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Monday, January 20, 2025

DAILY. Wed., Dec. 23, 2020

FVNews Daily  
No. 157. Wednesday, December 23, 2020

• From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team

• Email: editor@FVNews.com.au or Ash@Long.com.au
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• FVNews Daily 
is also available at the website: www.FVNews.com.au
• All Back Copies are available at: https://fvnews.com.au/wp/back-copies/

What’s On (6 listings)

Please notify us about your event. 
Please include date, time, talk details, attire, and a link.
Email: editor@FVNews.com.au

Thursday, December 24

• 2pm. Royal Freemasons Christmas Carols. Streamed from the Coppin Centre. Viewers, please use mute. LINK Passcode is “XMAS20”. The passcode is case sensitive.

Saturday, December 26

• All Day. Union Lodge of North Gippsland. Bunnings Bairnsdale Sausage Sizzle.

Sunday, December 27
• 7.30pm. Masonic Festival of St John. Attire: neat casual, white shirt with black bow tie for ‘lodge officers’. LINK Meeting ID: 858 0585 9809. Passcode: 466048

Sunday, January 3
• 8am-5pm. Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge. Sausage Sizzle. At Bunnings Mernda
Monday, January 18
• 7.30pm. United Wimmera Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Lodges Combined Meeting (Zoom). Talk: Len Lacey, new year theme. RSVP by EMAIL by Fri., Dec. 18 to Len Baker.
Wednesday, March 17
• 7.30pm. Quarterly Communication. At Freemasons Bayside. Details TBA.
Saturday, March 27
• TBA. Grand Re-Installation. At Freemasons Bayside. Details TBA.


• Provincial Chaplain’s Christmas Message (Bedfordshire). (04:01). WATCH
• A Masonic Christmas Poem. (04:16). WATCH• Making Gravy by Paul Kelly. (07:34). WATCH
Christmas Message from Norfolk Freemasons. (06:39). WATCH
Masonic Christmas Commercial (New York). (01:01). WATCH

Merry Christmas

• This is the final 2020 edition of FVNews Daily. Members of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria take this opportunity to send Christmas and New Year wishes to all our readers.
• What a year it has been! FVNews Daily reaches about 2500 people each issue: 982 opt-in subscribers receive by email, a similar number log onto the www.FVNews.com.au website, with the balance accessing editions through the daily synopsis on Facebook pages. Thank you for your loyalty and support.
• The year ahead – 2021 – hopefully sees a return to in-person meetings. We are looking forward to being of service with more news and more listings than ever before. We are going to take a short holiday break, and we will return in mid-January, emergencies excepted, of which every brother will have due notice.

Freemasons Foundation assists

Neil Cripps advises that the Freemasons Foundation’s six-year $1.8million agreement with Monash Health was for the purchase of paediatric equipment for the children’s hospital. Due to COVID-19, the Board agreed to divert one year’s funding ($300,000) to COVID-19 research.
• Eight projects have been funded. Six of the projects are:
• The Monash Health COVID-19 Biobank and Data Repository: A core platform for COVID-19 research at Monash Health
• Understanding the immunological and clinical sequelae of COVID-19 in affected Health Care Workers
• Impact and evaluation of ‘Monash Women’s leading kindness COVID-19 toolkit’ on junior medical staff wellbeing – a workshop designed by doctors in training for doctors in training.  
• Pilot safety and feasibility trial of cell therapies for COVID-19.
Emergency Department data to assess the impact of COVID-19 restrictions. 
• How BCG vaccination induces T cell cross-reactivity to SARS-CoV-2.

Date change for Grand Re-Installation
• The date for the Grand Re-Installation of Richard Elkington as Grand Master has been revised to Saturday, March 27 at Freemasons Bayside. More details will be advised in January.

Carols at the Homes
• The Royal Freemasons Coppin Centre Christmas Choir performance will be streamed by Zoom at 2pm on Thursday (Dec. 24). Residents will be celebrating the festive season with eight of  favourite Christmas carols. It is asked that viewers remain on mute throughout the performance. LINK Passcode to join is “XMAS20”. The passcode is case sensitive.

