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DAILY. Thu., Oct. 15, 2020


FVNews Daily.  
No. 123. Thursday, October 15, 2020

• From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team

• Email: editor@FVNews.com.au.au or Ash@Long.com.au
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• FVNews Daily 
is also available at the website: www.FVNews.com.au
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What’s On (48 listings)

Please notify us about your event. 
Please include date, time, talk details, attire, and a link.
Email: editor@FVNews.com.au

Thursday, October 15

• TBA. Albert Victor Lodge. General Management Meeting. LINK 
• 11am. 
Samaritan Lodge. Talk: Steve Austin. LINK 
• 7pm.
 Berwick Prince of Wales Mark Lodge. Talk: Members of the Lodge. LINK
• 7pm. Prospect Hill Mark Meeting. Opening and closing. Talk: Craig Spendlove, ‘Mark Masonry Prior to 1813. Attire: members jacket and tie, visitors smart casual. Open to non-Mark brethren. LINK
• 7pm. Rupertswood Numurkah Lodge.Talk: Anthony Bucca, ‘American Civil War – Brother against Brother’. LINK
• 7.30pm. Melton Lodge. Talk: Liz Hessian, Deputy Director, Department of Anaesthesia, Pain and Perioperative Medicine, Western Health. LINK
• 7.30pm
. Portland Lodge of Victoria. Talk: Peter Corbett, his experiences as a filmmaker. LINK
• 7.45pm. Stewart Lodge of St Arnaud. Talk: Nathaniel Buchanan, tour manager of Ballarat. ‘Aradale: The Making of a Haunted Asylum’ LINK

Friday, October 16
• 7pm for 7.30pm. Bairnsdale Daylight Lodge. Talk: Geoff Newby. LINK
• 7.30pm. 
Seavic Lodge. Talk: Jonathan Ivanyi on visit to St. John’s Lodge No.1 in New York City and the Grand Lodge of New York. Talk: Richard Elkington, Grand Master. LINK

Saturday, October 17
• 12 Noon. Education VAT Esoteric Freemasonry Series. Talk: Travis Trinca, ‘An Introduction to Hermeticism’. Hosted by Richard Shelly. LINK

Monday, October 19
• 7pm. Gippsland Lakes Lodge. Talk: Garry Runge, ‘Day in the working life of the Grand Secretary’. LINK
• 7pm
. Goulburn Valley Mark Lodge, and Tatura Royal Ark Mariners. Talk: Robert Redman, ‘Thoughts on the Historical Origins Of The Mark Degree Based on an Article by W.Bro. David Barrett’. LINK
• 7.30pm. Lodge of Good Companions. 10-minute talk: Gary Beven, Parliament House, Canberra. LINK
• 7.30pm. Masonic Caravan Club of Victoria. Meeting. LINK
• 7.30pm.
 Warrnambool Lodge. Talk: Neil Smith, Winter In Norway. LINK
• 7.30pm. Williamstown Chapter. Companions only to attend. Explanation of the new ritual workings. Attire: Smart Casual. LINK
• 8pm. Gippsland Forest Lodge. Visitors admitted at 8pm. Talk: Rod Findlay, ‘Experience and role as the Victorian Police Forward Commander, leading the emergency response immediately after the Mallacoota bush fires in January this year.” LINK

Tuesday, October 20
• 10am. Lodge of the Great Ocean Road. Talk: John ‘Nobby’ Forster, ‘The Rabbit King’. Zoom Log-In: 824 152 8207.
• 7.30pm. Hamilton Grange. Talk: Ian Brown, Engagement Committee, Membership. LINK
• 7.30pm. Lowan Lodge. Talk: Barry Minster, ‘Electric Cars’. Attire: Smart Casual. LINK to come.
• 7.30pm. Southern Cross Chapter. October Convocation, Talk: Ruary Bucknall, Changes to Ritual, EMM and Exaltation. Companions only. Attire: Casual. LINK
• 7.30pm. 
St Andrews In The South. Talk: Craig Farrington, ‘Planes, Trains and Automobiles – well, models anyway.’ Attire: Smart Casual. LINK

Wednesday, October 21
• 7pm. Grand Lodge Library/Museum Talks. ‘A Discussion on Masonic Etiquette’. LINK

