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Sunday, January 19, 2025

DAILY. Mon., Jan. 18, 2021

FVNews Daily 
No. 160. Monday, January 18, 2021
(Regular Daily Publication Resumes Wed., Jan. 27, 2021)

• From the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team

• Email: editor@FVNews.com.au or Ash@Long.com.au
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• FVNews Daily 
is also available at the website: www.FVNews.com.au
• All Back Copies are available at: https://fvnews.com.au/wp/back-copies/

What’s On (35 listings)

Please notify us about your event. 
Please include date, time, talk details, attire, and a link or location.
Email: editor@FVNews.com.au

In-person visiting to physical lodge meetings is currently not permitted, due to COVID-19 restrictions.
It is hoped that visiting might resume from March 1, 2021.
Visiting Zoom meetings is encouraged.

Monday, January 18
• 7.30pm. Masonic Caravan Club. LINK Meeting ID: 763 8342 1746. Passcode: 4xYjAU

• 7.30pm. United Wimmera Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Lodges Combined Meeting (Zoom). Talk: Len Lacey, new year theme. RSVP by EMAIL by Fri., Dec. 18 to Len Baker.
Tuesday, January 19
• 7pm for 7.30pm. Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge Committee of General Purposes. In-Person Meeting. Members. At the home of Wayne Motton, Richmond.
Wednesday, January 20
• 6.30pm. Northern District Executive Team Dinner. Evening Meal, and Meeting. At Darebin RSL Club, 402 Bell St, Preston.

Monday, January 25
• 7.30pm. Masonic Caravan Club. LINK Meeting ID: 763 8342 1746. Passcode: 4xYjAU
Tuesday, January 26
• 7.30pm.Freemasons Victoria ‘Coming Together’ Zoom Meeting. Special Australia Day Event hosted by Richard Elkington, Grand Master. Several guest speakers with brief talks. Recognition of members, Australia Day honours recipients. Followed by happy, informal chat to start our 2021 Masonic year. Families and friends welcome. Attire: smart casual. LINK Meeting ID: 812 2497 6077. Passcode: 309413

• 7.30pm. Mount Scopus and Collegians Lodge. Talk: Steve Herman from Hackenburg-Mount Moriah Lodge in Pennsylvania USA, ‘The Gift of Life Donor Program’. LINK Meeting ID: 897 4591 2115. Passcode: 861040

Wednesday, January 27
• 10am. Freemasons Victoria Future Recovery Team. Meeting. LINK TBA
• 4pm. Masonic Governing Council.

• 7pm-9pm. Lodge Amalthea. Business Meeting. Talk: Barry Minster, ‘My Life As A Radio Broadcaster’. LINK Meeting ID: 448 977 3770. Passcode: not required.Thursday, January 28
• 6pm.Funeral service for Wor. Bro. Ken Maynard. Michael Crawford Chapel, Bacchus Marsh.
Sunday, January 31
• Time TBA.Combined Orders. Barbecue. At State Coal Mine, Wonthaggi. BYO. Contact: Graeme Gully, 0407 590 273
Monday, February 1
• 7pm. Gippsland Lodge. Business Meeting by Zoom.
• 7.30pm. Masonic Caravan Club. LINK Meeting ID: 763 8342 1746. Passcode: 4xYjAU
Tuesday, February 2
• 7.30pm. The Old Melburnians’ Lodge. 40-Year Pin to I.M. Eilenberg. At Prahran Masonic Centre.
Wednesday, February 3
• TBA. Powlett Lodge. Business Meeting. At Wonthaggi Masonic Centre.
• 7pm.
 Gippsland Lodge. At Sale Masonic Centre, followed by ‘South’ at Sale RSL. 50-year jewel presentations by Richard Elkington, Grand Master, to Bros. Jarrad and Nicholls.
Thursday, February 4
• 7pm. 7.30pm: Visitors. Lodge Killara. Talk: John Glover, ‘Missing Persons/Facial Reconstruction’. LINK Meeting  ID: 740 6248 2640. Password: 403265
• 7.30pm. IvanhoeGrammarians Lodge. At Ivalda Masonic Centre, Darebin (subject to ‘all clear’ from Ivalda Masonic Temple Trust). Brief Talk: Ash Long.
Friday, February 5
• 7.30pm. Wangaratta Star Club. First Meeting. Forerunner to forming Order of the Eastern Star Chapter. At Wangaratta Masonic Centre.