Candidates at Frankston

​• Frank Bennett writes: “On Saturday the South East Mornington District 113 Executive led by John Fraser held a BBQ lunch at Frankston District Masonic Centre for candidates waiting to visit and join Lodges. Some 22 of the 40 were able to attend and were met by the Grand Master Richard Elkington and Deputy Grand Master Tony Bucca. A fun time was had by all and the GM gave all a brief talk in the lodge room. It was a very successful event and the District thanks the GM and DGM for making time in their busy schedules to attend and enlighten these candidates.”

Geoff Newby’s Message (1)
• Geoff Newby, District Co-Ordinator, Gippsland East District No 105, shared this message: “Wednesday, December 16, was the Freemasons Victoria Business Meeting which included the Ethics Centre Review into the governance of the organisation and looking into our behaviour To say it was a show stopper is an understatement. Clearly the recommendations are far reaching and profound. Just as clearly though, there is now an opportunity for a number of things, including for us to seriously and properly reset the organisation both in terms of robust governance arrangements, but also in terms of Masonic Behaviour.
• “Having spent considerable time consuming the content of both the Ethics Centre Report and also the Grand Master’s comments, I felt an urge to step up and write to you as your District Coordinator regarding the Masonic Behaviour aspect. Here is why…• “There has been a fair bit of social media commentary about poor masonic behaviour in and around “Grand Lodge” including the Board and some “Senior Freemasons” and one might think – that’s them in Melbourne.”

Geoff Newby’s Message (2)
• Since assuming the role of District Co-Ordinator, I have looked into some instances of allegations of poor Masonic behaviour within our District. Fortunately, not that many, but it was still somewhat disappointing. I am firmly of the view that if we each look after our bit of Freemasonry, then we, our lodge and our fraternity will be much better off. In other words, let’s look at our own behaviours and how we treat and deal with each other at the local level and make sure we are doing it well.
• “Freemasons Victoria are now embarking on a new stage in Freemasonry in what the Grand Master calls ‘Coming Together’ where he asks each and every one of us to internally reflect and look to look forward rather than in the rear view mirror. I sincerely hope we can all have a deep think over the break, as we move closer back to Lodge and not just nod our head and continue the way we have been.
• “Brethren, this requires courage and commitment and I seriously have no doubt we can all do this. The Grand Master directly said, “… we do have a choice. Let us make the deliberate choice to repair our valued fraternity. Let us be positive. If we demonstrate these qualities, good men will find us, and join us. And they will stay with us.”
• “Throughout 2021, we will have an extensive program of ‘Coming Together’, where our members own the process. Our fraternity’s repair is not about speeches from the Grand Master, it is about self-respect of every Mason across the state, and a renewing of our Masonic vows. We are going back to basics. It will be exciting but humbling.”

Geoff Newby’s Message (3)
• “The Ethics Centre report contains significant information, amongst which is this which I think goes much toward reparation into our future: ‘We believe, most strongly, that now is a time for FMV to consciously reset, and to focus on reconciliation, not recrimination. It is important to rebuild trust and for the leaders in GL to role model and embody leadership practices that convey forgiveness, compassion, truth sharing, apologising for past behaviours that have fallen short and create a roadmap for the future that inspires people to shift from their current polarised positions to create a better future. It is important that every one of our members can take ownership in the next chapters of the Freemasons Victoria story.”
• This talks about ‘leaders in GL’ to step up – hey guess what? That is you and me. It is not just them in Melbourne. We have many masonic leaders here in District 105. The District Coordinator, the District Panel, the Masters and Wardens, the Past Masters, the secretaries to name only some. Being a Freemason is supposed to be about becoming better men and therefore we should hold ourselves to a higher standard … that’s what our philosophy is about – so we all need to look at this.
• “Please… I urge you to read the Ethics Centre Report and the Grand Master’s speech notes. This is a ground-breaking opportunity. Let us all make it count. Our future is genuinely in our hands. It starts right here and right now.”

