30pm for 8pm. Cosmopolitan Lodge.  Talk: John Patterson, ‘Freemasons Foundation’. Attire: Smart Casual. Meeting ID: 930 1848 5613. Passcode: 866265
• 8pm. Healesville Lodge. Talk: David Howell, veteran, military historian and tour guide, ‘The Kokoda Track’. LINK to come.

Thursday, October 15
• TBA. Albert Victor Lodge. General Management Meeting. LINK
• 7pm. Berwick Prince of Wales Mark Lodge. Talk: Members of the Lodge. LINK
• 7pm. Prospect Hill Mark Meeting. Opening and closing. Talk: Craig Spendlove, ‘Mark Masonry Prior to 1813. Attire: members jacket and tie, visitors smart casual. Open to non-Mark brethren. LINK
• 7pm.  Rupertswood Numurkah Lodge.Talk: Anthony Bucca, ‘American Civil War – Brother against Brother’. LINK
• 7.30pm. Melton Lodge. Talk: Liz Hessian, Deputy Director, Department of Anaesthesia, Pain and Perioperative Medicine, Western Health. Meeting ID: 86873310736. Password: Melton367
• 7.45pm. Stewart Lodge of St Arnaud. Talk: Nathaniel Buchanan, tour manager of Ballarat. ‘Aradale: The Making of a Haunted Asylum’ LINK

Friday, October 16
• 7pm for 7.30pm.Bairnsdale Daylight Lodge. Talk: Geoff Newby. LINK
• 7.30pm.
Seavic Lodge. Talk: Jonathan Ivanyi on visit to St. John’s Lodge No.1 in New York City and the Grand Lodge of New York. Talk: Richard Elkington, Grand Master. LINK

Saturday, October 17
• 12 Noon. Education VAT Esoteric Freemasonry Series. Talk: Travis Trinca, ‘An Introduction to Hermeticism’. Hosted by Richard Shelly. LINK

Monday, October 19
• 7pm.Gippsland Lakes Lodge. Talk: Garry Runge, ‘Day in the working life of the Grand Secretary’. LINK
• 7pm
. Goulburn Valley Mark Lodge, and Tatura Royal Ark Mariners. Talk: Robert Redman, ‘Thoughts on the Historical Origins Of The Mark Degree Based on an Article by W.Bro. David Barrett’. LINK
• 7.30pm. Lodge of Good Companions. 10-minute talk: Gary Beven, Parliament House, Canberra. LINK
• 7.30pm. Masonic Caravan Club of Victoria. Meeting. LINK
• 7.30pm.
 Williamstown Chapter. Companions only to attend. Explanation of the new ritual workings. Attire: Smart Casual. LINK
• 8pm. Gippsland Forest Lodge. Visitors admitted at 8pm. Talk: Rod Findlay, ‘Experience and role as the Victorian Police Forward Commander, leading the emergency response immediately after the Mallacoota bush fires in January this year.” LINK

Tuesday, October 20
• 10am.
Lodge of the Great Ocean Road. Talk: John ‘Nobby’ Forster, ‘The Rabbit King’. Zoom Log-In: 824 152 8207.
• 7.30pm.Lowan Lodge. Talk: Barry Minster, ‘Electric Cars’. Attire: Smart Casual. LINK to come.
• 7.30pm. Southern Cross Chapter. October Convocation, Talk: Ruary Bucknall, Changes to Ritual, EMM and Exaltation. Companions only. Attire: Casual. LINK
• 7.30pm. 
St Andrews In The South. Talk: Craig Farrington, ‘Planes, Trains and Automobiles – well, models anyway.’ Attire: Smart Casual. LINK

Wednesday, October 21
• 7pm. Grand Lodge Library/Museum Talks. ‘A Discussion on Masonic Etiquette’. LINK

