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Saturday, January 18, 2025

DAILY. Mon.-Tue., Dec. 21-22, 2020

FVNews Daily  
No. 156. Monday-Tuesday, December 22, 2020

• From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team

• Email: editor@FVNews.com.au or Ash@Long.com.au
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• FVNews Daily 
is also available at the website: www.FVNews.com.au
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What’s On (8 listings)

Please notify us about your event. 
Please include date, time, talk details, attire, and a link.
Email: editor@FVNews.com.au

Monday, December 21
• 10am. Funeral Service for Robert Ormerod. LINK

• 7.30pm. Good Companions Lodge. Partners in the South Christmas Dinner Meeting. At Mulgrave Country Club. (No Lodge Meeting)
• 7.30pm.St Andrews In The South, Geelong Holy Royal Arch Chapter. Talk: Arthur Williams, ‘The story of the Temple in Jerusalem – from Solomon to Herod’. Meeting ID: 844 1793 3448. Passcode: 180 471
• 7.30pm. Williamstown Chapter. Talk: Ian Brown, ‘Who Were The Three Principals?’ LINK Meeting ID: 869 0109 9049. Passcode: 75

Saturday, December 26
• All Day. Union Lodge of North Gippsland. Bunnings Bairnsdale Sausage Sizzle.

Sunday, December 27
• 7.30pm. Masonic Festival of St John. Speakers: Neil Morse, John Molnar, Richard Elkington, Ari Indra. Attire: neat casual, white shirt with black bow tie for ‘lodge officers’. LINK Meeting ID: 858 0585 9809. Passcode: 466048

Sunday, January 3
• 8am-5pm. Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge. Sausage Sizzle. At Bunnings Mernda
Monday, January 18
• 7.30pm. United Wimmera Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Lodges Combined Meeting (Zoom). Talk: Len Lacey, new year theme. RSVP by EMAIL by Fri., Dec. 18 to Len Baker.


• A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols with The York Masonic Lodges. (01:06:56) WATCH

Master’s Song (Piano). (03:56) WATCH
Carol Service – Somerset Freeemasons Rose Croix. (54:34) WATCH

Vale Roy Richardson

• We regret to advise the passing to the Grand Lodge Above of Bro. Roy Lowick Richardson. 13.01.1928 – 18.12.2020. Roy passed away peacefully at the age of 92 surrounded by his family. Roy will be remembered for his loving and caring nature. Roy will be dearly missed by his wife, Jean. Children: Colin, Sandra, Robyne (dec), Heather, Bronwyn and Iain (dec). Spouses Maggie, Stephen M, Philip, Kevin, Stephen R and Elizabeth, Grandchildren Fiona, Trevor, Bridget, Jeffrey, Thomas, Jack, Jordan, Benjamin, Sarah, Caitlin, Emma, Ewan and Riley. Partners: John, Trevor, Belinda, Sam, Aaron and Richard. Great Grandchildren: Hannah, Piper, Oscar and Henry. A full service is to be held in the New Year.

Vale Leonard Wright

• We regret to advise the passing to the Grand Lodge Above of Wor. Bro. Leonard Wright of the Mansfield Lodge, aged 96.

Date set for Grand Re-Installation
• The date for the Grand Re-Installation of Richard Elkington as Grand Master is Saturday, March 20 at Freemasons Bayside. More details will be advised in January.

Next Quarterly Communication
Garry Runge, Grand Secretary, advises that the next Quarterly Communication is scheduled to be held at 7.30pm on Wednesday, March 17 at Freemasons Bayside. The event will be live streamed to centres across Victoria. Bookings open on February 1.

Latest Video from Grand Master
• Richard Elkington has recorded his Christmas Message to members across Victoria. (04:51) WATCH

Feast of St John
• The Feast of St John The Evangelist takes place from 7.30pm on Sunday (Dec. 27). It is being organised by Footscray St John’s Lodge, the Education Volunteer Action Team, and the Lodges of St John throughout Australia. The 2020 event will include the opening and closing of a lodge using a European St John’s ritual, as well as two short presentations of aspects of the St John’s Freemasonry tradition. 
• Ritual Illumination and Opening of the Lodge: WM – Ari Indra, SW – Richard Elkington, JW – Paul Matthews, Orator – Peter Meldrum. Lecture Historical: Neil Morse (ACT). Discussion. Lecture Symbolical: John Molnar. Discussion. Reflections: Richard Elkington and Ari Indra. Closing of the Lodge in the Entered Apprentice Degree: WM – Matt DeNatris, SW – Eddie Koene, JW – Brendan Kyne, Orator – Peter Meldrum. LINK Meeting ID: 858 0585 9809. Passcode: 466048 

Holiday Arrangements
• Garry Runge, Grand Secretary, advises: “The office of Freemasons Victoria will be closed for the Christmas period from 5pm Wednesday (Dec. 23) and will re-open on Monday, January 11, 2021. The staff will be taking Annual Leaveduring this time and will respond to enquiries from January 11.”

Publishing Arrangements
• The final issue of FVNews Daily for 2020 is due to be published this Wednesday (Dec. 23). Contributions are sought by 5pm Tuesday please. After a holiday break, FVNews Daily will resume early in 2021. Imagine how the What’s On guide will grow as lodges resume physical meetings in the New Year.

