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Sunday, January 19, 2025


ZOOM Link to Australia Day night meeting

Here is the Zoom link for the Australia Day ‘Coming Together’ Zoom Meeting to be held at 7.30pm. Tuesday, January 26, 2021 Zoom Link:https://us02web.zoom.us/s/81224976077?pwd=K1BhNEZXcXNXRkJ5a0FESXdZY2dBUT09 Meeting ID: 812 2497 6077. Passcode: 309413 Preferred Attire: White Shirt, Black Bow-Tie, but not compulsoryPlease bring a drink of your choice for a ‘Toast to Australia’

LINK to Australia Day Zoom Meeting

A statewide meeting of Freemasons Victoria will be held from 7.30pm on Australia Day (Tuesday, January 26). ‘Coming Together’ Zoom Meeting. Special Australia Day Event hosted by Richard Elkington, Grand Master. Several guest speakers with brief talks. Recognition of members, Australia Day honours recipients. Followed by happy, informal chat to start our 2021 Masonic year.

Beeac’s best: Rosebank Lodge meets

About three dozen Freemasons attended the Zoom meeting staged by Rosebank Lodge (Beeac) on Monday (May 4). Grand Master-Elect Richard Elkington, and his deputy Anthony Bucca, attended. Guest speaker was Ash Long, Superintendent of Communication.

Meet Paul Brennand

“Happy, healthy and engaged lodges,” is the motto of Paul Brennand, Chair of the 2020-21 Membership Volunteer Action Team. VWor. Bro. Brennand has dissolved the previous Team, and is now advertising for volunteers across Victoria to join him in a deliberate, planned effort to develop and retain members. Paul is enthusiastic about the membership prospects

Sirens to sound for heroes

A large number of fire stations across Victoria will sound the station siren four times at 5.40pm today (Wed., Apr. 29). This will be to honour the Victoria Police officers who lost their lives in the line of duty in Kew on Wednesday last week (Apr. 22) at approximately that time. Freemasons across Victoria join

History in the making

History in the making. Williamstown Lodge No. 16’s ANZAC Day ceremony held at 7pm, Saturday, April 25. Some 50 Freemasons in attendance by Zoom. Guest Speaker: John Glover.

Grand Librarian’s history piece

Ange Kenos, Grand Librarian, has also been an Olympic certified weightlifting coach. He has penned a history document – Founders of the Modern Olympics: The Real Story of the Modern Olympics. The 12-page publication can be read HERE

A Rough Ashlar

Ash Long is Chair of the 2020-21 Communications and Volunteer Action Team for Freemasons Victoria. Merv Hallam phoned with good wishes for FV News. Merv suggested that as Editor of FVNews, Bro. Long publish his CV, so readers could be aware of his business and Masonic background. There have been similar requests on Facebook. Ash

Meet Anthony Bucca

Read about the incoming Deputy Grand Master, Anthony Bucca. Click on this link: https://issuu.com/home/published/a4_fv_bucca2

Meet Richard Elkington

Read about the incoming Grand Master of Freemasons Victoria, Richard Elkington. Click on this link:

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