Thursday, October 22
•7.30pm. Communications and Volunteer Action Team. Members only. LINK to come.
• 7.45pm. Royal Ark Mariner Bayside trio meeting.  Talk: Craig Spendlove, ‘In the Footsteps of Noah’. Current MMM, Former MMM, Current RAM, Former RAM only. LINK

Friday, October 23
• 7.30pm. Malvern-Waverley Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 39. Talk” Craig Spendlove, ‘Origins’.
• 7.30pm. Victorian Lodge of Research. Talk: Fred Shade, ‘The Oddfellows – Their Origin, History and Ritual’. LINK

Saturday, October 24
• 9.30am-3pm. Secretaries’ Course. Hosted by Eric Williams and Barry Reaper. Register for both morning and afternoon sessions. MORNING and AFTERNOON
• 2pm. Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Victoria. Video Event in place of Annual Assembly which cannot be held due to COVID-19 lockdown. LINK
• 5pm. Concord Mark. Talk: Craig Spendlove, ‘Importance of the Mark Lodge’. For Master Masons and above. Attire: Casual. LINK

Monday, October 26
• 7.30pm. (8pm: Visitors). Spring Vale Lodge. Virtual tour: Grand Lodge of England, Freemasons Hall. Attire: White shirt, Lodge tie and jacket. LINK

Tuesday, October 27
• 7.30pm. Middle Park Lodge. Talk: Dr David Kram, ‘Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth through the eyes of composers and singers who were Freemasons.’ Attire: Dinner Suit. LINK
• 7.45pm. Lodge Epicurean. Talks: Peter Gumley on his Isolation rehabilitation and Armen Mardirousi, Secretary of North Hollywood Lodge No. 542 to talk about his own Masonic journey, Hollywood lodge and starting a lodge in California. LINK

Wednesday, October 28
• 8pm. Gregorios Lodge. OXI Day. Greek ‘No’ Day Commemorative Ceremony. Includes Grand Master. Guests’ attire: casual. LINK

Thursday, October 29
• 7.30pm. Endeavour Lodge. Talk: Brendan Kyne, ‘Chaps, Rogues, Orangemen and Catholics’. LINK TBA

Friday, October 30
• 7.30pm. Kilwinning Mark Lodge of Research No 2. Talk: Craig Spendlove, ‘Craftsman Marks’.

Monday, November 2
• 7pm (7.30pm: Visitors).Oakleigh Mark Lodge. Business Meeting. Talk: Craig Spendlove, ‘India -The Raj, Mysticism and Masonry’. LINK

Saturday, November 7
• 7pm.Blue Lounge Social Club. Forum: ‘Why Freemasonry is an organisation worth joining in the 21st Century’. LINK

Monday, November 9
• 7pm.Lodge of Commerce. Vacant Chair Ceremony. LINK to come.

Thursday, November 12
• 7pm.Masons Connect. Sharing Freemasonry Meeting. RSVP

Monday, November 30
• 7pm.Oakleigh Council, Royal and Select Masters. Talk: David Yole. All members past and present of the Order, in addition members of other Orders. Attire: Casual. LINK

Grand Master’s Chat. October 9, 2020. (19:49) WATCH
How Can Freemasonry Help You? (01:49) WATCH
Social Impact of Prince Hall Freemasonry in the District of Columbia. 1825-1900. (01;01:22) LINK

Masonic COVID-19 Cookbook
Wayne Motton, of Admiral Collingwood and Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodges, has compiled a Masonic COVID-19 Cookbook. The 26-page publication can be downloaded, free. LINK

‘Investors In People’
• The United Grand Lodge of England has announced that it has been shortlisted for the Health and Wellbeing and Leader of the Year categories at the Investors in People Awards 2020. Dr David Staples, Chief Executive of UGLE, said: ‘Over the past few years, UGLE has put enormous effort into understanding, and supporting, the health and wellbeing of its staff. It is great to see that hard work has been recognised by Investors in People. Through these troubling times, we will continue to look after our most precious asset, those men and women who keep our organisation working and serve our 200,000 members.’
• “Dr Staples, who became CEO in 2018, has also been named a finalist in Investors in People – Leader of the Year up to 250 category. Since being appointed, he has worked tirelessly to create a positive and pleasant work environment, where staff enjoy coming into work. Also competing for the Health and Wellness Award, the HR department has implemented a comprehensive strategy to ensure employees feel highly valued within the organisation.” LINK

