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Saturday, January 18, 2025

DAILY. Mon.-Tue., Oct. 26-27, 2020

FVNews Daily  
No. 129. Monday-Tuesday, October 26-27, 2020

• From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team

• Email: editor@FVNews.com.au or Ash@Long.com.au
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• FVNews Daily 
is also available at the website: www.FVNews.com.au
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What’s On (44 listings)

Please notify us about your event. 
Please include date, time, talk details, attire, and a link.
Email: editor@FVNews.com.au

Monday, October 26

• 7.30pm. (8pm: Visitors). Spring Vale Lodge. Virtual tour: Grand Lodge of England, Freemasons Hall. Attire: White shirt, Lodge tie and jacket. LINK

Tuesday, October 27

• 7pm.Richmond Lodge. Oktoberfast. Colouring competition. BYO beverage, pretzels. LINK
• 7.30pm. (8pm: Visitors).Admiral Collingwood Lodge. LINK
• 7.30pm. Djerriwarrh Lodge. Talk: ‘A Hidden Mystery of Nature and Science’. LINK
• 7.30pm. Middle Park Lodge. Talk, musical performance: Dr David Kram, ‘Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth through the eyes of composers and singers who were Freemasons.’ Attire: Dinner Suit. LINK 
• 7.30pm. 
Mount Scopus and Collegians Lodge. Talk: ‘Prince Hall Freemasonry’. Attire: White shirt and black tie or lodge tie. LINK
• 7.30pm. Northern United Chapter. Talk: Craig Spendlove, ‘Cyrus – The Man and The Myth’. LINK
• 7.30pm. 
Wimmera Lodge. Presentation of a 50 year jewel to RWBro George Lanagan PDGM and a 60 year jewel to Bro James (Jim) Coates by WBro Ian Ballinger PGStdB. Attire: Neat casual. LINK

• 7.45pm. Lodge Epicurean. Talks: Peter Gumley on his Isolation rehabilitation and Armen Mardirousi, Secretary of North Hollywood Lodge No. 542 to talk about his own Masonic journey, Hollywood lodge and starting a lodge in California. LINK

Wednesday, October 28

• 7.30pm.Lodge Fraternal. Talk: ‘The Shriners’. LINK
• 8pm. GregoriosLodge. OXI Day. Greek ‘No’ Day Commemorative Ceremony. Includes Grand Master. Guests’ attire: casual. LINK

Thursday, October 29

• 10am-11am.Think Pink Foundation. Iryna Skincare Session for Masonic Ladies. LINK
• 7.30pm.Central District. Membership Information Night. to introduce Freemasonry to a number of potential candidates who have expressed interest in joining. REGISTER
• 7.30pm. Endeavour Virtual Lodge. Installation of Wor. Bro. Brendan Kyne, DGSupEd, followed by  talk on ‘Chaps, Rouges, Orange-Men and Catholics’.  Dress code: Dinner suit or lounge suit and full lodge regalia. Zoom password 7752. LINK
• 7.30pmThink Pink Foundation. Iryna Skincare Session for Masonic Ladies. LINK

Friday, October 30

• 7pm.Earl of Dunmore Lodge. Talk: Ben Quick, ‘Order of the Free Gardeners’. Visit by Lodge of the Golden Fleece. Brethren, partners and visitors welcome. LINK
• 7.30pm. Kilwinning Mark Lodge of Research No 2. Talk: Craig Spendlove, ‘Craftsman Marks’. 

Saturday, October 31

• 7.30pm. Blue Lounge Social Club Education Forum: Cryptic Masonry: The Order of Royal and Select Masters. All Freemasons welcome. LINK

Monday, November 2

• 7pm (7.30pm: Visitors). Oakleigh Mark Lodge. Business Meeting. Talk: Craig Spendlove, ‘India -The Raj, Mysticism and Masonry’. LINK
• 7.30pm. 
Lodge Garibaldi. Talk: Mike Kearsly. LINK
• 7.30pm. Rosebank Lodge. Talk: Ben Quick, ‘Establishing Contact with Sister Lodges’. ZOOM link: 824 152 8207.

Tuesday, November 3

• 7.45pm.Robbie Burns RAM No. 76. For MMM and RAM members. Talk: ‘The English Tracing Board’. LINK

Wednesday, November 4

• 7.30pm. Gippsland Lodge. Talk: Iain Nicolson, ‘Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem’. LINK to come.

Thursday, November 5

• 7pm (7.30pm: Guests).Killara Lodge. Talk: Barry Watson, ‘The Last 100 Days of World War I.’ LINK
• 7.30pm. 
Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge. To be chaired by Milton Tsaktsiras, SW. LINK to come.
• 7.30pm. Robbie Burns Lodge of Mark Master Masons. Presentation of 50-Year Jewel to V.Wor.Bro Bill Wright. Talk: Glen Hollibone. LINK Passcode: CFW239 

Saturday, November 7

• 7pm. Blue Lounge Social Club. Forum: ‘Why Freemasonry is an organisation worth joining in the 21st Century’. LINK

Monday, November 9

• 10am-12 Noon.District Co-Ordinators’ Meeting.
• 7pm. Lodge of Commerce. Vacant Chair Ceremony. LINK to come.