Saturday, February 6
• 10am-12 Noon. Change Management Team Workshop. At Bayside Masonic Centre.
Monday, February 8
• 7pm-9pm. Change Management Team Workshop. By Zoom. LINK TBA

• 7.30pm. Masonic Caravan Club. LINK Meeting ID: 763 8342 1746. Passcode: 4xYjAUThursday, February 11
• 7pm-9pm. Change Management Team Workshop. At Eastbourne.

Monday, February 15
• 7.30pm. Masonic Caravan Club. LINK Meeting ID: 763 8342 1746. Passcode: 4xYjAU

Tuesday, February 16
• 7pm-9pm. Change Management Team Workshop. By Zoom. LINK TBA
Monday, February 22
• 7.30pm. Masonic Caravan Club. LINK Meeting ID: 763 8342 1746. Passcode: 4xYjAUTuesday, February 23
• 6pm. Lodge Amalthea. Historic First Meeting at Australian Club. Proclamation of Alfonso Avagliano as Worshipful Master. GM and DGM to attend. Ken Drew will receive his 65-Year Jewel, and Charles Bratton his 50-Year jewel.
Monday, March 1
• 7.30pm. Masonic Caravan Club. LINK Meeting ID: 763 8342 1746. Passcode: 4xYjAU
Monday, March 8
• 7.30pm. Masonic Caravan Club. LINK Meeting ID: 763 8342 1746. Passcode: 4xYjAU
Monday, March 15
• 7.30pm. Masonic Caravan Club. LINK Meeting ID: 763 8342 1746. Passcode: 4xYjAU

Wednesday, March 17
• 7.30pm. Quarterly Communication. At Freemasons Bayside. Details TBA.
Monday, March 22
• 7.30pm. Masonic Caravan Club. LINK Meeting ID: 763 8342 1746. Passcode: 4xYjAU
Saturday, March 27
• TBA. Grand Re-Installation. At Freemasons Bayside. Details TBA.
Monday, March 29
• 7.30pm. Masonic Caravan Club. LINK Meeting ID: 763 8342 1746. Passcode: 4xYjAU


Freemasons Victoria. Change Management. (31:05). WATCH (607 views so far)
Freemasons Victoria. Understanding QR Codes. (03:58). WATCH (374 views so far)
Freemasons Victoria. Grand Master’s Message (Jan. 11). (08:20) WATCH

Published Information

Freemasons Victoria. Re-Opening Lodges: The Manual. Version 2. READ

Vale Alistair McKenzie
• We regret to advise of the passing to the Grand Lodge Above of Wor. Bro Alistair McKenzie PGStdB. Feb. 18, 1934-Jan. 13, 2021, husband and father, A Past Master of the Whittlesea Lodge, 63 years he was a Freemason for 63 years, and a former policeman. (Thanks to Doug Ashley.)

Vale Graeme Mulder
• We regret to advise of the passing to the Grand Lodge Above of Wor. Bro. Clifford (Graeme) Mulder. Oct. 22, 1937-Jan. 14, 2021. Brethren of the former City of Geelong Lodge No. 307 and the Ionic Lodge No. 109 mourn the passing of their esteemed friend and Brother and extend their sincere condolences to his family.