Absurdly Famous Australian Freemasons

• Bruce Cowie has assisted with the preparations for a Richmond Lodge night that examines “absurdly famous Australian Freemasons that you don’t know anything about”. The interactive online trivia meeting is being held at 7pm on Tuesday (Oct. 13). LINK

Masonic Mailbag
Graham Sloman writes: “One of the members of my Masters group in the western suburbs, posted this video link. After watching, it answers so many questions about Freemasonry and where we are heading. At the same time it gives great insight on the way ahead. It goes for 40 minutes and is an excellent education tool as well as a push to get us thinking. I recommend it to be watched by all Freemasons.” LINK

The Morgan Affair
• “One of the more bizarre episodes in American political history, the Anti-Masonic agitation” is mentioned in an article in the latest edition of The Spectator. LINK

Mason of the Year
• “Bert Villiaume was presented the prestigious Dallas Masonic LodgeMason of The Year’ award for 2020 recently at the Lodge on Main Street. In addition, Villiaume was further honored by being selected Mason of the Year for Sub-District 7-E of the Grand Lodge of Georgia.” LINK

New Subscribers
• We are aiming to increase our opt-in subscribers list by seven every issue before August 31, 2021, to reach 4000 members. Today we welcome Robert Redman, Noel Collins, Angus Richmond, Andrew Karaconstantis, Geoff Lewis, Dadi Hardarson, Ivan Harris, Ross Quail, Geoff Selby, Derek Wight, Jonathon Ramos, 

Please Send Your Summons
• Lodges can assist by sending emails about every lodge meeting and event to editor@FVNews.com.au 
Please include us on your Lodge Summons mailing list.

Famous Freemasons
• Sullivan, Sir Arthur Seymour (1842-1900) – Of Irish and Italian descent, Arthur Sullivan is best known for his operatic collaborations with librettist W. S. Gilbert including such continually popular works as H.M.S. Pinafore (1878), The Pirates of Penzance (1879) and The Mikado (1885). Sullivan’s artistic output included 23 operas, 13 major orchestral works, eight choral works and oratorios, two ballets, and an abundance of other works. Apart from his comic operas with Gilbert, Sullivan is best known for some of his hymns and parlour songs, including Onward Christian Soldiers and The Lost Chord. He became a Freemason in 1865 and, as a member of Studholme Lodge No. 1451, he met many notable members of Victorian society. He was also Grand Organist of the United Grand Lodge of England during Queen Victoria’s 50-year jubilee in 1887.

Masonic Knowledge
• Masonic Etiquette. The Masonic Lodge of Education (US) says:”Brethren do not take a seat in the East without an invitation … even if all other seats are full. Why? While all Brethren within a tiled room are equal to one another, and the officers are servants of the brethren, all lodge officers have worked and studied long and hard for their lodge. It is, therefore, the Master’s prerogative to recognize this devotion and their loyalty by inviting distinguished visitors or a special member whom the Master wishes to honor to sit with him in the East. In other words, if you were in church, synagogue or mosque and the pews were full, would you go up and sit beside the Pastor, Rabbi or Imam?” LINK

Masonic Wisdom
• “”It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” – Bro. Theodore Roosevelt

The Last Word
• “Knowledge is in every country the surest basis of public happiness.” – Bro. George Washington

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au Email: editor@FVNews.com.au
FVNews is an opt-in email. If, for any reason, you would prefer not to receive our emails, simply reply to editor@FVNews.com.au or fill out the Unsubscribe form at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/  – type OPT OUT in the subject line, and please include your email address. Or use the unsubscribe option at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/

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