Thursday, October 22
• 7.30pm. Communications and Volunteer Action Team. Members only. LINK to come. 
• 7.30pm. Leura Lodge. Talk: Randy Walton, ‘Process and History of the American Presidential Election’. LINK
• 7.45pm. Royal Ark Mariner Bayside trio meeting. Talk: Craig Spendlove, ‘In the Footsteps of Noah’. Current MMM, Former MMM, Current RAM, Former RAM only. LINK

Friday, October 23
• 7.30pm. Malvern-Waverley Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 39. Talk” Craig Spendlove, ‘Origins’.
• 7.30pm. Victorian Lodge of Research. Talk: Fred Shade, ‘The Oddfellows – Their Origin, History and Ritual’. LINK

Saturday, October 24
• 9.30am-3pm. Secretaries’ Course. Hosted by Eric Williams and Barry Reaper. Register for both morning and afternoon sessions. MORNING andAFTERNOON
• 2pm. Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Victoria. Video Event in place of Annual Assembly which cannot be held due to COVID-19 lockdown. LINK
• 5pm. Concord Mark. Talk: Craig Spendlove, ‘Importance of the Mark Lodge’. For Master Masons and above. Attire: Casual. LINK

Monday, October 26
• 7.30pm. (8pm: Visitors). Spring Vale Lodge. Virtual tour: Grand Lodge of England, Freemasons Hall. Attire: White shirt, Lodge tie and jacket. LINK

Tuesday, October 27
• 7.30pm. Middle Park Lodge. Talk, musical performance: Dr David Kram, ‘Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth through the eyes of composers and singers who were Freemasons.’ Attire: Dinner Suit. LINK 
• 7.30pm.
 Northern United Chapter. Talk: Craig Spendlove, ‘Cyrus – The Man and The Myth’. LINK
• 7.45pm. Lodge Epicurean. Talks: Peter Gumley on his Isolation rehabilitation and Armen Mardirousi, Secretary of North Hollywood Lodge No. 542 to talk about his own Masonic journey, Hollywood lodge and starting a lodge in California. LINK

Wednesday, October 28
• 8pm. GregoriosLodge. OXI Day. Greek ‘No’ Day Commemorative Ceremony. Includes Grand Master. Guests’ attire: casual. LINK

Thursday, October 29
• 7.30pm. Endeavour Lodge. Talk: Brendan Kyne, ‘Chaps, Rogues, Orangemen and Catholics’. LINK TBA

Friday, October 30
• 7.30pm. Kilwinning Mark Lodge of Research No 2. Talk: Craig Spendlove, ‘Craftsman Marks’. 

Monday, November 2
• 7pm (7.30pm: Visitors). Oakleigh Mark Lodge. Business Meeting. Talk: Craig Spendlove, ‘India -The Raj, Mysticism and Masonry’. LINK

Thursday, November 5
• 7pm (7.30pm: Guests).Killara Lodge. Talk: Barry Watson, ‘The Last 100 Days of World War I.’ LINK
• 7.30pm. 
Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge. LINK to come.

Saturday, November 7
• 7pm. Blue Lounge Social Club. Forum: ‘Why Freemasonry is an organisation worth joining in the 21st Century’. LINK

Monday, November 9
• 7pm. Lodge of Commerce. Vacant Chair Ceremony. LINK to come.

Thursday, November 12
• 7pm. Masons Connect. Sharing Freemasonry Meeting. RSVP

Monday, November 30
• 7pm. Oakleigh Council, Royal and Select Masters. Talk: David Yole. All members past and present of the Order, in addition members of other Orders. Attire: Casual. LINK

• Taft Apron. (03:16) WATCH
• Prevalence of Clandestine Freemasonry in the US. 
(55:15). WATCH
• Masonic Symbolism (Brendan Kyne). 
(01:13:05) WATCH

Vale Graeme Fox
• We regret to advise of the passing to the Grand Lodge Above of  of Wor. Bro. Graeme ‘Foxy’ Fox. He was a beloved member and Chaplain ofDandenong Lodge 635, and was cherished for his dedication and emotion when fulfilling his role. Condolences from wide and far to his family on their profound loss. He was 86 years old and was a Past Master of Dandenong Lodge and was also affiliated with the Mark and the Chapter.