Vale David Shepherd
• We regret to advise of the passing to the Grand Lodge Above ofBro. David William Shepherd. Nov 23, 1923-Jan. 14, 2021. A Freemason for 72 years.

the Brethren of the Mornington Lodge No. 160 mourn the passing of their esteemed friend and Brother and extend their sincere condolences to his family.

Award for Michael Schiavello
• Bro. Michael Schiavello of Gregor Lodge has won the Asian Television Award for Best Sports Presenter / Commentator. He said that this is his second time winning the award. “I’m truly humbled by this win,” he is quoted to say.

65-Year Jewel for Gavin Dykes
• David Grant writes: “On January 14 at his home in Traralgon, RWor. Bro. Gavin Dykes PJGW of the Morwell Lodge No. 202 was presented with his 65 year jewel by Wor. Bro. Rod Catchpole  assisted by RWor. Bro. Ian Coad. RWor. Bro. Dykes is the last surviving member of the musical group, The Five Scots, who were regular entertainers in the 1960s with many appearances on In Melbourne Tonight and other shows. They started singing at Morwell and various lodges in Gippsland and when they weren’t singing they played the bagpipes. They were all members of Morwell No. 202Gavin is visually impaired and has medical conditions that severely restrict his attendance at lodge and he has been made a special member to honour the service he has given to the Lodge and Freemasonry.”

Cheque to LV Hospital
• A cheque for more than $8000 was presented to Don McCrae, Assistant CEO of the Latrobe Valley Hospital to replace defibrilators.  The funds were from the Morwell Lodge No. 202 and Freemasons Foundation. The presentation was made by Grand Master Richard Elkington, assisted by the new President of the Foundation, Rod Lavin, and the WM of the Morwell Lodge, David Grant.

‘Let’s get it right’
Alan Maggs writes regarding our paragraph about former Governor Bro. Sir Dallas Brooks: “Let’s get it right. State Premiers do not appoint State Governors They suggest/recommend only Appointments are made by the reigning Monarc,h in this case King George VI.

Latest Version of ‘The Manual’

• Following a meeting of the Freemasons Future Recovery Team held yesterday (Wed.), chaired by Tony Bucca, Deputy Grand Master, an updated version of Re-Opening Lodges: The Manual has been published. READ MORE
• The Manual also includes the form for a Register to be used at Lodge Meetings, and a Cleaning Checklist.

Video on QR Codes
• The Grand Secretariat has issued a 4-minute video on Understanding QR Codes. QR Codes are encouraged by the State Government as part of the tracing process of people during  COVID-19 times. If your Lodge uses QR Codes, the density level in Lodge Rooms is reduced to 2 squares metres. WATCH THE VIDEO

Book Now for Workshops
• Dr Stephen Duns, Change Management Project Manager, has organised a number of workshops where all memberscan have their say about the re-organisation of Freemasons Victoria. 
• 10am-12 Noon. Saturday, February 6. At Bayside.
• 7pm-9pm. Monday, February 8. By Zoom.
• 7pm-9pm. Thursday, February 11. At Eastbourne.
• 7pm-9pm. Tuesday, February 16. By Zoom.
• Book your spot. Go to TryBooking and type ‘Freemasons Victoria‘ in the Search field.

Meeting for Eastern Star 
• Neville Wiggins, District Co-Ordinator of North-East Victoria, is backing a member-led initiative to create the Wangaratta Star Club, forerunner to a possible creation of a Chapter. Closest Order of the Eastern Star Chapters are currently Swan Hill and Wagga. The meeting, needing a minimum of 20, is to be held at 7.30pm on Friday, February 5, at the Wangaratta Masonic Centre, 101 Appin St. Sister Sandra Davis, Grand Secretary of the Grand Chapter of Australia, will make a special presentation. LINK

World News

• Waterboro Live (South Carolina, US) reports: “The Jacksonboro Masonic Lodge where the S.C. Assembly met in 1782 has now collapsed. Another Colleton County historic landmark, the Masonic Lodge originally in Jacksonboro, has collapsed due to neglect. On Jan. 8, 1782, Jacksonboro was on the map — two years before Walterboro was settled in 1784.” READ MORE