Positive comments at Bunnings
• There were quite a number of positive comments from the public about how good it was to see Freemasonry in action and visible at a Bunnings Mernda Sausage Sizzle yesterday (Sun.). The event was co-ordinated by Haydn Gregson of Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge (the school has had a campus at Mernda over the past 30 years). A good number of applicants/candidates volunteered their time and help alongside members, which is a great way to keep their involvement during the COVID times. The Lodge runs these fund-raising events at Bunnings stores at Mernda and Fairfield. Each event can raise approx. $1000.

Masonic Mailbag
Murray Luxford writes: “I was sitting reading Friday’s edition of FVNews and I wondered had anyone thought to offer you and your team a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I personally thank you for all of your hard work and tireless efforts during these past months of lockdown and difficult COVID-19 times. You have kept us informed and in a sense together as one during what can only be described as a very difficult year for all. Again Merry Christmas and thank you from all Victorian Freemasons.”
Editor replies: “Thank you for your very kind words. We have tried to work diligently. As you point out, it was as much about morale as it was about information. Hopefully, we all get to meet again in person in 2021, which will change the communications game considerably. Your encouragement and words of cheer mean a lot to us (and especially me). May I reciprocate in wishing you well for Christmas and the New Year?”

Masonic Christmas Party
Rhys Webb reports: “Lowan Lodge No. 107 had a great Christmas Party held in Rhys and Lem’s garden. Plenty of food, good company and fun and games was had by all. The barbecue was masterfully cooked by Worshipful Brother John Dunbar, Brother Armand and Brother Matt. Master of Ceremonies was Brother Rhys who had lots of fun running games and keeping all the guests entertained. To finish the evening Kris Kringle gifts were shared by all and everyone was wished a very Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year by the District Co-ordinator John McTaggart and Worshipful Master John Dunbar.”

Freemasons Save Panto
• The News-Guardian (UK) reports that Freemasons have stepped in to save a community children’s pantomime. The event will go ahead for children in socially disadvantaged areas thanks to a generous donation. Northumberland Freemasons has given a grant of £3000 to Blowing’ A Hooley Theatre, a non-profit company based in North Tyneside delivering theatre and arts projects to young people and audiences in communities that struggle to access the arts. READ MORE

World News
• Freemasons ‘Dinner Ladies’ in Spain have raised 700 Euros to help a number of local families who are struggling financially particularly due to the various lockdowns and the general restrictions placed on both businesses and families. The Leader (Costa Blanca and Costa Calida) reports that when the Javea based Red Cross launched an appeal for Christmas presents, for needy children, the ‘Dinner Ladies’ set to and raised the magnificent sum. This  was enough to fill 20 large bags with gifts for the boys and girls aged between three and 16 years. READ MORE

New Subscribers
• We are building FVNews to be a vital daily guide to Masonry in Victoria. You can have your free copy emailed to your inbox. Use the ‘Subscribe’ option at www.FVNews.com.au We welcome Keith Thornton, Peter Atkin, Graeme Wilson, Peter Eberbach

Sincere thanks

• Amongst those who assisted with contributions to this edition of FVNews Daily have been: Brendan KyneCraig Spendlove, Barry Minster, Richard Elkington, Rhys Webb, Murray Luxford

Please Send Your Summons
• Lodges can assist by sending emails about every lodge meeting and event to editor@FVNews.com.au – please include us on your Lodge Summons mailing list.

Famous Freemasons
•  Andrew Jackson, US President (1829-1837), was a member of St Tammany (later Harmony) Lodge No. 1, Nashville, Tennessee. Elected Grand Master of Tennessee on October 7, 1822 and served until October 4, 1824.

Masonic Knowledge
•  “Imported German professionals furthered the dissemination of German Pietism, with its emphasis on spiritual progress and on the need to serve man and the community. Similar tendencies underlay the most influential branch of Freemasonry; the Freemasons devoted themselves to disseminating knowledge, relieving hunger, and caring for orphans and other destitutes. The publisher Nikolay Novikov carried the Pietist and Masonic messages to the public in his satiric journals and periodicals for women and children. The major writers of Catherine II’s reign (including the empress herself, who dabbled in journalism and drama) produced satires, fables, and comedies of manners attuned to the belief that moral and spiritual progress would lead to social improvements. A similar approach was noticeable in education, which stressed the development of moral feeling in the conviction that a good heart would guide the well-filled head in the proper direction.” – Britannica

Masonic Wisdom

• “”All Masons are taught of Wisdom, Strength and Beauty; the words “For there should be Wisdom to contrive, Strength to support and Beauty to adorn” are older than our Rituals.” – MasonicWorld.com

The Last Word
• The ancient Hebrew word for strength is “Oz”. The ancient Hebrew word for a hewn stone, our perfect Ashlar, which may well stand here as meaning beauty, is “Gazith”.

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au 
Email: editor@FVNews.com.au

FVNews is an opt-in email. If, for any reason, you would prefer not to receive our emails, simply reply to editor@FVNews.com.au or fill out the Unsubscribe form at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/  – type OPT OUT in the subject line, and please include your email address. Or use the unsubscribe option at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/

DISCLAIMER: The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the text of FVNews belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the United Grand Lodge of Victoria (Freemasons Victoria) organisation, committee or other group or individual. Readers should take all steps necessary to ascertain that information you receive from FVNews is correct and has been verified. FVNews assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this site. The information contained in FVNews is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness

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