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Tuesday, December 17, 2024

DAILY. Thu., Jan. 14, 2021

FVNews Daily 
No. 159. Thursday, January 14, 2021

• From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team

• Email: editor@FVNews.com.au or Ash@Long.com.au
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• FVNews Daily 
is also available at the website: www.FVNews.com.au
• All Back Copies are available at: https://fvnews.com.au/wp/back-copies/

What’s On (18 listings)

Please notify us about your event. 
Please include date, time, talk details, attire, and a link or location.
Email: editor@FVNews.com.au

In-person visiting to physical lodge meetings is currently not permitted, due to COVID-19 restrictions.
It is hoped that visiting might resume from March 1, 2021.
Visiting Zoom meetings is encouraged.

Thursday, January 14

• 7.15pm. Antient York Lodge. Talk: Rahim Samat, District Co-Ordinator. Attire: Collar and tie desirable. LINK Meeting ID: 836 9940 7136. Passcode: 841343
• 4.30pm. Masonic Governing Council. Meeting by Zoom

Monday, January 18
• 7.30pm. United Wimmera Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Lodges Combined Meeting (Zoom). Talk: Len Lacey, new year theme. RSVP by EMAIL by Fri., Dec. 18 to Len Baker.
Tuesday, January 19
• 7pm for 7.30pm. Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge Committee of General Purposes. In-Person Meeting. Members. At the home of Wayne Motton, Richmond.
Wednesday, January 20
• 6.30pm. Northern District Executive Team Dinner. Evening Meal, and Meeting. At Darebin RSL Club, 402 Bell St, Preston.
Tuesday, January 26
• 7.30pm.Freemasons Victoria ‘Coming Together’ Zoom Meeting. Special Australia Day Event hosted by Richard Elkington, Grand Master. Several guest speakers with brief talks. Recognition of members, Australia Day honours recipients. Followed by happy, informal chat to start our 2021 Masonic year. Families and friends welcome. Attire: smart casual. LINK Meeting ID: 812 2497 6077. Passcode: 309413

• 7.30pm. Mount Scopus and Collegians Lodge. Talk: Steve Herman from Hackenburg-Mount Moriah Lodge in Pennsylvania USA, ‘The Gift of Life Donor Program’. LINK Meeting ID: 897 4591 2115. Passcode: 861040

Wednesday, January 27
• 10am. Freemasons Victoria Future Recovery Team. Meeting. LINK TBA

• 7pm-9pm. Lodge Amalthea. Business Meeting. Talk: Barry Minster, ‘My Life As A Radio Broadcaster’. LINK Meeting ID: 448 977 3770. Passcode: not required.Thursday, January 28
• 6pm.Funeral service for Wor. Bro. Ken Maynard. Michael Crawford Chapel, Bacchus Marsh.
Monday, February 1
• 7pm. Gippsland Lodge. Business Meeting by Zoom.
Wednesday, February 3
• 7pm. Gippsland Lodge. At Sale Masonic Centre, followed by ‘South’ at Sale RSL. 50-year jewel presentations by Richard Elkington, Grand Master, to Bros. Jarrad and Nicholls.
Saturday, February 6
• 10am-12 Noon. Change Management Team Workshop. At Bayside Masonic Centre.
Monday, February 8
• 7pm-9pm. Change Management Team Workshop. By Zoom. LINK TBA
Thursday, February 11
• 7pm-9pm. Change Management Team Workshop. At Eastbourne.Tuesday, February 16
• 7pm-9pm. Change Management Team Workshop. By Zoom. LINK TBA
Tuesday, February 23
• 6pm. Lodge Amalthea. Historic First Meeting at Australian Club. Proclamation of Alfonso Avagliano as Worshipful Master. GM and DGM to attend. Ken Drew will receive his 65-Year Jewel, and Charles Bratton his 50-Year jewel.

Wednesday, March 17
• 7.30pm. Quarterly Communication. At Freemasons Bayside. Details TBA.
Saturday, March 27
• TBA. Grand Re-Installation. At Freemasons Bayside. Details TBA.


• Grand Master’s Video (Jan. 11). (08:20) WATCH
• Understanding QR Codes. (03:58) WATCH
• The Path Forward. (23:33) WATCH
• Freemasons Western Australia. A Grand Discussion. (23:52) WATCH

Vale Ken Maynard
• We regret to advise of the passing to the Grand Lodge Above of Wor. Bro. Ken Maynard, PGStB of the Kyneton Lodge. We are advised that his funeral service will be held at 6pm on Thursday, January 28  at the Michael Crawford Chapel in Bacchus Marsh. His son has requested a Masonic Funeral Service. 

Change Management Happenings
• TheChange Management Team is inviting applications for willing and able Freemasons to join its Team and sub-groups.• Richard Elkington, Grand Master, says: “We are looking for people who are willing to roll their sleeves up, muck in and get their hands dirty in doing the work. Ideally, we would like people who have experience in the following:

• Participation in, or experience of, a change program in a large and complex organisation

• Understanding of change management principles and process

• Implementation – Change Agents to be involved from the beginning of the project and be an integral support to the Project Team.

• A participatory approach to stakeholder engagement

• “I invite you to express interest in participating in our change management process by writing a brief statement, preferably no more than a page, of why and how you would like to contribute and the ways in which your experience allows you to contribute.”
• Please forward your expression of interest to Stephen Duns, our change management consultant at stephen@tlcgroup.com.au by the end of January 2021. Also, feel free to call Stephen on 0448 892 553 to discuss your interest.