New Subscribers
• We are building FVNews to be a vital daily guide to Masonry in Victoria. You can have your free copy emailed to your inbox. Use the ‘Subscribe’ option at www.FVNews.com.au We welcome Arthur Tan, Russell Stuart, Seelan Chelliah, Sathish Ramachandran, Sing-Kwee Ong

Sincere Thanks

• Amongst those who assisted with contributions to this edition of FVNews Daily have been: Barry Minster, Brian Bennett, Stephen Duns, Richard Elkington, Garry Sebo, Garry Runge, Kelly Leventis, Mike King, Richard Burman, David Grant, Doug Ashley, Graeme Gully, Glen Richards, Ken Calder, Neville Wiggins

Put Us On Your Mailing List
• Lodges can assist FVNews Daily by sending emails about every lodge meeting and event to editor@FVNews.com.au – please include us on your Lodge Summons mailing list.

Famous Freemasons
• As Prince Albert, Duke of York, after his initiation into Navy Lodge (UK) on December 2, 1919, the future King George VI said: ““I have always wished to become a Freemason, but owing to the war I have had no opportunity before this of joining the Craft. All my life I have heard about Freemasonry, and though there has always been a certain mystery attached to it, I have learned that Freemasons in this country have been a great help to the poor and friendless and have been notable for their efforts on behalf of children. One can see by the great Masonic Institutions and schools how successful their work has been in this cause, and I like to think that in the future I shall be associated in their great work.” He pointed out one of the great pillars of Freemasonry: Charity.

Masonic Knowledge
•  “Ob September 18, 1793, President George Washington, surrounded by the founders of the new city of Washington, laid the cornerstone of the US Capitol Building. He was assisted by Joseph Clark, the Freemasonic Grand Master of Maryland, and every Masonic ritual was carefully observed.In the House of The Temple, the Washington headquarters of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, hangs an oil painting of the ceremony. All the dignitaries are visibly stoical, with a grandeur and dignity that is both timeless and patriotic. This is in correlation to the symbolism mentioned in the following explanation of Masonic rituals: ‘The cornerstone also symbolises sturdiness, morality, and truth. At his first initiation, the Mason is tasked with erecting a spiritual temple in his heart, drawing symbolic parallels to the strong, trusty cornerstone; without which, a building (symbolically, the Mason’s mind and heart) cannot stand.’ mind and heart) cannot stand.” – Joseph Robertson in The Conservative Woman

Masonic Wisdom

• ““There is great weight in the modern times of being monarch, the scrutiny and access is much more than in times gone by.” – Bro. King George VI

The Last Word
• “I am so proud of our system of government, of our free enterprise, where our incentive system and our men who head our big industries are willing to get up at daylight and work until midnight to offer employment and create new jobs for people, where our men working there will try to get decent wages but will sit across the table and not act like cannibals, but will negotiate and reason things out together.” – Bro. Lyndon Johnson

FVNews is published by Bro. Ash Long, Chair of the Communications and Marketing Volunteer Action Team of Freemasons Victoria. 
Phone: 0450 399 932.
Web: www.FVNews.com.au 
Email: editor@FVNews.com.au

FVNews is an opt-in email. If, for any reason, you would prefer not to receive our emails, simply reply to editor@FVNews.com.au or fill out the Unsubscribe form at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/  – type OPT OUT in the subject line, and please include your email address. Or use the unsubscribe option at https://fvnews.com.au/wp/subscribe/

DISCLAIMER: The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the text of FVNews belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the United Grand Lodge of Victoria (Freemasons Victoria) organisation, committee or other group or individual. Readers should take all steps necessary to ascertain that information you receive from FVNews is correct and has been verified. FVNews assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this site. The information contained in FVNews is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness

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