Tuesday, November 10

• 7.30pm.Colac Lodge. Talk: Myles King, President, Board of General Purposes. LINK to come.
• 7.30pm. Epicurean Lodge in conjunction with Bellarine and Otway. Remembrance Day Observance. Details TBA.
• 7.30pm. Golden and Corinthian Lodge. Talk: Bob Jones, ‘A Day In The Life Of A Grand Master’. Attire:  Dinner Suit. Log in details: Meeting ID: 651 201 5916. PassCode: 8HrrzK (case sensitive)
Wednesday, November 11 – Remembrance Day

• 11am.Powlett Lodge, Wonthaggi. Laying of Wreath at Cenotaph, McBride St.
• 7.30pm. TBA by Dennis Livingston. LINK Meeting ID: 856 1023 0004 Passcode: 803457 

• 7.30pm. Traralgon Lodge. Talk: Marty Tanzer, Remembrance Day. LINK
• 7.30pm. United Services Lodge. Remembrance Day Ceremony. Talk: Bro. Col. John Wertheimer, ‘A Remembrance Day’. Vacant Chair Ceremony. Attire: Members, jacket and tie. Visitors welcome, neat casual. LINK

Thursday, November 12

• 7pm. Masons Connect. Sharing Freemasonry Meeting. RSVP
• 7pm for 7.30pm. 
Antient York. Talk: John Glover, ‘The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and Power Point production of the Vacant Chair Ceremony. Attire: Jacket and tie. LINK to come.

Friday, November 13

• 7.30pm. Altona Lodge. Talk: Brendan Kyne, ‘Guided Tour of the Victorian Lodge of Research Portal’. Attire: members collared shirt and tie, visitors smart casual. LINK

Thursday, November 19

• 7pm. Prospect Hill Mark. Interview with Peter Gurr, First Grand Principal, Grand Chapter. Attire: members jacket and tie, visitors smart casual. Open to non-Mark brethren. LINK

Monday, November 23

• 7.30pm. South Gippsland Mark. LINK Meeting ID: 993 4347 5482  Passcode: 306566 

Tuesday, November 24

• 7pm. Lodge Amalthea. Talk: Chris White, ‘Freemasonry and the Goat’. LINK

Friday, November 27

• 7.30pm.Victorian Lodge of Research, with Old Scotch Collegians Lodge and Earl of Dunmore Lodge. Talk: Joseph Morrow, ‘Illustrated by Symbols – Masonic Heraldry in Scotland.’ Register enquiries prior to the event. Attire: Smart Casual. LINK

Monday, November 30

• 7pm. Oakleigh Council, Royal and Select Masters. Talk: David Yole. All members past and present of the Order, in addition members of other Orders. Attire: Casual. LINK
• 7.30pm. 
Citizens Marine Royal Ark Mariners. RAM Masons only. LINK


• Freemasons Victoria – Membership. (08:45) LINK
• Yea Masonic Centre.
(03:24) LINK
• Masonic Melbourne.
(01;16) LINK

Vale Vic Robinson

Allan Thomson advises of the passing to the Grand Lodge Above on Friday (Oct. 23) of Wor. Bro Samuel Victor (Vic) Robinson PJGD, Eschol Daylight Lodge No. 785. “I shall inform you of the funeral arrangements when they have been determined,” says Allan.

Rahim’s rank
• An FV database error meant that FVNews Daily incorrectly published new Northern District Co-Ordinator Wor. Bro. Rahim Samat’s rank as PGStdB. His rank is Past Grand Inspector of Workings. We apologise for the error.

Secret Women’s Business

• David Hendel of Middle Park Lodge writes: “October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and each year Freemasons Victoria and many individual lodges support the Think Pink Foundation by holding Think Pink Breakfasts and other fundraising functions. Unfortunately this year, with the COVID restrictions, this has not been possible, so the Foundation is organising a fundraising activity in which Freemasons and their partners can safely participate.   

• “On Thursday (Oct. 29), Think Pink is offering the ladies of Freemasonry the opportunity to participate in an hour of fun during which they can learn some handy skincare secrets, spoil themselves and support Think Pink at the same time, knowing that at least 20 per centof the proceeds of all purchases are automatically donated to the Think Pink Living Centre, directly supporting breast cancer patients and their families. 

• “There are two online skincare presentations  on Thursday, detailed in the calendar of events above.”