Bursaries from Zetland Lodge
• John Blyth writes about school bursaries presentations by the Zetland Lodge: “This is the 14th year Zetland has been running this program with generous support from the Freemasons Foundation. Bursaries are awarded to two Year Six students in each of the primary schools in the Kyneton district. The winners are selected by the Principal at each school on the basis of overall contribution to school life, leadership, and personal achievement.
• “Zetland Lodge normally hosts a presentation event in January. Given the current circumstances, unfortunately this cannot occur and the presentations have been made at end of year celebrations at the respective schoolsBrian Ward has been tireless in his efforts in connection with the Zetland Lodge bursary program, and a sizable number of students have benefited as they commence their secondary education.” VIDEO

Primary School Scholarships (1)

Pictured: Katie Lovel (Principal, Dunolly), Hunter Scholes, Isaac Scott and V.W, Bor. Ken Calder (Chairman Central Goldfields Masonic Group)

Ken Calder advises: “The Central Goldfields Masonic Group comprising lodges of Avoca, Carisbrook, Maryborough, St George of Dunolly, and Talbot with the addition of All Nations at Clunes have again provided 13 scholarships to primary schools within the feeder district of Maryborough Secondary Colleges.
• “These cover a number of smaller schools but include Amphitheatre, Avoca, Bealiba, Carisbrook, Dunolly, Maryborough Education Centre (MEC), Moonambel, Natte Yallock, St Augustines, Maryborough, Talbot, Tarnagulla and Timor.
• “With the scholarships each valued at $200, the recipients  are selected by the Principal and Year Six teacher from each school for one student they feel worthy to receive these encouragement awards, which will help finance their transition into Year Seven.”Primary School Scholarships (2)

• “With funds deposited in the student’s account at the Secondary College, they are tagged for use to supply books, uniforms, excursions, or other educational material. Now in the third year, funding is normally raised through the Lodge Ladies Lunch Group (Triple L’s) and a charity night provided by the local Highland Society Club then funds doubled by the Freemasons Foundation.
• “With the cancellation of all activities some alternative funds had to be sourced, so while Triple L’s managed to provide their quota, for the first time, lodges within the group were asked to contribute. Still short of half the required funds, a successful application was made to Freemasons Foundation for more than half.
• “When final numbers came in then two schools had no Year Six meaning that these two spare awards were presented to schools with larger classes namely Dunolly and as in 2019 to MEC because they have two classes of Grade Six.
• “These Scholarships are being received with great appreciation by the students and their parents as well as the teachers who have the privilege of selecting the recipients.  They are only a small part of the educational funds being provided within the CGMG area as a large number often receive annual Freemasons Foundation Awards.
• “Hopefully 2021 will see some normality with a Highland Society Charity Night at Maryborough already planned for Friday, June 11, 2021. The students selected at Dunolly Primary School were Hunter Scholes who is transitioning to Girton College, and Isaac Scott who will attend Highview.”

Personal Pars
• The Port Lincoln Times (SA) reports: “Port Lincoln man Doug Watson has been recognised for his 70 years with the Port Lincoln Masonic Lodge. Mr Watson, who was born in 1927, joined the lodge in 1950 aed 22.” READ MORE

Masonic Mailbag
• Tony McDonall, Secretary of Samaritan Lodge, writes: “I just wish to reiterate Murray Luxford’s comments (FVNews Daily, Dec. 21-22), I could not have said it better.
Jodi Wilson emails: “I heartily support the sentiments expressed in the Letter to The Editor from Murray Luxford, published in FVNews. Your hard work this year is much appreciated by me and by the Head of the Household! He and I also wish you (and Perce the Proofreader!) good health. Season’s greetings to all.”
• “Merry Christmas Ash to you and family, thank you for FVNews. Happy new year.” Lindsay and Beryl Patullo.