Have Your Say
• Dr Stephen Duns, Change Management Project Manager, has organised a number of workshops where all memberscan have their say about the re-organisation of Freemasons Victoria. 
10am-12 Noon. Saturday, February 6. At Bayside.
• 7pm-9pm. Monday, February 8. By Zoom.
• 7pm-9pm. Thursday, February 11. At Eastbourne.
• 7pm-9pm. Tuesday, February 16. By Zoom.

• Book your spot. Go to TryBooking and type ‘Freemasons Victoria‘ in the Search field.

Grand Secretary’s Bulletin

• Garry Runge, Grand Secretary, yesterday (Wed.) issued a special edition (No. 163) of the Grand Secretary’s Bulletin. This special edition contains updates from the Freemasons Future Recovery Team in relation to the re-opening of Lodges. READ MORE

Latest Version of ‘The Manual’

• Following a meeting of the Freemasons Future Recovery Team held yesterday (Wed.), chaired by Tony Bucca, Deputy Grand Master, an updated version of Re-Opening Lodges: The Manual has been published. READ MORE
• The Manual also includes the form for a Register to be used at Lodge Meetings, and a Cleaning Checklist.

Video on QR Codes
• The Grand Secretariat has issued a 4-minute video on Understanding QR Codes. QR Codes are encouraged by the State Government as part of the tracing process of people during  COVID-19 times. If your Lodge uses QR Codes, the density level in Lodge Rooms is reduced to 2 squares metres. WATCH THE VIDEO

Northern District Team Named
• Rahim Samat, Northern District Co-Ordinator, has announced his Executive Team, which will meet at the Darebin RSL Club, Preston, on Wednesday (Jan. 20). Members include Neil Corlett (Deputy), Steve Cusack (Engagement and Membership), Wayne Motton (Liaison), Damian Byrne (Marketing/Webmaster), Bernard Henry (Almoner/Task Force/MMM-HRAC), Barry Watson (Almoner/Veteran Affairs), Richard Heron andPhilip Scharp (Inspectors of Workings), Colin Peterson (Education), Shane Rogers and Steve Austin (Education, Deputies), Doug Ashley(Mentor and Trainer).
• Graeme Pitcher is Northern District Installation Team Secretary. District Panel Representatives/Lodge Visitation Officers include David Foong, Fergus Reaper, Garry Porter, Nick Alivazatas, Simon Browning, Robert Sharp and Wayne Young.

Let Them Be Admitted
• Royal Freemasons is making available $1000 credit to their Capital Guardians account of loved ones in care if family refer a friend for permanent residency once the person referred is admitted.

Ritual and Ceremonial Progress
• With hopes that Lodge ritual work might resume from as early as March 1, the Ritual and Ceremonial Committee is working towards preparing modified ritual for First and Second Degrees from that time. It appears that it will not be possible to perform Third Degree work for some time.

Your FVNews
• Daily production of FVNews is set to resume on Wednesday, January 27. Occasional issues will be published during the summer break.

World News
• In Your Area reports: “A kind donation of £3000 has been made to Sudbury Neighbourhood Centre, which was in desperate need of support. The donation from London Freemasons Charity will allow the vital work to continue at the centre, specifically the weekly computer lessons hosted by a part-time IT Tutor.” READ MORE

New Subscribers
• We are building FVNews to be a vital daily guide to Masonry in Victoria. You can have your free copy emailed to your inbox. Use the ‘Subscribe’ option at www.FVNews.com.au We welcome Ray Middlebrook, Kenneth Wong

Sincere Thanks

• Amongst those who assisted with contributions to this edition of FVNews Daily have been: Garry Runge, Kelly Leventis, Mike King, Julia Edwards, Richard Elkington, Tony Bucca, Rahim Samat, Kent Henderson, Harry Adlerstein

Put Us On Your Mailing List
• Lodges can assist FVNews Daily by sending emails about every lodge meeting and event to editor@FVNews.com.au – please include us on your Lodge Summons mailing list.

Famous Freemasons
•  Bro. Sir Dallas Brooks was appointed Governor of Victoria by Premier Thomas Hollway and served from 1949 to 1963. During his term as Governor, he acted as Administrator of the Commonwealth three times. He served in this capacity for almost seven months after the Governor-General, Viscount Dunrossil, suddenly died in office in 1961 after serving only one year. Sir Dallas was in effect Acting Governor-General until the appointment of the Viscount De L’Isle. Brooks served the state for over 13 years, becoming Victoria’s longest-serving Governor. After his term ended in 1963, he chose to remain in Australia in retirement. He built a house in Frankston and died there three years later.”

Masonic Knowledge
• The Lost History of the Freemasons. BBC report. SEE MORE

Masonic Wisdom

• “A State which has universal suffrage and a wide extension of the jury franchise, must qualify the people by education to rightly exercise the great powers with which they are invested.” – Bro. Edmund Barton

The Last Word
• “The importance of improvement, setting an example, and shouldering responsibility for the future are our Masonic goals. And where will it all end? In brotherhood. What we build today will endure. That is our hope and our faith.” –  Stanley F. Maxwell

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au 
Email: editor@FVNews.com.au

FVNews is an opt-in email. If, for any reason, you would prefer not to receive our emails, simply reply to editor@FVNews.com.au or fill out the Unsubscribe form at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/  – type OPT OUT in the subject line, and please include your email address. Or use the unsubscribe option at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/

DISCLAIMER: The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the text of FVNews belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the United Grand Lodge of Victoria (Freemasons Victoria) organisation, committee or other group or individual. Readers should take all steps necessary to ascertain that information you receive from FVNews is correct and has been verified. FVNews assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this site. The information contained in FVNews is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness

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