Illustrated by Symbols
• Joseph J Morrow, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland and the Right Honourable Lord Lyon, will be presenting a lecture titled Illustrated by Symbols – Masonic Heraldry in Scotland at 7.30pm on Friday, November 27. The event is being organised by the Victorian Lodge of Research, Old Scotch Collegians’ Lodge and the Earl of Dunmore Lodge. Register your heraldic questions for Lord Lyon to make sure they get answered on the night. Attire:Smart Casual. LINK

New bike funded
• The South Wales Guardian reports: “Thousands of patients in hospitals across the region who rely on blood and other essential medical supplies being delivered at all hours by bike, are set to benefit from a major new grant from West Wales Freemasons to the Blood Bikes Wales charity. The £14,000 grant will see Blood Bikes Wales take possession of a brand new, fully equipped BMW 1200 RT, which has been named ‘Mason’.” LINK

77 at Bayside Trio
• Craig Spendlove, of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Victoria and United Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Victoria,wrote to members of a pleasing attendance number at the Bayside Trio meeting: “To have 77 in attendance at one point is a testament to you attending.  I hope you found it entertaining and informative.  I am personally very pleased, so thank you for being there to support the Bayside Trio Zoom Event in 2020 and my presentation.

Personal Pars
• Neil Gannon writes: “Transferring allegiances. Looks like Cohuna 227 member, PM and Organist, Wor. Bro. Tony Richardson will soon be taking up membership in the  Essendon Football Club (Bombers) following grandson Jye Caldwell switching from the Giants. Grandfather Tony in his heyday could easily run a mile in 30 minutes. All the best Jye for your continuing successful career.”

World News
• The Eagle (Bryan, Texas, US) reports: “Warren Masonic Lodge No. 56 in Caldwell recently donated $21,640 to the Blinn College Foundation to endow a scholarship that will be awarded annually to a Caldwell High School graduate who attends Blinn. Education always has been a priority for Masons, said Donny Baron, who serves on the chapter’s scholarship committee. Since the chapter was formed in 1850, it has awarded scholarships totaling more than $154,000. Baron said the chapter hopes to continue donating to three Blinn endowed scholarships.” LINK

New Subscribers
• We are aiming to increase our opt-in subscribers list by seven every issue before August 31, 2021, to reach 4000 members. Subscribe at LINKToday, we welcome Ken Crouch, Ivan Harris, Colin Rimington, Mark Davies, William Billings, Norman Simpson

Please Send Your Summons
• Lodges can assist by sending emails about every lodge meeting and event to editor@FVNews.com.au 

Please include us on your Lodge Summons mailing list.

Famous Freemasons
• Wolseley, Sir Garnet Joseph – Field Marshal, 1st Viscount Wolseley (1833-1913) – Born at Golden Bridge, County Dublin, Ireland, Garnet Wolseley had a long and most distinguished career in the British Army. Always leading from the front, his bravery was unquestioned, being badly wounded during the Second Burmese War in 1853 and again in the Crimea during the Siege of Sevastopol, where he lost an eye. He distinguished himself at the Siege of Lucknow during the Indian Mutiny and by his brilliantly executed Ashanti Campaign in China, and also during the Zulu War in South Africa and the Nile Expedition against Mahdist Sudan (1884-85). This Freemason and faithful servant of the British Empire was laid to rest with due ceremony in St Paul’s Cathedral, London.
– Timothy Horton

Masonic Knowledge
• Bill Jones, via Craig Spendlove, passes on this information about the colour green. “Green, being the unchanging color of the various evergreen trees, shrubs, and so forth, is, in the symbolistic system of Masonry, the colour symbolic of the unchanging immortality of all that is divine and true. This conception Masonry has received from the ancients, more particularly the Egyptians.

• “Green has been directly associated with the ideas of resurrection and immortality…The aca-cia (the masonic evergreen) has been suggested as a symbol of a moral life or rebirth, and also of immortality. To the ancient Egyptians, green was the symbol of hope.

• “The Grand Lodge of Scotland has adopted green as its emblematic colour, and, in varying shades, it is incorporated in the dress and furnishings of degrees and Orders beyond the Craft in English, Irish and Scottish Freemasonry.”

Masonic Wisdom
• “Flattering as it may be to the human mind, and truly honourable as it is to receive from our fellow citizens testimonies of approbation for exertions to promote the public welfare, it is not less pleasing to know that the milder virtues of the heart are highly respected by a Society whose liberal principles must be founded in the immutable laws of truth and justice. To enlarge the sphere of social happiness is worthy of the benevolent design of a Masonic institution; and it is most fervently to be wished that the conduct of every member of the Fraternity, as well as those publications that discover the principles which actuate them, may tend to convince mankind that the great object of Masonry is to promote the happiness of the human race.” – Bro. George Washington 

The Last Word
• “For centuries had Freemasonry existed ere modern political controversies were ever heard of, and when the topics which now agitate society were not known, but were all united in brotherhood and affection. I know the institution to be founded on the great principles of charity, philanthropy and brotherly love.” – Bulwer 

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au 
Email: editor@FVNews.com.au

FVNews is an opt-in email. If, for any reason, you would prefer not to receive our emails, simply reply to editor@FVNews.com.au or fill out the Unsubscribe form at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/  – type OPT OUT in the subject line, and please include your email address. Or use the unsubscribe option at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/

DISCLAIMER: The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the text of FVNews belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the United Grand Lodge of Victoria (Freemasons Victoria) organisation, committee or other group or individual. Readers should take all steps necessary to ascertain that information you receive from FVNews is correct and has been verified. FVNews assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this site. The information contained in FVNews is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness

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