Vale John Webster
• We regret to advise of the passing to the Grand Lodge Above of Wor. Bro. John Webster PJGD, at the age of 86. He was a member ofLodge EOS No. 880. He died on Monday morning at Knox Private Hospital after a long illness (Motor Neurone Disease). In accordance withJohn’s wishes, there is to be no funeral service.

Freemasonry on radio
• PERSONAL OPINION by Ash Long, Editor: British academic John Dickie enjoys selling books, including his latest The Craft and How Freemasons Made The Modern World. To help sell his $50 book, Professor Dickie was a guest last night (Wed.), 10.10pm-11pm, on Philip Clark’s Nightlife program on ABC Radio. Clark declared near the start of the interview that he was raised in an era when his father and his family had a suspicion about Freemasons. Dickie, surprisingly, presented a lightweight and unfair summary of the Craft, with a substantial number of factual errors. He showed little knowledge of Freemasonry in Australia. Dickie has previously authored books including Blood Brotherhoods, Mafia Brotherhoods, Mafia Republic and Delizia (about Italian food), so he is well practised in generating publicity to help sell ‘units’ for book publishers. Any fair radio broadcast producer would have offered equal ‘right-of-reply’ time to a Masonic official in the same program. Fortunately,ABC late-night radio now attracts only about 10 per cent of the audience, much smaller than the large listenership it once commanded. I have had a little to do with radio and book publishing over the years: I regret losing 50 minutes listening time, and the good professor certainly isn’t going to get my 50 bucks. LINK

Elevator statements
• The phrase ‘Elevator Statement’ comes, no doubt, from America. It is used to describe a 30-second ‘commercial’ you might use as a ‘sales pitch’ if you were caught in an elevator with someone for half-a-minute. In promoting its open day, the William Parkman Lodge inWoburn, Massachusetts, tries this: “Freemasonry provides opportunities for friendship, charity, education, and leadership while creating friendship and understanding between men and without regard to their nationality, religion, race, background or opinion. Freemasons trace their history back to the stonemasons guilds that built Europe’s cathedrals and castles.” LINK

Wanted: Video, Radio Volunteers
• Freemasons Victoria is fortunate to have members such as Barry Minster and Wes Turnbull on board with their wide broadcast experience. The Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team is looking to also involve other members as we assist in building a top-class media unit to convey messages to members and the public, especially in 2021 as the State emerges from COVID lockdown. Robert Pullin, a seniorComms VAT Leader with the Content portfolio, is keen to develop radio and television ‘channels’ in Victoria over the coming year. The VAT would like to hear from video and radio enthusiasts, with production, content and talent abilities, to be part of the volunteer network. Please send an email listing the types of work with which you would like to be involved to promote Freemasons Victoria to our communities. editor@FVNews.com.au

Masonic Mailbag
• Travis Gould of Dandenong Lodge writes: “Thank you kindly for producing this publication as it has opened up Victoria and the wider world to the eyes of many Masons and I hope to send you more positive news in the future for publication.”
• Giorgio Migliaccio of Spring Vale Lodge says: “For two years, the Spring Vale Lodge has been raising funds during our meetings to support the Springvale Benevolent Society. This Society provides vouchers, food packages and essential products to over 400 vulnerable families in theSpringvale/NoblePark/Keysborough area and surrounding suburbs. That’s 400 families, or over 1200 individuals. It costs the Society close to $70,000 per annum to support those families, andthe list is growing. At Christmas, they have a major food drive so they can support those families over the holiday period. It costs them $10,000 just to cover the cost of vouchers, food and products over that period. Last Christmas, The Spring Vale Lodge, with the support of the FreemasonsFoundation, was able to donate $5000 to cover 50 per cent of that cost.
• “The Springvale Benevolent Society, was, until recently, provided with some cash grants from the City of Greater Dandenong Council, totalling $20,000 per annum. The Council has now decided to slash that Grant and redirect those funds to another charity supporting refugees, a charity that already gets financial support from the State Government. … I feel the Springvale Benevolent Society has been dealt with rather harshly considering they are supporting the region’s most vulnerable and get no other council or government support.To this end, The Spring Vale Lodge is committing $2000 to this charity and we are asking for each Lodge in this District to donate $200 (or more if you can afford it) to help us in supporting this Charity. 
• “I believe there are about 22 Lodges in the District (excluding LOI’s and Spring Vale Lodge), if we all contribute $200, we can raise $4400 and when added tothe Spring Vale Lodge contribution of $2000, a total of $6400. We can then ask Freemasons Foundation to match (or better) those funds and provide the Springvale Benevolent Society with a huge boost, not only for the upcoming Christmas drive, but potentially a little to kick start their new year as well.I hope you and your Lodge can help out with this worthy cause. Any questions, please donot hesitate to contact me on 0437 243 731.”