World News
• The Oxford Mail (UK) reports: :A charity which helps care for disabled children has been handed a cash boost in the run-up to ChristmasFlexicare received a £400 donation from the Woodstock-based Aelfric Lodge Benevolent Fund. The donation comes on top of a £6000 grant over three years that the charity receives from the Masonic Charitable Foundation.” READ MORE

New Subscribers
• We are building FVNews to be a vital daily guide to Masonry in Victoria. You can have your free copy emailed to your inbox. Use the ‘Subscribe’ option at www.FVNews.com.au We welcome Robert David.

Sincere Thanks

• Amongst those who assisted with contributions to this edition of FVNews Daily have been: Neil Cripps, Ken Calder, Craig Spendlove, Tony McDonall, Lindsay and Beryl PatulloFrank Bennett, Jodi Wilson, John Blyth, Geoff Newby, Deidre and Peter Crick

Please Send Your Summons
• Lodges can assist by sending emails about every lodge meeting and event to editor@FVNews.com.au – please include us on your Lodge Summons mailing list.

Famous Freemasons
•  Joshua Norton was born in England on February 4, 1819. He engaged in a number of business enterprises in Africa, and emigrated to San Francisco in 1849. He immediately entered the real estate business and accumulated considerable wealth. When he tried to corner the rice market, he lost everything. In order to cheer him up, his friends started to call him ‘Emperor‘. On September 15, 1859, he proclaimed himself Emperor of the United States. He donned a blue uniform with brass buttons, epaulets, and a military cap. Instead of sending him off to have his head examined, everyone humoured him because of his pleasant and cheerful disposition. He rode the streetcars free, attended theatres without charge, and was supplied with the necessities of life by those around him. When he ran short of cash, he simply drew drafts on his Imperial Treasury. He issued Royal Proclamations that were designed to better the human race. On Sunday he always attended a church. He played no favourites, but visited them all. Merchants and financiers consulted him on business matters and apparently he gave them sound advice on these matters.
• “So what does this have to do with Masonry? Well he was a member of Occidental Lodge of San Francisco, and for a time he lived in the Masonic Temple; some of his proclamations emanated from it. When he passed away on January 8, 1880, he was given a Masonic Funeral. Fifty-four years later his grave was moved and a monument was erected over his new grave.” READ MORE

Masonic Knowledge
•  Jim Bennie, Southern Cross Lodge No. 44, Vancouver B.C. (Canada) suggests: “So let this season of the year remind all Masons, no matter what their religious beliefs, to follow those universal tenets of the Craft – faith, hope and charity. Doing so should bring satisfaction to you at this time of the Year.” READ MORE

Masonic Wisdom

• “”Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.” – Bro. Norman Vincent Peale

The Last Word
• Miles McGuigan was a member of the 81st Regiment of Loyal Lincoln Volunteers and a member of Merrickville Lodge, No. 55, in St Lawrence District in Ontario. When he died, it was his last wish that his body be dissected, and then placed in the Merrickville Lodge for future work in the Third Degree. His wishes were carried out, and his bones remained in the Merrickville Lodge until the Lodge Room and building were gutted by fire in 1959.” READ MORE

Perce’s Postscript
• The Educator (California) has a message that is appropriate for our Christmas edition: “”The new Entered Apprentice is reminded in the north-east corner of charity, and to practice it whenever possible. There’s the monetary charity of that portion of our ceremony. And there’s another kind. The one referred to in the Charge in the same degree which admonishes “to relieve his necessities, soothe his afflictions, and do to him as you would that he, under similar circumstances, should do until you’. READ MORE

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au 
Email: editor@FVNews.com.au

FVNews is an opt-in email. If, for any reason, you would prefer not to receive our emails, simply reply to editor@FVNews.com.au or fill out the Unsubscribe form at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/  – type OPT OUT in the subject line, and please include your email address. Or use the unsubscribe option at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/

DISCLAIMER: The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the text of FVNews belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the United Grand Lodge of Victoria (Freemasons Victoria) organisation, committee or other group or individual. Readers should take all steps necessary to ascertain that information you receive from FVNews is correct and has been verified. FVNews assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this site. The information contained in FVNews is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness

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