Temple becomes brewery
• “Petersburg-based Trapezium Brewing Co. is preparing to open an offshoot location in the former Richmond Association of Masonic Lodgesbuilding at 520 N. 25th St,” says the Richmond BizSense website (US). “Trapezium owner Dave McCormack said he purchased the 9,000-square-foot building last week for $950,000. McCormack said he’s been working out a deal for the 93-year-old property, which has been on the market for a few years, since summer 2019.” LINK

World News
• The Marshall News Messenger (Texas, USA) reports: “Some Jefferson ISD students received free supplies to shine their pearly whites recently, thanks to the members of the Jefferson Masonic Lodge No. 38. As part of its annual program, the Fantastic Teeth Fan Club, allJefferson ISD first graders recently received a Fantastic Teeth Fan Club Kit to help keep their teeth and gums clean and healthy. The kits include a toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss and a 2-minute timer, all to help the students in an effort to keep their teeth “fantastic”.” LINK

New Subscribers
• We are aiming to increase our opt-in subscribers list by seven every issue before August 31, 2021, to reach 4000 members. Subscribe at LINK

Please Send Your Summons
• Lodges can assist by sending emails about every lodge meeting and event to editor@FVNews.com.au 
Please include us on your Lodge Summons mailing list.

Famous Freemasons
• Warner, Jack Leonard (Given name: Jacob Warner) (1892-1978) – Jack Warner was born in the town of London in Canada, the youngest (but certainly the most ambitions) of the four filmmaking Warner brothers. Following the untimely death of his brother Sam, Jack Warner was often at difference with his two surviving brothers, Albert and Harry. In July 1956, he manipulated a sale of company stock that saw his brothers unknowingly sell their shares indirectly to him and thus he became president and controller of Warner Brothers’ Entertainment Incorporated. In spite of their sibling rivalry, the Warner brothers went on to create a film studio full of superstars, including Bette Davis, Humphrey Bogart, Marlon Brando, James Dean, Clint Eastwood and Daniel Radcliffe (‘Harry Potter’); through superbly crafted films of the calibre ofCasablanca (1942); A Streetcar Named Desire (1951); Rebel Without a Cause (1955); Dirty Harry (1971); The Exorcist (1973) and the top grossing Harry Potter film series (2001-2011). Like his brothers, Jack attended Mount Olive Lodge No. 506 in California.
– Timothy Horton

Masonic Knowledge
• Masonic Etiquette. No man sits while speaking in the lodge room, no matter if he addresses an officer or another brother. Why? All lodge activity is based on each man in the lodge as being a servant of the Brethren. This includes the Worshipful Master and his officers. While the man, himself, who has been elected Worshipful Master does not gain any special honor, personally, as the Worshipful Master, it is to the Worshipful Master as the Master of the Lodge that a member stands to address. It is simply a form of respect … and no different than attending a shareholder’s meeting or a City Council meeting. It is expected that if you wish to address the audience, you will stand so all may see who is speaking. 

Masonic Wisdom
• “The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never worshipped anything but himself.” – Bro. Sir Richard Burton

The Last Word
• “The British are coming. One if by land, two if by sea.” – Bro. Paul Revere


FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.

Web: www.FVNews.com.au 

Email: editor@FVNews.com.au

FVNews is an opt-in email. If, for any reason, you would prefer not to receive our emails, simply reply to editor@FVNews.com.au or fill out the Unsubscribe form at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/  – type OPT OUT in the subject line, and please include your email address. Or use the unsubscribe option at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/

DISCLAIMER: The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the text of FVNews belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the United Grand Lodge of Victoria (Freemasons Victoria) organisation, committee or other group or individual. Readers should take all steps necessary to ascertain that information you receive from FVNews is correct and has been verified. FVNews assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this site. The information contained in FVNews is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness

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